{$MODE OBJFPC} { -*- delphi -*- } {$INCLUDE settings.inc} unit stringutils; // This unit is intended to be a drop-in replacement for the ropes // unit, but using straight strings instead of ropes interface //{$DEFINE TESTS} uses unicode, utf8, genericutils; type TUTF8StringPointer = record private {$IFOPT C+} FData: PUTF8String; {$ENDIF} FIndex: Cardinal; FLength: TZeroableUTF8SequenceLength; public {$IFOPT C+} function IsZeroWidth(): Boolean; {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT C+} function IsEOF(): Boolean; {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT C+} function GetByte(): Byte; {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT C+} procedure AssertIdentity(const Data: PUTF8String); {$ENDIF} procedure AdvanceToAfter(); inline; // changes to a zero-width pointer; only valid if FLength > 0 procedure AdvanceToAfter(const Character: TUnicodeCodepoint); inline; // changes to a zero-width pointer function AdvanceToNext(constref Data: UTF8String): TUnicodeCodepoint; procedure SetToZeroWidth(); inline; // changes to a zero-width pointer end; operator = (constref Op1, Op2: TUTF8StringPointer): Boolean; operator < (constref Op1, Op2: TUTF8StringPointer): Boolean; operator <= (constref Op1, Op2: TUTF8StringPointer): Boolean; type UTF8StringEnumerator = class private FTarget: PUTF8String; FPosition: Cardinal; FAdvance: TZeroableUTF8SequenceLength; {$IFOPT C+} FDidRead: Boolean; {$ENDIF} function GetCurrent(): TUnicodeCodepoint; inline; function GetAdvance(): TUTF8SequenceLength; inline; public constructor Create(const NewTarget: PUTF8String); {$IFOPT C+} procedure AssertIdentity(const Target: PUTF8String); {$ENDIF} function MoveNext(): Boolean; inline; // you must call this first, and never twice in a row without an intervening call to Current or ReturnToPointer() property Current: TUnicodeCodepoint read GetCurrent; // you must only call this once after each call to MoveNext() or ReturnToPointer() function GetPointer(): TUTF8StringPointer; inline; // you must call this after first calling Current or ReturnToPointer() procedure ReturnToPointer(constref NewPosition: TUTF8StringPointer); // after this call, you must call MoveNext() or GetPointer() property CurrentLength: TUTF8SequenceLength read GetAdvance; // only valid after Current or GetPointer()/ReturnToPointer() function GetCurrentAsUTF8(): UTF8String; inline; // when CurrentLength is valid (note: expensive) function GetRawPointer(): Pointer; inline; // only valid when CurrentLength is valid; do not read more than CurrentLength bytes from this point end; CutUTF8String = record private FValue: UTF8String; function GetIsEmpty(): Boolean; inline; function GetAsString(): UTF8String; inline; public class function CreateFrom(const NewString: TUnicodeCodepointArray): CutUTF8String; static; class function CreateFrom(const NewString: UTF8String): CutUTF8String; static; function GetAsStringSlow(): UTF8String; inline; property IsEmpty: Boolean read GetIsEmpty; property AsString: UTF8String read GetAsString; // destroys self end; UTF8StringHelper = type helper for UTF8String private function GetLength(): Cardinal; inline; function GetIsEmpty(): Boolean; inline; function GetAsString(): UTF8String; public procedure AppendDestructively(var NewString: CutUTF8String); // destroys argument procedure AppendDestructively(var NewString: UTF8String); // destroys argument procedure Append(const NewString: PUTF8String); procedure Append(const NewString: TUnicodeCodepoint); deprecated 'highly inefficient - use a ShortString instead if possible'; procedure Append(const NewString: TUnicodeCodepointArray); procedure Append(const NewData: Pointer; const NewLength: QWord); function Extract(constref NewStart, NewEnd: TUTF8StringPointer): CutUTF8String; // includes NewEnd if it is non-zero-width, excludes otherwise // this does a memory copy into a new string function