0029 RIGHT PARENTHESIS = closing parenthesis (1.0) * see discussion on semantics of paired bracketing characters U+0029, character ), decimal 41, hex 0x29, octal \051, binary 00101001 UTF-8: 0x29 003E GREATER-THAN SIGN x (single right-pointing angle quotation mark - 203A) x (right-pointing angle bracket - 232A) x (mathematical right angle bracket - 27E9) x (right angle bracket - 3009) U+003E, character >, decimal 62, hex 0x3E, octal \076, binary 00111110 UTF-8: 0x3e 005D RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET = closing square bracket (1.0) U+005D, character ], decimal 93, hex 0x5D, octal \135, binary 01011101 UTF-8: 0x5d 007D RIGHT CURLY BRACKET = closing curly bracket (1.0) = right brace U+007D, character }, decimal 125, hex 0x7D, octal \175, binary 01111101 UTF-8: 0x7d 00A9 COPYRIGHT SIGN x (sound recording copyright - 2117) x (circled latin capital letter c - 24B8) x (copyleft symbol - 1F12F) x (mask work symbol - 1F1AD) U+00A9, character ©, decimal 169, hex 0xA9, octal \251, binary 10101001 UTF-8: 0xc2 0xa9 00BB RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK = right guillemet * usually closing, sometimes opening x (much greater-than - 226B) x (right double angle bracket - 300B) U+00BB, character », decimal 187, hex 0xBB, octal \273, binary 10111011 UTF-8: 0xc2 0xbb 019E LATIN SMALL LETTER N WITH LONG RIGHT LEG * archaic phonetic for Japanese 3093 * recommended spelling for syllabic n is 006E 0329 * Lakota (indicates nasalization of vowel) * uppercase is 0220 U+019E, character ƞ, decimal 414, hex 0x19E, octal \636, binary 110011110 UTF-8: 0xc6 0x9e 01AC LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH HOOK * a glyph variant with hook at the right also occurs U+01AC, character Ƭ, decimal 428, hex 0x1AC, octal \654, binary 110101100 UTF-8: 0xc6 0xac 0220 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH LONG RIGHT LEG * Lakota * lowercase is 019E U+0220, character Ƞ, decimal 544, hex 0x220, octal \1040, binary 1000100000 UTF-8: 0xc8 0xa0 02BC MODIFIER LETTER APOSTROPHE = apostrophe * glottal stop, glottalization, ejective * many languages use this as a letter of their alphabets * used as a tone marker in Bodo, Dogri, and Maithili * 2019 is the preferred character for a punctuation apostrophe x (apostrophe - 0027) x (combining comma above - 0313) x (combining comma above right - 0315) x (armenian apostrophe - 055A) x (nko high tone apostrophe - 07F4) x (greek psili - 1FBF) x (right single quotation mark - 2019) U+02BC, character ʼ, decimal 700, hex 0x2BC, octal \1274, binary 1010111100 UTF-8: 0xca 0xbc 02BE MODIFIER LETTER RIGHT HALF RING * transliteration of Arabic hamza (glottal stop) * transliteration of Hebrew alef x (armenian apostrophe - 055A) x (hebrew letter alef - 05D0) x (arabic letter hamza - 0621) U+02BE, character ʾ, decimal 702, hex 0x2BE, octal \1276, binary 1010111110 UTF-8: 0xca 0xbe 02C3 MODIFIER LETTER RIGHT ARROWHEAD * backed articulation U+02C3, character ˃, decimal 707, hex 0x2C3, octal \1303, binary 1011000011 UTF-8: 0xcb 0x83 02D2 MODIFIER LETTER CENTRED RIGHT HALF RING * more rounded articulation U+02D2, character ˒, decimal 722, hex 0x2D2, octal \1322, binary 1011010010 UTF-8: 0xcb 0x92 02F2 MODIFIER LETTER LOW RIGHT ARROWHEAD U+02F2, character ˲, decimal 754, hex 0x2F2, octal \1362, binary 1011110010 UTF-8: 0xcb 0xb2 0305 COMBINING OVERLINE = overscore, vinculum * connects on left and right x (macron - 00AF) U+0305, character ̅, decimal 773, hex 0x305, octal \1405, binary 1100000101 UTF-8: 0xcc 0x85 0309 COMBINING HOOK ABOVE = hoi * kerns left or right of circumflex over vowels * Vietnamese