{$HINTS OFF}{$NOTES OFF} // part of standard distribution { This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by the Free Pascal development team. Heap tracer See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} unit heaptrc; interface {$inline on} {$ifdef FPC_HEAPTRC_EXTRA} {$define EXTRA} {$endif FPC_HEAPTRC_EXTRA} {$checkpointer off} {$goto on} {$TYPEDADDRESS on} {$if defined(win32) or defined(wince)} {$define windows} {$endif} Procedure DumpHeap; { define EXTRA to add more tests : - keep all memory after release and check by CRC value if not changed after release WARNING this needs extremely much memory (PM) } type tFillExtraInfoProc = procedure(p : pointer); tdisplayextrainfoProc = procedure (var ptext : text;p : pointer); { Allows to add info pre memory block, see ppheap.pas of the compiler for example source } procedure SetHeapExtraInfo(size : ptruint;fillproc : tfillextrainfoproc;displayproc : tdisplayextrainfoproc); { Redirection of the output to a file } procedure SetHeapTraceOutput(const name : string); const { tracing level splitted in two if memory is released !! } {$ifdef EXTRA} tracesize = 16; {$else EXTRA} tracesize = 32; {$endif EXTRA} { install heaptrc memorymanager } useheaptrace : boolean=true; { less checking } quicktrace : boolean=true; { calls halt() on error by default !! } HaltOnError : boolean = true; { Halt on exit if any memory was not freed } HaltOnNotReleased : boolean = false; { set this to true if you suspect that memory is freed several times } {$ifdef EXTRA} keepreleased : boolean=true; {$else EXTRA} keepreleased : boolean=false; {$endif EXTRA} { add a small footprint at the end of memory blocks, this can check for memory overwrites at the end of a block } add_tail : boolean = true; { put crc in sig this allows to test for writing into that part } usecrc : boolean = true; implementation const { allows to add custom info in heap_mem_info, this is the size that will be allocated for this information } extra_info_size : ptruint = 0; exact_info_size : ptruint = 0; EntryMemUsed : ptruint = 0; { function to fill this info up } fill_extra_info_proc : TFillExtraInfoProc = nil; display_extra_info_proc : TDisplayExtraInfoProc = nil; { indicates where the output will be redirected } { only set using environment variables } outputstr : shortstring = ''; type pheap_extra_info = ^theap_extra_info; theap_extra_info = record check : cardinal; { used to check if the procvar is still valid } fillproc : tfillextrainfoProc; displayproc : tdisplayextrainfoProc; data : record end; end; ppheap_mem_info = ^pheap_mem_info; pheap_mem_info = ^theap_mem_info; { warning the size of theap_mem_info must be a multiple of 8 because otherwise you will get problems when releasing the usual memory part !! sizeof(theap_mem_info = 16+tracesize*4 so tracesize must be even !! PM } theap_mem_info = record previous, next : pheap_mem_info; todolist : ppheap_mem_info; todonext : pheap_mem_info; size : ptruint; sig : longword; {$ifdef EXTRA} release_sig : longword; prev_valid : pheap_mem_info; {$endif EXTRA} calls : array [1..tracesize] of pointer; exact_info_size : word; extra_info_size : word; extra_info : pheap_extra_info; end; pheap_info = ^theap_info; theap_info = record {$ifdef EXTRA} heap_valid_first, heap_valid_last : pheap_mem_info; {$endif EXTRA} heap_mem_root : pheap_mem_info; heap_free_todo : pheap_mem_info; getmem_cnt, freemem_cnt : ptruint; getmem_size, freemem_size : ptruint; getmem8_size, freemem8_size : ptruint; error_in_heap : boolean; inside_trace_getmem : boolean; end; var useownfile : boolean; ownfile : text; {$ifdef EXTRA} error_file : text; {$endif EXTRA} main_orig_todolist: ppheap_mem_info; main_relo_todolist: ppheap_mem_info; orphaned_info: theap_info; todo_lock: trtlcriticalsection; threadvar heap_info: theap_info; {***************************************************************************** Crc 32 *****************************************************************************} var Crc32Tbl : array[0..255] of longword; procedure MakeCRC32Tbl; var crc : longword; i,n : byte; begin for i:=0 to 255 do begin crc:=i; for n:=1 to 8 do if odd(crc) then crc:=(crc shr 1) xor $edb88320 else crc:=crc shr 1; Crc32Tbl[i]:=crc; end; end; Function UpdateCrc32(InitCrc:longword;var InBuf;InLen:ptruint):longword; var i : ptruint; p : pchar; begin p:=@InBuf; for i:=1 to InLen do begin InitCrc:=Crc32Tbl[byte(InitCrc) xor byte(p^)] xor (InitCrc shr 8); inc(p); end; UpdateCrc32:=InitCrc; end; Function calculate_sig(p : pheap_mem_info) : longword; var crc : longword; pl : pptruint; begin