CountCharacters(constref NewStart, NewEnd: TUTF8StringPointer): Cardinal; // includes NewEnd if it is non-zero-width, excludes otherwise // note: this one is expensive (it iterates over the string, parsing UTF8) procedure InplaceReplace(const Character: TUnicodeCodepoint; var Position: TUTF8StringPointer); // changes Position to a zero-width pointer function GetEnumerator(): UTF8StringEnumerator; inline; // for some reason this doesn't get seen by for-in loops property Length: Cardinal read GetLength; property IsEmpty: Boolean read GetIsEmpty; property AsString: UTF8String read GetAsString; end; operator enumerator (var Value: UTF8String): UTF8StringEnumerator; inline; // needed for for-in loops type UTF8StringUtils = specialize DefaultUtils ; function CodepointArrayToUTF8String(const Value: TUnicodeCodepointArray): UTF8String; // there's no UTF8StringToCodepointArray -- use the enumerator implementation uses sysutils; {$IFOPT C+} function TUTF8StringPointer.IsZeroWidth(): Boolean; begin Result := FLength = 0; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT C+} function TUTF8StringPointer.IsEOF(): Boolean; begin Result := (FLength = 0) and (FIndex = Length(FData^)+1); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT C+} function TUTF8StringPointer.GetByte(): Byte; begin Assert(FIndex > 0); Assert(FLength > 0); Assert(FIndex <= Length(FData^)); Result := Ord(FData^[FIndex]); end; {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT C+} procedure TUTF8StringPointer.AssertIdentity(const Data: PUTF8String); begin Assert(FData = Data); end; {$ENDIF} procedure TUTF8StringPointer.AdvanceToAfter(); begin Assert(FLength <> 0); Inc(FIndex, FLength); FLength := 0; end; procedure TUTF8StringPointer.AdvanceToAfter(const Character: TUnicodeCodepoint); {$IFOPT C+} var CheckedCodepoint: TUnicodeCodepoint; CheckedLength: TUTF8SequenceLength; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFOPT C+} CheckedCodepoint := UTF8ToCodepoint(FData, FIndex, CheckedLength); Assert(CheckedCodepoint = Character); if (FLength > 0) then Assert(CheckedLength = FLength); {$ENDIF} Inc(FIndex, CodepointToUTF8Length(Character)); FLength := 0; end; function TUTF8StringPointer.AdvanceToNext(constref Data: UTF8String): TUnicodeCodepoint; {$IFOPT C+} var CheckedLength: TUTF8SequenceLength; {$ENDIF} begin {$IFOPT C+} Assert(@Data = FData); {$ENDIF} Assert(FLength > 0); {$IFOPT C+} UTF8ToCodepoint(@Data, FIndex, CheckedLength); Assert(CheckedLength = FLength); {$ENDIF} Inc(FIndex, FLength); Assert(FIndex <= Length(Data)); Result := UTF8ToCodepoint(@Data, FIndex, TUTF8SequenceLength(FLength)); Assert(FIndex + FLength - 1 <= Length(Data)); end; procedure TUTF8StringPointer.SetToZeroWidth(); begin Assert(FLength <> 0); FLength := 0; end; operator = (constref Op1, Op2: TUTF8StringPointer): Boolean; begin {$IFOPT C+} Assert(Op1.FData = Op2.FData); {$ENDIF} Result := (Op1.FIndex = Op2.FIndex) and (Op1.FLength = Op2.Flength); end; operator < (constref Op1, Op2: TUTF8StringPointer): Boolean; begin {$IFOPT C+} Assert(Op1.FData = Op2.FData); {$ENDIF} Result := (Op1.FIndex < Op2.FIndex) or ((Op1.FIndex = Op2.FIndex) and (Op1.FLength < Op2.FLength)); end; operator <= (constref Op1, Op2: TUTF8StringPointer): Boolean; begin {$IFOPT C+} Assert(Op1.FData = Op2.FData); {$ENDIF} Result := (Op1.FIndex < Op2.FIndex) or ((Op1.FIndex = Op2.FIndex) and (Op1.FLength <= Op2.FLength)); end; constructor UTF8StringEnumerator.Create(const NewTarget: PUTF8String); begin Assert(Assigned(NewTarget)); FTarget := NewTarget; FPosition := 0; FAdvance := 1; {$IFOPT C+} FDidRead := True; {$ENDIF} end; {$IFOPT C+} procedure UTF8StringEnumerator.AssertIdentity(const Target: PUTF8String); begin Assert(FTarget = Target); end; {$ENDIF} function UTF8StringEnumerator.MoveNext(): Boolean; begin {$IFDEF VERBOSE} Writeln(' - MoveNext()'); {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT C+} Assert(FDidRead); {$ENDIF} Assert(FAdvance > 0); Inc(FPosition, FAdvance); Result := FPosition <= Length(FTarget^); {$IFOPT C+} if (not Result) then FAdvance := High(FAdvance); {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT C+} FDidRead := not Result; {$ENDIF} end; function UTF8StringEnumerator.GetCurrent(): TUnicodeCodepoint; begin {$IFOPT C+} Assert(not FDidRead); {$ENDIF} Assert(FAdvance > 0); Result := UTF8ToCodepoint(FTarget, FPosition, TUTF8SequenceLength(FAdvance)); {$IFOPT C+} FDidRead := True; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF VERBOSE} Writeln(' - GetCurrent(): ', CodepointToUTF8(Result).AsString); {$ENDIF} end; function UTF8StringEnumerator.GetPointer(): TUTF8StringPointer; begin {$IFDEF VERBOSE} Writeln(' - GetPointer()'); {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT C+} Assert(FDidRead); {$ENDIF} Assert(FPosition > 0); {$IFOPT C+} Result.FData := FTarget; {$ENDIF} Result.FIndex := FPosition; if (FPosition <= Length(FTarget^)) then Result.FLength := FAdvance else Result.FLength := 0; end; procedure UTF8StringEnumerator.ReturnToPointer(constref NewPosition: TUTF8StringPointer); begin {$IFDEF VERBOSE} Writeln(' - ReturnToPointer()'); {$ENDIF} Assert(NewPosition.FIndex > 0); {$IFOPT C+} Assert((not NewPosition.IsZeroWidth()) or (NewPosition.IsEOF())); {$ENDIF} {$IFOPT C+} Assert(NewPosition.FData = FTarget); {$ENDIF} FPosition := NewPosition.FIndex; FAdvance := NewPosition.FLength; // $R- {$IFOPT C+} FDidRead := True; {$ENDIF} end; function UTF8StringEnumerator.GetRawPointer(): Pointer; inline; begin Result := @FTarget^[FPosition]; end; function UTF8StringEnumerator.GetAdvance(): TUTF8SequenceLength; begin Assert(FAdvance > 0); {$IFOPT C+} Assert(FDidRead); {$ENDIF} Result := TUTF8SequenceLength(FAdvance); end; function UTF8StringEnumerator.GetCurrentAsUTF8(): UTF8String; begin Assert(FAdvance > 0); Result := Copy(FTarget^, FPosition, FAdvance); end; class function CutUTF8String.CreateFrom(const NewString: TUnicodeCodepointArray): CutUTF8String; begin Result.FValue := CodepointArrayToUTF8String(NewString); end; class function CutUTF8String.CreateFrom(const NewString: UTF8String): CutUTF8String; begin Result.FValue := NewString; end; function CutUTF8String.GetIsEmpty(): Boolean; begin Result := Length(FValue) = 0; end; function CutUTF8String.GetAsString(): UTF8String; begin Result := FValue; {$IFOPT C+} FValue := ''; {$ENDIF} end; function CutUTF8String.GetAsStringSlow(): UTF8String; begin Result := FValue; end; function UTF8StringHelper.GetLength(): Cardinal; begin Result := System.Length(Self); // $R- end; function UTF8StringHelper.GetIsEmpty(): Boolean; begin Result := Self = ''; end; function UTF8StringHelper.GetAsString(): UTF8String; begin Result := Self; end; procedure UTF8StringHelper.AppendDestructively(var NewString: CutUTF8String); begin Self := Self + NewString.FValue; {$IFOPT C+} NewString.FValue := ''; {$ENDIF} end; procedure UTF8StringHelper.AppendDestructively(var NewString: UTF8String); begin Self := Self + NewString; {$IFOPT C+} NewString := ''; {$ENDIF} end; procedure UTF8StringHelper.Append(const NewString: PUTF8String); begin Self := Self + NewString^; end; procedure UTF8StringHelper.Append(const NewString: TUnicodeCodepoint); begin Self := Self + CodepointToUTF8(NewString); end; procedure UTF8StringHelper.Append(const NewString: TUnicodeCodepointArray); var Index, NewLength, NewOffset: Cardinal; NewStringSegment: TUTF8Sequence; begin Assert(System.Length(NewString) > 0); NewLength := System.Length(Self); // $R- Assert(NewLength < High(NewOffset)); // Length() return an Integer, so this is true NewOffset := NewLength+1; // $R- for Index := Low(NewString) to High(NewString) do // $R- Inc(NewLength, CodepointToUTF8Length(NewString[Index])); SetLength(Self, NewLength); for Index := Low(NewString) to High(NewString) do // $R- begin NewStringSegment := CodepointToUTF8(NewString[Index]); Move(NewStringSegment.Start, Self[NewOffset], NewStringSegment.Length); Inc(NewOffset, NewStringSegment.Length); end; Assert(NewOffset = System.Length(Self)+1); end; procedure UTF8StringHelper.Append(const NewData: Pointer; const NewLength: QWord); var Index: Cardinal; begin Index := System.Length(Self); // $R- if ((NewLength > High(System.Length(Self))) or (NewLength > High(System.Length(Self))-Index)) then raise Exception.Create('too much data'); SetLength(Self, Index+NewLength); Move(NewData^, Self[Index+1], NewLength); // $R- end; function UTF8StringHelper.Extract(constref NewStart, NewEnd: TUTF8StringPointer): CutUTF8String; var EffectiveLength: Integer; begin {$IFOPT C+} Assert(NewStart.FData = @Self); Assert(NewEnd.FData = @Self); {$ENDIF} Assert(NewStart.FIndex <= System.Length(Self)); Assert(NewStart.FIndex > 0); Assert(NewEnd.FIndex + NewEnd.FLength <= System.Length(Self)+1); Assert(NewEnd.FIndex + NewEnd.FLength > 0); Assert(NewStart.FIndex <= NewEnd.FIndex); EffectiveLength := NewEnd.FIndex + NewEnd.FLength - NewStart.FIndex; // $R- Assert(EffectiveLength >= 0); if (EffectiveLength > 0) then Result.FValue := Copy(Self, NewStart.FIndex, EffectiveLength) else Result.FValue := ''; end; function UTF8StringHelper.CountCharacters(constref NewStart, NewEnd: TUTF8StringPointer): Cardinal; var Index, EndIndex: Cardinal; begin Index := NewStart.FIndex; Assert(NewEnd.FIndex + NewEnd.FLength < High(EndIndex)); EndIndex := NewEnd.FIndex + NewEnd.FLength; // $R- Result := 0; while (Index < EndIndex) do begin Inc(Result); Inc(Index, UTF8ToUTF8Length(@Self, Index)); end; Assert(Index = EndIndex); end; procedure UTF8StringHelper.InplaceReplace(const Character: TUnicodeCodepoint; var Position: TUTF8StringPointer); var Value: TUTF8Sequence; begin {$IFOPT C+} Assert(Position.FData = @Self); {$ENDIF} Assert(Position.FIndex <= System.Length(Self)); Assert(Position.FIndex > 0); Value := CodepointToUTF8(Character); Assert(Position.FIndex + Value.Length <= System.Length(Self)); Move(Value.Start, Self[Position.FIndex], Value.Length); Inc(Position.FIndex, Value.Length); Position.FLength := 0; end; function UTF8StringHelper.GetEnumerator(): UTF8StringEnumerator; inline; begin Result := UTF8StringEnumerator.Create(@Self); end; operator enumerator (var Value: UTF8String): UTF8StringEnumerator; inline; begin Result := UTF8StringEnumerator.Create(@Value); end; function CodepointArrayToUTF8String(const Value: TUnicodeCodepointArray): UTF8String; var Index, NewLength, Offset: Cardinal; Character: TUTF8Sequence; begin if (Length(Value) = 0) then begin Result := ''; exit; end; NewLength := 0; for Index := Low(Value) to High(Value) do // $R- Inc(NewLength, CodepointToUTF8Length(Value[Index])); SetLength(Result, NewLength); Offset := 1; for Index := Low(Value) to High(Value) do // $R- begin Character := CodepointToUTF8(Value[Index]); Move(Character.Start, Result[Offset], Character.Length); Inc(Offset, Character.Length); end; end; {$IFDEF DEBUG} procedure TestIterator(); var S: UTF8String; Index: TUnicodeCodepointRange; Position: Cardinal; SubS: TUTF8Sequence; C: TUnicodeCodepoint; begin SetLength(S, ($80 * 1) + (($7FF-$7F) * 2) + ((($FFFF-$7FF) - ($E000-$D800)) * 3) + (($10FFFF - $FFFF) * 4)); Position := 1; for Index := $0 to $D7FF do begin SubS := CodepointToUTF8(Index); Move(SubS.Start, S[Position], SubS.Length); Inc(Position, SubS.Length); end; for Index := $E000 to $10FFFF do begin SubS := CodepointToUTF8(Index); Move(SubS.Start, S[Position], SubS.Length); Inc(Position, SubS.Length); end; Assert(Position = Length(S)+1); Index := -1; for C in S do begin Inc(Index); if (Index = $D800) then Index := $E000; Assert(C = Index, 'Expected U+' + IntToHex(Index, 4) + ' but found U+' + IntToHex(C.Value, 4)); end; Assert(Index = $10FFFF); end; {$ENDIF} initialization {$IFDEF TESTS} TestIterator(); {$ENDIF} end.