tone mark x (modifier letter glottal stop - 02C0) U+0309, character ̉, decimal 777, hex 0x309, octal \1411, binary 1100001001 UTF-8: 0xcc 0x89 0315 COMBINING COMMA ABOVE RIGHT x (modifier letter apostrophe - 02BC) U+0315, character ̕, decimal 789, hex 0x315, octal \1425, binary 1100010101 UTF-8: 0xcc 0x95 0319 COMBINING RIGHT TACK BELOW x (modifier letter right tack - AB6B) U+0319, character ̙, decimal 793, hex 0x319, octal \1431, binary 1100011001 UTF-8: 0xcc 0x99 0332 COMBINING LOW LINE = underline, underscore * connects on left and right x (low line - 005F) U+0332, character ̲, decimal 818, hex 0x332, octal \1462, binary 1100110010 UTF-8: 0xcc 0xb2 0333 COMBINING DOUBLE LOW LINE = double underline, double underscore * connects on left and right x (combining equals sign below - 0347) x (double low line - 2017) U+0333, character ̳, decimal 819, hex 0x333, octal \1463, binary 1100110011 UTF-8: 0xcc 0xb3 0336 COMBINING LONG STROKE OVERLAY = strikethrough * connects on left and right U+0336, character ̶, decimal 822, hex 0x336, octal \1466, binary 1100110110 UTF-8: 0xcc 0xb6 0339 COMBINING RIGHT HALF RING BELOW U+0339, character ̹, decimal 825, hex 0x339, octal \1471, binary 1100111001 UTF-8: 0xcc 0xb9 033F COMBINING DOUBLE OVERLINE * connects on left and right U+033F, character ̿, decimal 831, hex 0x33F, octal \1477, binary 1100111111 UTF-8: 0xcc 0xbf 034D COMBINING LEFT RIGHT ARROW BELOW * IPA: labial spreading U+034D, character ͍, decimal 845, hex 0x34D, octal \1515, binary 1101001101 UTF-8: 0xcd 0x8d 0350 COMBINING RIGHT ARROWHEAD ABOVE U+0350, character ͐, decimal 848, hex 0x350, octal \1520, binary 1101010000 UTF-8: 0xcd 0x90 0355 COMBINING RIGHT ARROWHEAD BELOW U+0355, character ͕, decimal 853, hex 0x355, octal \1525, binary 1101010101 UTF-8: 0xcd 0x95 0356 COMBINING RIGHT ARROWHEAD AND UP ARROWHEAD BELOW U+0356, character ͖, decimal 854, hex 0x356, octal \1526, binary 1101010110 UTF-8: 0xcd 0x96 0357 COMBINING RIGHT HALF RING ABOVE U+0357, character ͗, decimal 855, hex 0x357, octal \1527, binary 1101010111 UTF-8: 0xcd 0x97 0358 COMBINING DOT ABOVE RIGHT * Latin transliterations of the Southern Min dialects of Chinese x (combining dot above left - 1DF8) U+0358, character ͘, decimal 856, hex 0x358, octal \1530, binary 1101011000 UTF-8: 0xcd 0x98 0362 COMBINING DOUBLE RIGHTWARDS ARROW BELOW * IPA: sliding articulation U+0362, character ͢, decimal 866, hex 0x362, octal \1542, binary 1101100010 UTF-8: 0xcd 0xa2 0499 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZE WITH DESCENDER * Bashkir * letterforms with right hooks are preferred, although occasional variants with left hooks occur U+0499, character ҙ, decimal 1177, hex 0x499, octal \2231, binary 10010011001 UTF-8: 0xe0 0x92 0x99 04AB CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ES WITH DESCENDER * Bashkir, Chuvash * letterforms with right hooks are preferred, although occasional variants with left hooks occur * in Chuvashia, letterforms identical to or similar in form to 00E7 regularly occur U+04AB, character ҫ, decimal 1195, hex 0x4AB, octal \2253, binary 10010101011 UTF-8: 0xe0 0x92 0xab 04BF CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ABKHASIAN CHE WITH DESCENDER * some older Abkhaz fonts show a descender shaped like a right hook (ogonek or reversed comma shape) U+04BF, character ҿ, decimal 1215, hex 0x4BF, octal \2277, binary 10010111111 UTF-8: 0xe0 0x92 0xbf 055A ARMENIAN APOSTROPHE = armenian modifier letter right half ring (1.0) x (modifier letter apostrophe - 02BC) x (modifier letter right half ring - 02BE) x (combining comma above - 0313) U+055A, character ՚, decimal 1370, hex 0x55A, octal \2532, binary 10101011010 UTF-8: 0xe0 0x95 0x9a 058D RIGHT-FACING ARMENIAN ETERNITY SIGN U+058D, character ֍, decimal 1421, hex 0x58D, octal \2615, binary 10110001101 UTF-8: 0xe0 0x96 0x8d 061C ARABIC LETTER MARK * commonly abbreviated ALM x (right-to-left mark - 200F) U+061C, character , decimal 1564, hex 0x61C, octal \3034, binary 11000011100 UTF-8: 0xe0 0x98 0x9c 0621 ARABIC LETTER HAMZA x (modifier letter right half ring - 02BE) U+0621, character ء, decimal 1569, hex 0x621, octal \3041, binary 11000100001 UTF-8: 0xe0 0x98 0xa1 066C ARABIC THOUSANDS SEPARATOR x (apostrophe - 0027) x (right single quotation mark - 2019) U+066C, character ٬, decimal 1644, hex 0x66C, octal \3154, binary 11001101100 UTF-8: 0xe0 0x99 0xac 06E0 ARABIC SMALL HIGH UPRIGHT RECTANGULAR ZERO U+06E0, character ۠, decimal 1760, hex 0x6E0, octal \3340, binary 11011100000 UTF-8: 0xe0 0x9b 0xa0 0707 SYRIAC COLON SKEWED RIGHT * marks the end of a subdivision of the apodosis, or latter part of a Biblical verse U+0707, character ܇, decimal 1799, hex 0x707, octal \3407, binary 11100000111 UTF-8: 0xe0 0x9c 0x87 0709 SYRIAC SUBLINEAR COLON SKEWED RIGHT % SYRIAC SUBLINEAR COLON SKEWED LEFT * marks the end of a real or rhetorical question * character name is a misnomer U+0709, character ܉, decimal 1801, hex 0x709, octal \3411, binary 11100001001 UTF-8: 0xe0 0x9c 0x89 08F8 ARABIC RIGHT ARROWHEAD ABOVE * also used in Quranic text in African and other orthographies to represent damma U+08F8, character ࣸ, decimal 2296, hex 0x8F8, octal \4370, binary 100011111000 UTF-8: 0xe0 0xa3 0xb8 08FA ARABIC RIGHT ARROWHEAD BELOW U+08FA, character ࣺ, decimal 2298, hex 0x8FA, octal \4372, binary 100011111010 UTF-8: 0xe0 0xa3 0xba 08FB ARABIC DOUBLE RIGHT ARROWHEAD ABOVE U+08FB, character ࣻ, decimal 2299, hex 0x8FB, octal \4373, binary 100011111011 UTF-8: 0xe0 0xa3 0xbb 08FC ARABIC DOUBLE RIGHT ARROWHEAD ABOVE WITH DOT * also used in Quranic text in African and other orthographies to represent dammatan U+08FC, character ࣼ, decimal 2300, hex 0x8FC, octal \4374, binary 100011111100 UTF-8: 0xe0 0xa3 0xbc 08FD ARABIC RIGHT ARROWHEAD ABOVE WITH DOT U+08FD, character ࣽ, decimal 2301, hex 0x8FD, octal \4375, binary 100011111101 UTF-8: 0xe0 0xa3 0xbd 0FD5 RIGHT-FACING SVASTI SIGN = gyung drung nang -khor * symbol of good luck and well-being in India x 5350 U+0FD5, character ࿕, decimal 4053, hex 0xFD5, octal \7725, binary 111111010101 UTF-8: 0xe0 0xbf 0x95 0FD7 RIGHT-FACING SVASTI SIGN WITH DOTS = gyung drung nang -khor bzhi mig can U+0FD7, character ࿗, decimal 4055, hex 0xFD7, octal \7727, binary 111111010111 UTF-8: 0xe0 0xbf 0x97 1423 CANADIAN SYLLABICS FINAL RIGHT HALF RING * West Cree (N), Athapascan (D/T), Sayisi (N), Carrier (N) U+1423, character ᐣ, decimal 5155, hex 0x1423, octal \12043, binary 1010000100011 UTF-8: 0xe1 0x90 0xa3 1B74 BALINESE MUSICAL SYMBOL RIGHT-HAND OPEN DUG U+1B74, character ᭴, decimal 7028, hex 0x1B74, octal \15564, binary 1101101110100 UTF-8: 0xe1 0xad 0xb4 1B75 BALINESE MUSICAL SYMBOL RIGHT-HAND OPEN DAG U+1B75, character ᭵, decimal 7029, hex 0x1B75, octal \15565, binary 1101101110101 UTF-8: 0xe1 0xad 0xb5 1B76 BALINESE MUSICAL SYMBOL RIGHT-HAND CLOSED TUK U+1B76, character ᭶, decimal 7030, hex 0x1B76, octal \15566, binary 1101101110110 UTF-8: 0xe1 0xad 0xb6 1B77 BALINESE MUSICAL SYMBOL RIGHT-HAND CLOSED TAK U+1B77, character ᭷, decimal 7031, hex 0x1B77, octal \15567, binary 1101101110111 UTF-8: 0xe1 0xad 0xb7 1DF6 COMBINING KAVYKA ABOVE RIGHT U+1DF6, character ᷶, decimal 7670, hex 0x1DF6, octal \16766, binary 1110111110110 UTF-8: 0xe1 0xb7 0xb6 1DF8 