crc:=cardinal($ffffffff); crc:=UpdateCrc32(crc,p^.size,sizeof(ptruint)); crc:=UpdateCrc32(crc,p^.calls,tracesize*sizeof(ptruint)); if p^.extra_info_size>0 then crc:=UpdateCrc32(crc,p^.extra_info^,p^.exact_info_size); if add_tail then begin { Check also 4 bytes just after allocation !! } pl:=pointer(p)+p^.extra_info_size+sizeof(theap_mem_info)+p^.size; crc:=UpdateCrc32(crc,pl^,sizeof(ptruint)); end; calculate_sig:=crc; end; {$ifdef EXTRA} Function calculate_release_sig(p : pheap_mem_info) : longword; var crc : longword; pl : pptruint; begin crc:=$ffffffff; crc:=UpdateCrc32(crc,p^.size,sizeof(ptruint)); crc:=UpdateCrc32(crc,p^.calls,tracesize*sizeof(ptruint)); if p^.extra_info_size>0 then crc:=UpdateCrc32(crc,p^.extra_info^,p^.exact_info_size); { Check the whole of the whole allocation } pl:=pointer(p)+p^.extra_info_size+sizeof(theap_mem_info); crc:=UpdateCrc32(crc,pl^,p^.size); { Check also 4 bytes just after allocation !! } if add_tail then begin { Check also 4 bytes just after allocation !! } pl:=pointer(p)+p^.extra_info_size+sizeof(theap_mem_info)+p^.size; crc:=UpdateCrc32(crc,pl^,sizeof(ptruint)); end; calculate_release_sig:=crc; end; {$endif EXTRA} {***************************************************************************** Helpers *****************************************************************************} function InternalFreeMemSize(loc_info: pheap_info; p: pointer; pp: pheap_mem_info; size: ptruint; release_todo_lock: boolean): ptruint; forward; function TraceFreeMem(p: pointer): ptruint; forward; procedure call_stack(pp : pheap_mem_info;var ptext : text); var i : ptruint; begin writeln(ptext,'Call trace for block $',hexstr(pointer(pp)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)),' size ',pp^.size); if (pp^.size >= 8) then writeln(ptext,'First eight bytes: $', hexstr(PtrUInt(Pointer(pointer(pp)+sizeof(theap_mem_info))^), 16)); for i:=1 to tracesize do if pp^.calls[i]<>nil then writeln(ptext,BackTraceStrFunc(pp^.calls[i])); { the check is done to be sure that the procvar is not overwritten } if assigned(pp^.extra_info) and (pp^.extra_info^.check=$12345678) and assigned(pp^.extra_info^.displayproc) then pp^.extra_info^.displayproc(ptext,@pp^.extra_info^.data); end; procedure call_free_stack(pp : pheap_mem_info;var ptext : text); var i : ptruint; begin writeln(ptext,'Call trace for block at $',hexstr(pointer(pp)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)),' size ',pp^.size); for i:=1 to tracesize div 2 do if pp^.calls[i]<>nil then writeln(ptext,BackTraceStrFunc(pp^.calls[i])); writeln(ptext,' was released at '); for i:=(tracesize div 2)+1 to tracesize do if pp^.calls[i]<>nil then writeln(ptext,BackTraceStrFunc(pp^.calls[i])); { the check is done to be sure that the procvar is not overwritten } if assigned(pp^.extra_info) and (pp^.extra_info^.check=$12345678) and assigned(pp^.extra_info^.displayproc) then pp^.extra_info^.displayproc(ptext,@pp^.extra_info^.data); end; procedure dump_already_free(p : pheap_mem_info;var ptext : text); begin Writeln(ptext,'Marked memory at $',HexStr(pointer(p)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)),' released'); call_free_stack(p,ptext); Writeln(ptext,'freed again at'); dump_stack(ptext,get_caller_frame(get_frame)); end; procedure dump_error(p : pheap_mem_info;var ptext : text); begin Writeln(ptext,'Marked memory at $',HexStr(pointer(p)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)),' invalid'); Writeln(ptext,'Wrong signature $',hexstr(p^.sig,8),' instead of ',hexstr(calculate_sig(p),8)); dump_stack(ptext,get_caller_frame(get_frame)); end; {$ifdef EXTRA} procedure dump_change_after(p : pheap_mem_info;var ptext : text); var pp : pchar; i : ptruint; begin Writeln(ptext,'Marked memory at $',HexStr(pointer(p)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)),' invalid'); Writeln(ptext,'Wrong release CRC $',hexstr(p^.release_sig,8),' instead of ',hexstr(calculate_release_sig(p),8)); Writeln(ptext,'This memory was changed after call to freemem !'); call_free_stack(p,ptext); pp:=pointer(p)+sizeof(theap_mem_info); for i:=0 to p^.size-1 do if byte(pp[i])<>$F0 then Writeln(ptext,'offset',i,':$',hexstr(i,2*sizeof(pointer)),'"',pp[i],'"'); end; {$endif EXTRA} procedure dump_wrong_size(p : pheap_mem_info;size : ptruint;var ptext : text); begin Writeln(ptext,'Marked memory at $',HexStr(pointer(p)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)),' invalid'); Writeln(ptext,'Wrong size : ',p^.size,' allocated ',size,' freed'); dump_stack(ptext,get_caller_frame(get_frame)); { the check is done to be sure that the procvar is not overwritten } if assigned(p^.extra_info) and (p^.extra_info^.check=$12345678) and