{$MODE OBJFPC} { -*- delphi -*- } {$INCLUDE settings.inc} unit exceptions; interface uses sysutils, baseunix; type EKernelError = class(Exception) constructor Create(AErrorCode: cint); end; ESocketError = class(Exception) constructor Create(AErrorCode: cint); end; ESyntaxError = class(Exception) end; ECaughtException = class end; TReportExceptionEvent = procedure(E: Exception) of object; procedure ReportCurrentException(); procedure ReportException(E: Exception); procedure ReportExceptionAndFree(E: Exception); { for unraised exceptions } function SetReportExceptionMethod(AReportExceptionMethod: TReportExceptionEvent): TReportExceptionEvent; type TXXX = record end unimplemented; function XXX: Variant; unimplemented; // XXX why do we have this here and in debug.pas? {$IFDEF DEBUG} function GetStackTrace(): AnsiString; {$ENDIF} implementation uses errors; const KernelErrorMsg: String = 'kernel error %d: %s'; SocketErrorMsg: String = 'socket error %d: %s'; var ReportExceptionMethod: TReportExceptionEvent = nil; constructor EKernelError.Create(AErrorCode: cint); begin inherited Create(Format(KernelErrorMsg, [AErrorCode, StrError(AErrorCode)])); end; constructor ESocketError.Create(AErrorCode: cint); begin inherited Create(Format(SocketErrorMsg, [AErrorCode, StrError(AErrorCode)])); end; procedure WriteBacktrace(Address: Pointer; Frames: PPointer; FrameCount: Integer); var FrameNumber: Cardinal; begin Writeln('Backtrace:'); if (Address = nil) then Writeln(' dereferenced nil pointer') else Writeln(BackTraceStrFunc(Address)); if (FrameCount > 0) then for FrameNumber := 0 to FrameCount-1 do {BOGUS Warning: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / range check error} Writeln(BackTraceStrFunc(Frames[FrameNumber])); end; procedure ReportCurrentException(); begin Assert(Assigned(RaiseList)); Assert(Assigned(RaiseList^.FObject)); if (RaiseList^.FObject is Exception) then Writeln(RaiseList^.FObject.ClassName, ' exception: ', (RaiseList^.FObject as Exception).Message) else Writeln(RaiseList^.FObject.ClassName, ' exception'); WriteBacktrace(RaiseList^.Addr, RaiseList^.Frames, RaiseList^.FrameCount); end; procedure ReportException(E: Exception); begin Assert((not Assigned(RaiseList)) or (not Assigned(RaiseList^.FObject)) or (RaiseList^.FObject <> E), 'Inside an exception handler, use ReportCurrentException() to get the right stack trace'); if (Assigned(ReportExceptionMethod)) then ReportExceptionMethod(E) else begin Writeln(E.Message); Dump_Stack(Output, Get_Frame); end; end; procedure ReportExceptionAndFree(E: Exception); begin ReportException(E); E.Free(); end; function SetReportExceptionMethod(AReportExceptionMethod: TReportExceptionEvent): TReportExceptionEvent; begin Result := ReportExceptionMethod; ReportExceptionMethod := AReportExceptionMethod; end; {$WARNINGS OFF} function XXX: Variant; begin //Assert(False, 'Not Implemented'); raise Exception.Create('Not Implemented') at get_caller_addr(get_frame), get_caller_frame(get_frame); end; {$WARNINGS ON} procedure AssertionHandler(const Message, FileName: ShortString; LineNo: Longint; ErrorAddr: Pointer); var CompleteMessage: AnsiString; begin if (Message <> '') then CompleteMessage := 'Assertion "' + Message + '" failed on line ' + IntToStr(LineNo) + ' of ' + FileName else CompleteMessage := 'Assertion failed on line ' + IntToStr(LineNo) + ' of ' + FileName; {$IFDEF DEBUG} Writeln('Raising assertion: ', CompleteMessage); {$ENDIF} raise EAssertionFailed.Create(CompleteMessage) at Get_Caller_Addr(ErrorAddr), Get_Caller_Frame(ErrorAddr); end; {$IFDEF DEBUG} function GetStackTrace(): AnsiString; // the following is a verbatim copy from http://wiki.freepascal.org/Logging_exceptions var I: Longint; prevbp: Pointer; CallerFrame, CallerAddress, bp: Pointer; Report: string; const MaxDepth = maxint; begin Report := ''; bp := get_frame; // This trick skip SendCallstack item // bp:= get_caller_frame(get_frame); try prevbp := bp - 1; I := 0; while bp > prevbp do begin CallerAddress := get_caller_addr(bp); CallerFrame := get_caller_frame(bp); if (CallerAddress = nil) then Break; Report := Report + BackTraceStrFunc(CallerAddress) + LineEnding; Inc(I); if (I >= MaxDepth) or (CallerFrame = nil) then Break; prevbp := bp; bp := CallerFrame; end; except { prevent endless dump if an exception occured } end; // end of copy from http://wiki.freepascal.org/Logging_exceptions Result := Report; end; {$ENDIF} initialization {$IFDEF DEBUG} AssertErrorProc := @AssertionHandler; {$ENDIF} end.