COMBINING DOT ABOVE LEFT * used in Syriac as a disambiguation dot * used in Typicon Cyrillic, where the dot may have a square appearance x (combining dot above right - 0358) U+1DF8, character ᷸, decimal 7672, hex 0x1DF8, octal \16770, binary 1110111111000 UTF-8: 0xe1 0xb7 0xb8 1DFF COMBINING RIGHT ARROWHEAD AND DOWN ARROWHEAD BELOW U+1DFF, character ᷿, decimal 7679, hex 0x1DFF, octal \16777, binary 1110111111111 UTF-8: 0xe1 0xb7 0xbf 1E9A LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH RIGHT HALF RING # 0061 02BE U+1E9A, character ẚ, decimal 7834, hex 0x1E9A, octal \17232, binary 1111010011010 UTF-8: 0xe1 0xba 0x9a 200E LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK * commonly abbreviated LRM U+200E, character , decimal 8206, hex 0x200E, octal \20016, binary 10000000001110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x80 0x8e 200F RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK * commonly abbreviated RLM x (arabic letter mark - 061C) U+200F, character , decimal 8207, hex 0x200F, octal \20017, binary 10000000001111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x80 0x8f 2019 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK = single comma quotation mark * this is the preferred character to use for apostrophe x (apostrophe - 0027) x (modifier letter apostrophe - 02BC) x (heavy single comma quotation mark ornament - 275C) U+2019, character ’, decimal 8217, hex 0x2019, octal \20031, binary 10000000011001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x80 0x99 201D RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK = double comma quotation mark x (quotation mark - 0022) x (double prime - 2033) x (heavy double comma quotation mark ornament - 275E) x (double prime quotation mark - 301E) U+201D, character ”, decimal 8221, hex 0x201D, octal \20035, binary 10000000011101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x80 0x9d 2023 TRIANGULAR BULLET x (end of proof - 220E) x (black right-pointing small triangle - 25B8) U+2023, character ‣, decimal 8227, hex 0x2023, octal \20043, binary 10000000100011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x80 0xa3 202A LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING * commonly abbreviated LRE U+202A, character , decimal 8234, hex 0x202A, octal \20052, binary 10000000101010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x80 0xaa 202B RIGHT-TO-LEFT EMBEDDING * commonly abbreviated RLE U+202B, character , decimal 8235, hex 0x202B, octal \20053, binary 10000000101011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x80 0xab 202D LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE * commonly abbreviated LRO U+202D, character , decimal 8237, hex 0x202D, octal \20055, binary 10000000101101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x80 0xad 202E RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE * commonly abbreviated RLO U+202E, character , decimal 8238, hex 0x202E, octal \20056, binary 10000000101110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x80 0xae 2033 DOUBLE PRIME = seconds, inches x (quotation mark - 0022) x (modifier letter double prime - 02BA) x (right double quotation mark - 201D) x (ditto mark - 3003) x (double prime quotation mark - 301E) # 2032 2032 U+2033, character ″, decimal 8243, hex 0x2033, octal \20063, binary 10000000110011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x80 0xb3 203A SINGLE RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK = right pointing single guillemet * usually closing, sometimes opening x (greater-than sign - 003E) x (right-pointing angle bracket - 232A) x (right angle