assigned(p^.extra_info^.displayproc) then p^.extra_info^.displayproc(ptext,@p^.extra_info^.data); call_stack(p,ptext); end; function is_in_getmem_list (loc_info: pheap_info; p : pheap_mem_info) : boolean; var i : ptruint; pp : pheap_mem_info; begin is_in_getmem_list:=false; pp:=loc_info^.heap_mem_root; i:=0; while pp<>nil do begin if ((pp^.sig<>$DEADBEEF) or usecrc) and ((pp^.sig<>calculate_sig(pp)) or not usecrc) and (pp^.sig <>$AAAAAAAA) then begin if useownfile then writeln(ownfile,'error in linked list of heap_mem_info') else writeln(stderr,'error in linked list of heap_mem_info'); RunError(204); end; if pp=p then is_in_getmem_list:=true; pp:=pp^.previous; inc(i); if i>loc_info^.getmem_cnt-loc_info^.freemem_cnt then if useownfile then writeln(ownfile,'error in linked list of heap_mem_info') else writeln(stderr,'error in linked list of heap_mem_info'); end; end; procedure finish_heap_free_todo_list(loc_info: pheap_info); var bp: pointer; pp: pheap_mem_info; list: ppheap_mem_info; begin list := @loc_info^.heap_free_todo; repeat pp := list^; list^ := list^^.todonext; bp := pointer(pp)+sizeof(theap_mem_info); InternalFreeMemSize(loc_info,bp,pp,pp^.size,false); until list^ = nil; end; procedure try_finish_heap_free_todo_list(loc_info: pheap_info); begin if loc_info^.heap_free_todo <> nil then begin entercriticalsection(todo_lock); finish_heap_free_todo_list(loc_info); leavecriticalsection(todo_lock); end; end; {***************************************************************************** TraceGetMem *****************************************************************************} Function TraceGetMem(size:ptruint):pointer; var allocsize,i : ptruint; oldbp, bp : pointer; pl : pdword; p : pointer; pp : pheap_mem_info; loc_info: pheap_info; begin loc_info := @heap_info; try_finish_heap_free_todo_list(loc_info); inc(loc_info^.getmem_size,size); inc(loc_info^.getmem8_size,(size+7) and not 7); { Do the real GetMem, but alloc also for the info block } {$ifdef cpuarm} allocsize:=(size + 3) and not 3+sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size; {$else cpuarm} allocsize:=size+sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size; {$endif cpuarm} if add_tail then inc(allocsize,sizeof(ptruint)); { if ReturnNilIfGrowHeapFails is true SysGetMem can return nil } p:=SysGetMem(allocsize); if (p=nil) then begin TraceGetMem:=nil; exit; end; pp:=pheap_mem_info(p); inc(p,sizeof(theap_mem_info)); { Create the info block } pp^.sig:=$DEADBEEF; pp^.todolist:=@loc_info^.heap_free_todo; pp^.todonext:=nil; pp^.size:=size; pp^.extra_info_size:=extra_info_size; pp^.exact_info_size:=exact_info_size; { the end of the block contains: 4 bytes X bytes } if extra_info_size>0 then begin pp^.extra_info:=pointer(pp)+allocsize-extra_info_size; fillchar(pp^.extra_info^,extra_info_size,0); pp^.extra_info^.check:=$12345678; pp^.extra_info^.fillproc:=fill_extra_info_proc; pp^.extra_info^.displayproc:=display_extra_info_proc; if assigned(fill_extra_info_proc) then begin loc_info^.inside_trace_getmem:=true; fill_extra_info_proc(@pp^.extra_info^.data); loc_info^.inside_trace_getmem:=false; end; end else pp^.extra_info:=nil; if add_tail then begin pl:=pointer(pp)+allocsize-pp^.extra_info_size-sizeof(ptruint); {$ifdef FPC_SUPPORTS_UNALIGNED} unaligned(pl^):=$DEADBEEF; {$else FPC_SUPPORTS_UNALIGNED} pl^:=$DEADBEEF; {$endif FPC_SUPPORTS_UNALIGNED} end; { clear the memory } fillchar(p^,size,#255); { retrieve backtrace info } bp:=get_caller_frame(get_frame); { valid bp? } if (bp>=StackBottom) and (bp<(StackBottom + StackLength)) then for i:=1 to tracesize do begin pp^.calls[i]:=get_caller_addr(bp); oldbp:=bp; bp:=get_caller_frame(bp); if (bp(StackBottom + StackLength)) then break; end; { insert in the linked list } if loc_info^.heap_mem_root<>nil then loc_info^.heap_mem_root^.next:=pp; pp^.previous:=loc_info^.heap_mem_root; pp^.next:=nil; {$ifdef EXTRA} pp^.prev_valid:=loc_info^.heap_valid_last; loc_info^.heap_valid_last:=pp; if not assigned(loc_info^.heap_valid_first) then loc_info^.heap_valid_first:=pp; {$endif EXTRA} loc_info^.heap_mem_root:=pp; { must be changed before fill_extra_info is called because checkpointer can be called from within fill_extra_info PM } inc(loc_info^.getmem_cnt); { update the signature } if usecrc then pp^.sig:=calculate_sig(pp); TraceGetmem:=p; end; {***************************************************************************** TraceFreeMem *****************************************************************************} function CheckFreeMemSize(loc_info: pheap_info; pp: pheap_mem_info; size, ppsize: ptruint): boolean; inline; var i: ptruint; bp : pointer; ptext : ^text; {$ifdef EXTRA} pp2 : pheap_mem_info; {$endif} begin if useownfile then ptext:=@ownfile else ptext:=@stderr; inc(loc_info^.freemem_size,size); inc(loc_info^.freemem8_size,(size+7) and not 7); if not quicktrace then begin if not(is_in_getmem_list(loc_info, pp)) then RunError(204); end; if (pp^.sig=$AAAAAAAA) and not usecrc then begin loc_info^.error_in_heap:=true; dump_already_free(pp,ptext^); if haltonerror then halt(1); end else if ((pp^.sig<>$DEADBEEF) or usecrc) and ((pp^.sig<>calculate_sig(pp)) or not usecrc) then begin loc_info^.error_in_heap:=true; dump_error(pp,ptext^); {$ifdef EXTRA} dump_error(pp,error_file); {$endif EXTRA} { don't release anything in this case !! } if haltonerror then halt(1); exit; end else if pp^.size<>size then begin loc_info^.error_in_heap:=true; dump_wrong_size(pp,size,ptext^); {$ifdef EXTRA} dump_wrong_size(pp,size,error_file); {$endif EXTRA} if haltonerror then halt(1); { don't release anything in this case !! } exit; end; { now it is released !! } pp^.sig:=$AAAAAAAA; if not keepreleased then begin if pp^.next<>nil then pp^.next^.previous:=pp^.previous; if pp^.previous<>nil then pp^.previous^.next:=pp^.next; if pp=loc_info^.heap_mem_root then loc_info^.heap_mem_root:=loc_info^.heap_mem_root^.previous; end else begin bp:=get_caller_frame(get_frame); if (bp>=StackBottom) and (bp<(StackBottom + StackLength)) then for i:=(tracesize div 2)+1 to tracesize do begin pp^.calls[i]:=get_caller_addr(bp); bp:=get_caller_frame(bp); if not((bp>=StackBottom) and (bp<(StackBottom + StackLength))) then break; end; end; inc(loc_info^.freemem_cnt); { clear the memory, $F0 will lead to GFP if used as pointer ! } fillchar((pointer(pp)+sizeof(theap_mem_info))^,size,#240); { this way we keep all info about all released memory !! } if keepreleased then begin {$ifdef EXTRA} { We want to check if the memory was changed after release !! } pp^.release_sig:=calculate_release_sig(pp); if pp=loc_info^.heap_valid_last then begin loc_info^.heap_valid_last:=pp^.prev_valid; if pp=loc_info^.heap_valid_first then loc_info^.heap_valid_first:=nil; exit(false); end; pp2:=loc_info^.heap_valid_last; while assigned(pp2) do begin if pp2^.prev_valid=pp then begin pp2^.prev_valid:=pp^.prev_valid; if pp=loc_info^.heap_valid_first then loc_info^.heap_valid_first:=pp2; exit(false); end else pp2:=pp2^.prev_valid; end; {$endif EXTRA} exit(false); end; CheckFreeMemSize:=true; end; function InternalFreeMemSize(loc_info: pheap_info; p: pointer; pp: pheap_mem_info; size: ptruint; release_todo_lock: boolean): ptruint; var i,ppsize : ptruint; extra_size: ptruint; release_mem: boolean; begin { save old values } extra_size:=pp^.extra_info_size; ppsize:= size+sizeof(theap_mem_info)+pp^.extra_info_size; if add_tail then inc(ppsize,sizeof(ptruint)); { do various checking } release_mem := CheckFreeMemSize(loc_info, pp, size, ppsize); if release_todo_lock then leavecriticalsection(todo_lock); if release_mem then begin { release the normal memory at least } i:=SysFreeMemSize(pp,ppsize); { return the correct size } dec(i,sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_size); if add_tail then dec(i,sizeof(ptruint)); InternalFreeMemSize:=i; end else InternalFreeMemSize:=size; end; function TraceFreeMemSize(p:pointer;size:ptruint):ptruint; var loc_info: pheap_info; pp: pheap_mem_info; release_lock: boolean; begin if p=nil then begin TraceFreeMemSize:=0; exit; end; loc_info:=@heap_info; pp:=pheap_mem_info(p-sizeof(theap_mem_info)); release_lock:=false; if @loc_info^.heap_free_todo <> pp^.todolist then begin if pp^.todolist = main_orig_todolist then pp^.todolist := main_relo_todolist; entercriticalsection(todo_lock); release_lock:=true; if pp^.todolist = @orphaned_info.heap_free_todo then begin loc_info := @orphaned_info; end else if pp^.todolist <> @loc_info^.heap_free_todo then begin { allocated in different heap, push to that todolist } pp^.todonext := pp^.todolist^; pp^.todolist^ := pp; TraceFreeMemSize := pp^.size; leavecriticalsection(todo_lock); exit; end; end; TraceFreeMemSize:=InternalFreeMemSize(loc_info,p,pp,size,release_lock); end; function TraceMemSize(p:pointer):ptruint; var pp : pheap_mem_info; begin pp:=pheap_mem_info(p-sizeof(theap_mem_info)); TraceMemSize:=pp^.size; end; function TraceFreeMem(p:pointer):ptruint; var l : ptruint; pp : pheap_mem_info; begin if p=nil then begin TraceFreeMem:=0; exit; end; pp:=pheap_mem_info(p-sizeof(theap_mem_info)); l:=SysMemSize(pp); dec(l,sizeof(theap_mem_info)+pp^.extra_info_size); if add_tail then dec(l,sizeof(ptruint)); { this can never happend normaly } if pp^.size>l then begin