As character names:

U+1F568 RIGHT SPEAKER character (🕨)

As raw characters:


As a string of HTML entities:


Decoder output:

Byte number 1 is decimal 240, hex 0xF0, octal \360, binary 11110000
This is the first byte of a 4 byte sequence.

Byte number 2 is decimal 159, hex 0x9F, octal \237, binary 10011111
This is continuation byte 1, expecting 2 more.

Byte number 3 is decimal 149, hex 0x95, octal \225, binary 10010101
This is continuation byte 2, expecting 1 more.

Byte number 4 is decimal 168, hex 0xA8, octal \250, binary 10101000
This is continuation byte 3, expecting 0 more.

	x (speaker - 1F508)