bracket - 3009) U+203A, character ›, decimal 8250, hex 0x203A, octal \20072, binary 10000000111010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x80 0xba 2041 CARET INSERTION POINT * proofreader's mark: insert here x (right semidirect product - 22CC) U+2041, character ⁁, decimal 8257, hex 0x2041, octal \20101, binary 10000001000001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x81 0x81 2046 RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET WITH QUILL U+2046, character ⁆, decimal 8262, hex 0x2046, octal \20106, binary 10000001000110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x81 0x86 204D BLACK RIGHTWARDS BULLET U+204D, character ⁍, decimal 8269, hex 0x204D, octal \20115, binary 10000001001101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x81 0x8d 2066 LEFT-TO-RIGHT ISOLATE * commonly abbreviated LRI U+2066, character , decimal 8294, hex 0x2066, octal \20146, binary 10000001100110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x81 0xa6 2067 RIGHT-TO-LEFT ISOLATE * commonly abbreviated RLI U+2067, character , decimal 8295, hex 0x2067, octal \20147, binary 10000001100111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x81 0xa7 207E SUPERSCRIPT RIGHT PARENTHESIS # <super> 0029 U+207E, character ⁾, decimal 8318, hex 0x207E, octal \20176, binary 10000001111110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x81 0xbe 208E SUBSCRIPT RIGHT PARENTHESIS # <sub> 0029 U+208E, character ₎, decimal 8334, hex 0x208E, octal \20216, binary 10000010001110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x82 0x8e 20D1 COMBINING RIGHT HARPOON ABOVE * vector U+20D1, character ⃑, decimal 8401, hex 0x20D1, octal \20321, binary 10000011010001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x83 0x91 20D7 COMBINING RIGHT ARROW ABOVE * vector U+20D7, character ⃗, decimal 8407, hex 0x20D7, octal \20327, binary 10000011010111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x83 0x97 20E1 COMBINING LEFT RIGHT ARROW ABOVE * tensor U+20E1, character ⃡, decimal 8417, hex 0x20E1, octal \20341, binary 10000011100001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x83 0xa1 20E7 COMBINING ANNUITY SYMBOL = actuarial bend x (right ceiling - 2309) U+20E7, character ⃧, decimal 8423, hex 0x20E7, octal \20347, binary 10000011100111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x83 0xa7 20EC COMBINING RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNWARDS U+20EC, character ⃬, decimal 8428, hex 0x20EC, octal \20354, binary 10000011101100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x83 0xac 20EF COMBINING RIGHT ARROW BELOW U+20EF, character ⃯, decimal 8431, hex 0x20EF, octal \20357, binary 10000011101111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x83 0xaf 2117 SOUND RECORDING COPYRIGHT = published = phonorecord sign x (copyright sign - 00A9) x (circled latin capital letter p - 24C5) U+2117, character ℗, decimal 8471, hex 0x2117, octal \20427, binary 10000100010111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x84 0x97 2192 RIGHTWARDS ARROW = z notation total function U+2192, character →, decimal 8594, hex 0x2192, octal \20622, binary 10000110010010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x86 0x92 2194 LEFT RIGHT ARROW = z notation relation U+2194, character ↔, decimal 8596, hex 0x2194, octal \20624, binary 10000110010100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x86 0x94 219B RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH STROKE * negation of 2192 : 2192 0338 U+219B, character ↛, decimal 8603, hex 0x219B, octal \20633, binary 10000110011011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x86 