if useownfile then dump_wrong_size(pp,l,ownfile) else dump_wrong_size(pp,l,stderr); {$ifdef EXTRA} dump_wrong_size(pp,l,error_file); {$endif EXTRA} end; TraceFreeMem:=TraceFreeMemSize(p,pp^.size); end; {***************************************************************************** ReAllocMem *****************************************************************************} function TraceReAllocMem(var p:pointer;size:ptruint):Pointer; var newP: pointer; allocsize, movesize, i : ptruint; oldbp, bp : pointer; pl : pdword; pp : pheap_mem_info; oldsize, oldextrasize, oldexactsize : ptruint; old_fill_extra_info_proc : tfillextrainfoproc; old_display_extra_info_proc : tdisplayextrainfoproc; loc_info: pheap_info; begin { Free block? } if size=0 then begin if p<>nil then TraceFreeMem(p); p:=nil; TraceReallocMem:=P; exit; end; { Allocate a new block? } if p=nil then begin p:=TraceGetMem(size); TraceReallocMem:=P; exit; end; { Resize block } loc_info:=@heap_info; pp:=pheap_mem_info(p-sizeof(theap_mem_info)); { test block } if ((pp^.sig<>$DEADBEEF) or usecrc) and ((pp^.sig<>calculate_sig(pp)) or not usecrc) then begin loc_info^.error_in_heap:=true; if useownfile then dump_error(pp,ownfile) else dump_error(pp,stderr); {$ifdef EXTRA} dump_error(pp,error_file); {$endif EXTRA} { don't release anything in this case !! } if haltonerror then halt(1); exit; end; { save info } oldsize:=pp^.size; oldextrasize:=pp^.extra_info_size; oldexactsize:=pp^.exact_info_size; if pp^.extra_info_size>0 then begin old_fill_extra_info_proc:=pp^.extra_info^.fillproc; old_display_extra_info_proc:=pp^.extra_info^.displayproc; end; { Do the real ReAllocMem, but alloc also for the info block } {$ifdef cpuarm} allocsize:=(size + 3) and not 3+sizeof(theap_mem_info)+pp^.extra_info_size; {$else cpuarm} allocsize:=size+sizeof(theap_mem_info)+pp^.extra_info_size; {$endif cpuarm} if add_tail then inc(allocsize,sizeof(ptruint)); { Try to resize the block, if not possible we need to do a getmem, move data, freemem } if not SysTryResizeMem(pp,allocsize) then begin { get a new block } newP := TraceGetMem(size); { move the data } if newP <> nil then begin movesize:=TraceMemSize(p); {if the old size is larger than the new size, move only the new size} if movesize>size then movesize:=size; move(p^,newP^,movesize); end; { release p } traceFreeMem(p); { return the new pointer } p:=newp; traceReAllocMem := newp; exit; end; { Recreate the info block } pp^.sig:=$DEADBEEF; pp^.size:=size; pp^.extra_info_size:=oldextrasize; pp^.exact_info_size:=oldexactsize; { add the new extra_info and tail } if pp^.extra_info_size>0 then begin pp^.extra_info:=pointer(pp)+allocsize-pp^.extra_info_size; fillchar(pp^.extra_info^,extra_info_size,0); pp^.extra_info^.check:=$12345678; pp^.extra_info^.fillproc:=old_fill_extra_info_proc; pp^.extra_info^.displayproc:=old_display_extra_info_proc; if assigned(pp^.extra_info^.fillproc) then pp^.extra_info^.fillproc(@pp^.extra_info^.data); end else pp^.extra_info:=nil; if add_tail then begin pl:=pointer(pp)+allocsize-pp^.extra_info_size-sizeof(ptruint); {$ifdef FPC_SUPPORTS_UNALIGNED} unaligned(pl^):=$DEADBEEF; {$else FPC_SUPPORTS_UNALIGNED} pl^:=$DEADBEEF; {$endif FPC_SUPPORTS_UNALIGNED} end; { adjust like a freemem and then a getmem, so you get correct results in the summary display } inc(loc_info^.freemem_size,oldsize); inc(loc_info^.freemem8_size,(oldsize+7) and not 7); inc(loc_info^.getmem_size,size); inc(loc_info^.getmem8_size,(size+7) and not 7); { generate new backtrace } bp:=get_caller_frame(get_frame); if (bp>=StackBottom) and (bp<(StackBottom + StackLength)) then for i:=1 to tracesize do begin pp^.calls[i]:=get_caller_addr(bp); oldbp:=bp; bp:=get_caller_frame(bp); if (bp(StackBottom + StackLength)) then break; end; { regenerate signature } if usecrc then pp^.sig:=calculate_sig(pp); { return the pointer } p:=pointer(pp)+sizeof(theap_mem_info); TraceReAllocmem:=p; end; {***************************************************************************** Check pointer *****************************************************************************} {$ifndef Unix} {$S-} {$endif} {$ifdef go32v2} var __stklen : longword;external name '__stklen'; __stkbottom : longword;external name '__stkbottom'; ebss : longword; external name 'end'; {$endif go32v2} {$ifdef linux} var etext: ptruint; external name '_etext'; edata : ptruint; external name '_edata'; eend : ptruint; external name '_end'; {$endif} {$ifdef os2} (* Currently still EMX based - possibly to be changed in the future. *) var etext: ptruint; external name '_etext'; edata : ptruint; external name '_edata'; eend : ptruint; external