0x9b 219D RIGHTWARDS WAVE ARROW U+219D, character ↝, decimal 8605, hex 0x219D, octal \20635, binary 10000110011101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x86 0x9d 21A0 RIGHTWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW = z notation total surjection = fast cursor right U+21A0, character ↠, decimal 8608, hex 0x21A0, octal \20640, binary 10000110100000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x86 0xa0 21A3 RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH TAIL = z notation total injection U+21A3, character ↣, decimal 8611, hex 0x21A3, octal \20643, binary 10000110100011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x86 0xa3 21A6 RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR = z notation maplet U+21A6, character ↦, decimal 8614, hex 0x21A6, octal \20646, binary 10000110100110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x86 0xa6 21AA RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK U+21AA, character ↪, decimal 8618, hex 0x21AA, octal \20652, binary 10000110101010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x86 0xaa 21AC RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH LOOP U+21AC, character ↬, decimal 8620, hex 0x21AC, octal \20654, binary 10000110101100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x86 0xac 21AD LEFT RIGHT WAVE ARROW U+21AD, character ↭, decimal 8621, hex 0x21AD, octal \20655, binary 10000110101101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x86 0xad 21AE LEFT RIGHT ARROW WITH STROKE * negation of 2194 : 2194 0338 U+21AE, character ↮, decimal 8622, hex 0x21AE, octal \20656, binary 10000110101110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x86 0xae 21B1 UPWARDS ARROW WITH TIP RIGHTWARDS U+21B1, character ↱, decimal 8625, hex 0x21B1, octal \20661, binary 10000110110001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x86 0xb1 21B3 DOWNWARDS ARROW WITH TIP RIGHTWARDS U+21B3, character ↳, decimal 8627, hex 0x21B3, octal \20663, binary 10000110110011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x86 0xb3 21B4 RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH CORNER DOWNWARDS = line feed U+21B4, character ↴, decimal 8628, hex 0x21B4, octal \20664, binary 10000110110100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x86 0xb4 21B9 LEFTWARDS ARROW TO BAR OVER RIGHTWARDS ARROW TO BAR = tab with shift tab x (horizontal tab key - 2B7E) U+21B9, character ↹, decimal 8633, hex 0x21B9, octal \20671, binary 10000110111001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x86 0xb9 21BE UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHTWARDS U+21BE, character ↾, decimal 8638, hex 0x21BE, octal \20676, binary 10000110111110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x86 0xbe 21C0 RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UPWARDS U+21C0, character ⇀, decimal 8640, hex 0x21C0, octal \20700, binary 10000111000000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0x80 21C1 RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNWARDS U+21C1, character ⇁, decimal 8641, hex 0x21C1, octal \20701, binary 10000111000001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0x81 21C2 DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHTWARDS U+21C2, character ⇂, decimal 8642, hex 0x21C2, octal \20702, binary 10000111000010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0x82 21C4 RIGHTWARDS ARROW OVER LEFTWARDS ARROW U+21C4, character ⇄, decimal 8644, hex 0x21C4, octal \20704, binary 10000111000100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0x84 21C6 LEFTWARDS ARROW OVER RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+21C6, character ⇆, decimal 8646, hex 0x21C6, octal \20706, binary 10000111000110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0x86 21C9 RIGHTWARDS PAIRED ARROWS U+21C9, character ⇉, decimal 8649, hex 0x21C9, octal \20711, binary 10000111001001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0x89 21CB LEFTWARDS HARPOON OVER RIGHTWARDS HARPOON U+21CB, character ⇋, decimal 8651, hex 0x21CB, octal \20713, binary 10000111001011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0x8b 21CC RIGHTWARDS HARPOON OVER LEFTWARDS HARPOON U+21CC, character ⇌, decimal 8652, hex 0x21CC, octal \20714, binary 10000111001100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0x8c 21CE LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE * negation of 21D4 : 21D4 0338 U+21CE, character ⇎, decimal 8654, hex 0x21CE, octal \20716, binary 10000111001110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0x8e 21CF RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE * negation of 21D2 : 21D2 0338 U+21CF, character ⇏, decimal 8655, hex 0x21CF, octal \20717, binary 10000111001111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0x8f 21D2 RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW U+21D2, character ⇒, decimal 8658, hex 0x21D2, octal \20722, binary 10000111010010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0x92 21D4 LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW U+21D4, character ⇔, decimal 8660, hex 0x21D4, octal \20724, binary 10000111010100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0x94 21DB RIGHTWARDS TRIPLE ARROW U+21DB, character ⇛, decimal 8667, hex 0x21DB, octal \20733, binary 10000111011011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0x9b 21DD RIGHTWARDS SQUIGGLE ARROW U+21DD, character ⇝, decimal 8669, hex 0x21DD, octal \20735, binary 10000111011101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0x9d 21E2 RIGHTWARDS DASHED ARROW U+21E2, character ⇢, decimal 8674, hex 0x21E2, octal \20742, binary 10000111100010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0xa2 21E5 RIGHTWARDS ARROW TO BAR = rightward tab U+21E5, character ⇥, decimal 8677, hex 0x21E5, octal \20745, binary 10000111100101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0xa5 21E8 RIGHTWARDS WHITE ARROW = group select (ISO 9995-7) U+21E8, character ⇨, decimal 8680, hex 0x21E8, octal \20750, binary 10000111101000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0xa8 21F0 RIGHTWARDS WHITE ARROW FROM WALL = group lock U+21F0, character ⇰, decimal 8688, hex 0x21F0, octal \20760, binary 10000111110000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0xb0 21F3 UP DOWN WHITE ARROW = scrolling x (left right white arrow - 2B04) U+21F3, character ⇳, decimal 8691, hex 0x21F3, octal \20763, binary 10000111110011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0xb3 21F4 RIGHT ARROW WITH SMALL CIRCLE x (left arrow with small circle - 2B30) U+21F4, character ⇴, decimal 8692, hex 0x21F4, octal \20764, binary 10000111110100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0xb4 21F6 THREE RIGHTWARDS ARROWS x (three leftwards arrows - 2B31) U+21F6, character ⇶, decimal 8694, hex 0x21F6, octal \20766, binary 10000111110110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0xb6 21F8 RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH VERTICAL STROKE = z notation partial function U+21F8, character ⇸, decimal 8696, hex 0x21F8, octal \20770, binary 10000111111000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0xb8 21F9 LEFT RIGHT ARROW WITH VERTICAL STROKE = z notation partial