name '_end'; {$endif} {$ifdef windows} var sdata : ptruint; external name '__data_start__'; edata : ptruint; external name '__data_end__'; sbss : ptruint; external name '__bss_start__'; ebss : ptruint; external name '__bss_end__'; {$endif} {$ifdef BEOS} const B_ERROR = -1; type area_id = Longint; function area_for(addr : Pointer) : area_id; cdecl; external 'root' name 'area_for'; {$endif BEOS} procedure CheckPointer(p : pointer); [public, alias : 'FPC_CHECKPOINTER']; var i : ptruint; pp : pheap_mem_info; loc_info: pheap_info; {$ifdef go32v2} get_ebp,stack_top : longword; bss_end : longword; {$endif go32v2} {$ifdef morphos} stack_top: longword; {$endif morphos} ptext : ^text; label _exit; begin if p=nil then runerror(204); i:=0; loc_info:=@heap_info; if useownfile then ptext:=@ownfile else ptext:=@stderr; {$ifdef go32v2} if ptruint(p)<$1000 then runerror(216); asm movl %ebp,get_ebp leal ebss,%eax movl %eax,bss_end end; stack_top:=__stkbottom+__stklen; { allow all between start of code and end of bss } if ptruint(p)<=bss_end then goto _exit; { stack can be above heap !! } if (ptruint(p)>=get_ebp) and (ptruint(p)<=stack_top) then goto _exit; {$endif go32v2} { I don't know where the stack is in other OS !! } {$ifdef windows} { inside stack ? } if (ptruint(p)>ptruint(get_frame)) and (p=ptruint(@sdata)) and (ptruint(p)=ptruint(@sbss)) and (ptruint(p) PtrUInt (Get_Frame)) and (PtrUInt (P) < PtrUInt (StackTop)) then goto _exit; { inside data or bss ? } if (PtrUInt (P) >= PtrUInt (@etext)) and (PtrUInt (P) < PtrUInt (@eend)) then goto _exit; {$ENDIF OS2} {$ifdef linux} { inside stack ? } if (ptruint(p)>ptruint(get_frame)) and (ptruint(p)<$c0000000) then //todo: 64bit! goto _exit; { inside data or bss ? } if (ptruint(p)>=ptruint(@etext)) and (ptruint(p)ptruint(StackBottom)) then goto _exit; { inside data or bss ? } {$WARNING data and bss checking missing } {$endif morphos} {$ifdef darwin} {$warning No checkpointer support yet for Darwin} exit; {$endif} {$ifdef BEOS} // if we find the address in a known area in our current process, // then it is a valid one if area_for(p) <> B_ERROR then goto _exit; {$endif BEOS} { first try valid list faster } {$ifdef EXTRA} pp:=loc_info^.heap_valid_last; while pp<>nil do begin { inside this valid block ! } { we can be changing the extrainfo !! } if (ptruint(p)>=ptruint(pp)+sizeof(theap_mem_info){+extra_info_size}) and (ptruint(p)<=ptruint(pp)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size+pp^.size) then begin { check allocated block } if ((pp^.sig=$DEADBEEF) and not usecrc) or ((pp^.sig=calculate_sig(pp)) and usecrc) or { special case of the fill_extra_info call } ((pp=loc_info^.heap_valid_last) and usecrc and (pp^.sig=$DEADBEEF) and loc_info^.inside_trace_getmem) then goto _exit else begin writeln(ptext^,'corrupted heap_mem_info'); dump_error(pp,ptext^); halt(1); end; end else pp:=pp^.prev_valid; inc(i); if i>loc_info^.getmem_cnt-loc_info^.freemem_cnt then begin writeln(ptext^,'error in linked list of heap_mem_info'); halt(1); end; end; i:=0; {$endif EXTRA} pp:=loc_info^.heap_mem_root; while pp<>nil do begin { inside this block ! } if (ptruint(p)>=ptruint(pp)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)+ptruint(extra_info_size)) and (ptruint(p)<=ptruint(pp)+sizeof(theap_mem_info)+ptruint(extra_info_size)+ptruint(pp^.size)) then { allocated block } if ((pp^.sig=$DEADBEEF) and not usecrc) or ((pp^.sig=calculate_sig(pp)) and usecrc) then goto _exit else begin writeln(ptext^,'pointer $',hexstr(p),' points into invalid memory block'); dump_error(pp,ptext^); runerror(204); end; pp:=pp^.previous; inc(i); if i>loc_info^.getmem_cnt then begin writeln(ptext^,'error in linked list of heap_mem_info'); halt(1); end; end; writeln(ptext^,'pointer $',hexstr(p),' does not point to valid memory block'); dump_error(p,ptext^); runerror(204); _exit: end; {***************************************************************************** Dump Heap *****************************************************************************} procedure dumpheap; var pp : pheap_mem_info; i : ptrint; ExpectedHeapFree : ptruint; status : TFPCHeapStatus; ptext : ^text; loc_info: pheap_info; begin loc_info:=@heap_info; if useownfile then ptext:=@ownfile else ptext:=@stderr; pp:=loc_info^.heap_mem_root; { Writeln(ptext^,'Heap dump by heaptrc unit'); Writeln(ptext^,loc_info^.getmem_cnt, ' memory blocks allocated : ', loc_info^.getmem_size,'/',loc_info^.getmem8_size); Writeln(ptext^,loc_info^.freemem_cnt,' memory blocks freed : ', loc_info^.freemem_size,'/',loc_info^.freemem8_size); } if (loc_info^.getmem_cnt-loc_info^.freemem_cnt > 0) then Writeln(ptext^,loc_info^.getmem_cnt-loc_info^.freemem_cnt, ' unfreed memory blocks : ',loc_info^.getmem_size-loc_info^.freemem_size); status:=SysGetFPCHeapStatus; { Write(ptext^,'True heap size : ',status.CurrHeapSize); if EntryMemUsed > 0 then Writeln(ptext^,' (',EntryMemUsed,' used in System startup)') else Writeln(ptext^); Writeln(ptext^,'True free heap : ',status.CurrHeapFree); ExpectedHeapFree:=status.CurrHeapSize -(loc_info^.getmem8_size-loc_info^.freemem8_size) -(loc_info^.getmem_cnt-loc_info^.freemem_cnt)*(sizeof(theap_mem_info)+extra_info_size) -EntryMemUsed; If ExpectedHeapFree<>status.CurrHeapFree then Writeln(ptext^,'Should be : ',ExpectedHeapFree); } i:=loc_info^.getmem_cnt-loc_info^.freemem_cnt; while pp<>nil do begin if i<0 then begin Writeln(ptext^,'Error in heap memory list'); Writeln(ptext^,'More memory blocks than expected'); exit; end; if ((pp^.sig=$DEADBEEF) and not usecrc) or ((pp^.sig=calculate_sig(pp)) and usecrc) then begin { this one was not released !! } if exitcode<>203 then call_stack(pp,ptext^); dec(i); end else if pp^.sig<>$AAAAAAAA then begin dump_error(pp,ptext^); {$ifdef EXTRA} dump_error(pp,error_file); {$endif EXTRA} loc_info^.error_in_heap:=true; end {$ifdef EXTRA} else if pp^.release_sig<>calculate_release_sig(pp) then begin dump_change_after(pp,ptext^); dump_change_after(pp,error_file); loc_info^.error_in_heap:=true; end {$endif EXTRA} ; pp:=pp^.previous; end; if HaltOnNotReleased and (loc_info^.getmem_cnt<>loc_info^.freemem_cnt) then exitcode:=203; end; {***************************************************************************** AllocMem *****************************************************************************} function TraceAllocMem(size:ptruint):Pointer; begin TraceAllocMem:=SysAllocMem(size); end; {***************************************************************************** No specific tracing calls *****************************************************************************} procedure TraceInitThread; var loc_info: pheap_info; begin loc_info := @heap_info; {$ifdef EXTRA} loc_info^.heap_valid_first := nil; loc_info^.heap_valid_last := nil; {$endif} loc_info^.heap_mem_root := nil; loc_info^.getmem_cnt := 0; loc_info^.freemem_cnt := 0; loc_info^.getmem_size := 0; loc_info^.freemem_size := 0; loc_info^.getmem8_size := 0; loc_info^.freemem8_size := 0; loc_info^.error_in_heap := false; loc_info^.inside_trace_getmem := false; EntryMemUsed := SysGetFPCHeapStatus.CurrHeapUsed; end; procedure TraceRelocateHeap; begin main_relo_todolist := @heap_info.heap_free_todo; initcriticalsection(todo_lock); end; procedure move_heap_info(src_info, dst_info: pheap_info); var heap_mem: pheap_mem_info; begin if src_info^.heap_free_todo <> nil then finish_heap_free_todo_list(src_info); if dst_info^.heap_free_todo <> nil then finish_heap_free_todo_list(dst_info); heap_mem := src_info^.heap_mem_root; if heap_mem <> nil then begin repeat heap_mem^.todolist := @dst_info^.heap_free_todo; if heap_mem^.previous = nil then break; heap_mem := heap_mem^.previous; until false; heap_mem^.previous := dst_info^.heap_mem_root; if dst_info^.heap_mem_root <> nil then dst_info^.heap_mem_root^.next := heap_mem; dst_info^.heap_mem_root := src_info^.heap_mem_root; end; inc(dst_info^.getmem_cnt, src_info^.getmem_cnt); inc(dst_info^.getmem_size, src_info^.getmem_size); inc(dst_info^.getmem8_size, src_info^.getmem8_size); inc(dst_info^.freemem_cnt, src_info^.freemem_cnt); inc(dst_info^.freemem_size, src_info^.freemem_size); inc(dst_info^.freemem8_size, src_info^.freemem8_size); dst_info^.error_in_heap := dst_info^.error_in_heap or src_info^.error_in_heap; {$ifdef EXTRA} if assigned(dst_info^.heap_valid_first) then dst_info^.heap_valid_first^.prev_valid := src_info^.heap_valid_last else dst_info^.heap_valid_last := src_info^.heap_valid_last; dst_info^.heap_valid_first := src_info^.heap_valid_first; {$endif} end; procedure TraceExitThread; var loc_info: pheap_info; begin loc_info := @heap_info; entercriticalsection(todo_lock); move_heap_info(loc_info, @orphaned_info); leavecriticalsection(todo_lock); end; function TraceGetHeapStatus:THeapStatus; begin TraceGetHeapStatus:=SysGetHeapStatus; end; function TraceGetFPCHeapStatus:TFPCHeapStatus; begin TraceGetFPCHeapStatus:=SysGetFPCHeapStatus; end; {***************************************************************************** Program Hooks *****************************************************************************} Procedure SetHeapTraceOutput(const name : string); var i : ptruint; begin if useownfile then begin useownfile:=false; close(ownfile); end; assign(ownfile,name); {$I-} append(ownfile); if IOResult<>0 then begin Rewrite(ownfile); if IOResult<>0 then begin Writeln(stderr,'[heaptrc] Unable to open "',name,'", writing output to stderr instead.'); useownfile:=false; exit; end; end; {$I+} useownfile:=true; for i:=0 to Paramcount do write(ownfile,paramstr(i),' '); writeln(ownfile); end; procedure SetHeapExtraInfo( size : ptruint;fillproc : tfillextrainfoproc;displayproc : tdisplayextrainfoproc); begin { the total size must stay multiple of 8, also allocate 2 pointers for the fill and display procvars } exact_info_size:=size + sizeof(theap_extra_info); extra_info_size:=(exact_info_size+7) and not 7; fill_extra_info_proc:=fillproc; display_extra_info_proc:=displayproc; end; {***************************************************************************** Install MemoryManager *****************************************************************************} const TraceManager:TMemoryManager=( NeedLock : true; Getmem : @TraceGetMem; Freemem : @TraceFreeMem; FreememSize : @TraceFreeMemSize; AllocMem : @TraceAllocMem; ReAllocMem : @TraceReAllocMem; MemSize : @TraceMemSize; InitThread: @TraceInitThread; DoneThread: @TraceExitThread; RelocateHeap: @TraceRelocateHeap; GetHeapStatus : @TraceGetHeapStatus; GetFPCHeapStatus : @TraceGetFPCHeapStatus; ); procedure TraceInit; begin MakeCRC32Tbl; main_orig_todolist := @heap_info.heap_free_todo; main_relo_todolist := nil; TraceInitThread; SetMemoryManager(TraceManager); useownfile:=false; if outputstr <> '' then SetHeapTraceOutput(outputstr); {$ifdef EXTRA} {$i-} Assign(error_file,'heap.err'); Rewrite(error_file); {$i+} if IOResult<>0 then begin writeln('[heaptrc] Unable to create heap.err extra log file, writing output to screen.'); Assign(error_file,''); Rewrite(error_file); end; {$endif EXTRA} end; procedure TraceExit; begin { no dump if error because this gives long long listings } { clear inoutres, in case the program that quit didn't } ioresult; if (exitcode<>0) and (erroraddr<>nil) then begin if useownfile then begin Writeln(ownfile,'No heap dump by heaptrc unit'); Writeln(ownfile,'Exitcode = ',exitcode); end else begin Writeln(stderr,'No heap dump by heaptrc unit'); Writeln(stderr,'Exitcode = ',exitcode); end; if useownfile then begin useownfile:=false; close(ownfile); end; exit; end; move_heap_info(@orphaned_info, @heap_info); dumpheap; if heap_info.error_in_heap and (exitcode=0) then exitcode:=203; if main_relo_todolist <> nil then donecriticalsection(todo_lock); {$ifdef EXTRA} Close(error_file); {$endif EXTRA} if useownfile then begin useownfile:=false; close(ownfile); end; end; {$if defined(win32) or defined(win64)} function GetEnvironmentStrings : pchar; stdcall; external 'kernel32' name 'GetEnvironmentStringsA'; function FreeEnvironmentStrings(p : pchar) : longbool; stdcall; external 'kernel32' name 'FreeEnvironmentStringsA'; Function GetEnv(envvar: string): string; var s : string; i : ptruint; hp,p : pchar; begin getenv:=''; p:=GetEnvironmentStrings; hp:=p; while hp^<>#0 do begin s:=strpas(hp); i:=pos('=',s); if upcase(copy(s,1,i-1))=upcase(envvar) then begin getenv:=copy(s,i+1,length(s)-i); break; end; { next string entry} hp:=hp+strlen(hp)+1; end; FreeEnvironmentStrings(p); end; {$else defined(win32) or defined(win64)} {$ifdef wince} Function GetEnv(P:string):Pchar; begin { WinCE does not have environment strings. Add some way to specify heaptrc options? } GetEnv:=nil; end; {$else wince} Function GetEnv(P:string):Pchar; { Searches the environment for a string with name p and returns a pchar to it's value. A pchar is used to accomodate for strings of length > 255 } var ep : ppchar; i : ptruint; found : boolean; Begin p:=p+'='; {Else HOST will also find HOSTNAME, etc} ep:=envp; found:=false; if ep<>nil then begin while (not found) and (ep^<>nil) do begin found:=true; for i:=1 to length(p) do if p[i]<>ep^[i-1] then begin found:=false; break; end; if not found then inc(ep); end; end; if found then getenv:=ep^+length(p) else getenv:=nil; end; {$endif wince} {$endif win32} procedure LoadEnvironment; var i,j : ptruint; s : string; begin s:=Getenv('HEAPTRC'); if pos('keepreleased',s)>0 then keepreleased:=true; if pos('disabled',s)>0 then useheaptrace:=false; if pos('nohalt',s)>0 then haltonerror:=false; if pos('haltonnotreleased',s)>0 then HaltOnNotReleased :=true; i:=pos('log=',s); if i>0 then begin outputstr:=copy(s,i+4,255); j:=pos(' ',outputstr); if j=0 then j:=length(outputstr)+1; delete(outputstr,j,255); end; end; Initialization LoadEnvironment; { heaptrc can be disabled from the environment } if useheaptrace then TraceInit; finalization if useheaptrace then TraceExit; end.