relation U+21F9, character ⇹, decimal 8697, hex 0x21F9, octal \20771, binary 10000111111001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0xb9 21FB RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH DOUBLE VERTICAL STROKE = z notation finite function U+21FB, character ⇻, decimal 8699, hex 0x21FB, octal \20773, binary 10000111111011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0xbb 21FC LEFT RIGHT ARROW WITH DOUBLE VERTICAL STROKE = z notation finite relation U+21FC, character ⇼, decimal 8700, hex 0x21FC, octal \20774, binary 10000111111100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0xbc 21FE RIGHTWARDS OPEN-HEADED ARROW U+21FE, character ⇾, decimal 8702, hex 0x21FE, octal \20776, binary 10000111111110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0xbe 21FF LEFT RIGHT OPEN-HEADED ARROW U+21FF, character ⇿, decimal 8703, hex 0x21FF, octal \20777, binary 10000111111111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x87 0xbf 221F RIGHT ANGLE = with (in chess notation) x (reversed right angle - 2BFE) U+221F, character ∟, decimal 8735, hex 0x221F, octal \21037, binary 10001000011111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x88 0x9f 226B MUCH GREATER-THAN x (right-pointing double angle quotation mark - 00BB) U+226B, character ≫, decimal 8811, hex 0x226B, octal \21153, binary 10001001101011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x89 0xab 2283 SUPERSET OF = includes in set x (right sideways u bracket - 2E27) U+2283, character ⊃, decimal 8835, hex 0x2283, octal \21203, binary 10001010000011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8a 0x83 22A1 SQUARED DOT OPERATOR x (alchemical symbol for urine - 1F755) x (right open squared dot - 1FBBC) U+22A1, character ⊡, decimal 8865, hex 0x22A1, octal \21241, binary 10001010100001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8a 0xa1 22A2 RIGHT TACK = turnstile = proves, implies, yields = reducible U+22A2, character ⊢, decimal 8866, hex 0x22A2, octal \21242, binary 10001010100010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8a 0xa2 22AA TRIPLE VERTICAL BAR RIGHT TURNSTILE U+22AA, character ⊪, decimal 8874, hex 0x22AA, octal \21252, binary 10001010101010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8a 0xaa 22AB DOUBLE VERTICAL BAR DOUBLE RIGHT TURNSTILE U+22AB, character ⊫, decimal 8875, hex 0x22AB, octal \21253, binary 10001010101011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8a 0xab 22AF NEGATED DOUBLE VERTICAL BAR DOUBLE RIGHT TURNSTILE : 22AB 0338 U+22AF, character ⊯, decimal 8879, hex 0x22AF, octal \21257, binary 10001010101111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8a 0xaf 22B3 CONTAINS AS NORMAL SUBGROUP x (white right-pointing pointer - 25BB) U+22B3, character ⊳, decimal 8883, hex 0x22B3, octal \21263, binary 10001010110011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8a 0xb3 22BE RIGHT ANGLE WITH ARC U+22BE, character ⊾, decimal 8894, hex 0x22BE, octal \21276, binary 10001010111110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8a 0xbe 22BF RIGHT TRIANGLE U+22BF, character ⊿, decimal 8895, hex 0x22BF, octal \21277, binary 10001010111111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8a 0xbf 22CA RIGHT NORMAL FACTOR SEMIDIRECT PRODUCT U+22CA, character ⋊, decimal 8906, hex 0x22CA, octal \21312, binary 10001011001010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8b 0x8a 22CC RIGHT SEMIDIRECT PRODUCT x (caret insertion point - 2041) U+22CC, character ⋌, decimal 8908, hex 0x22CC, octal \21314, binary 10001011001100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8b 0x8c 22F0 UP RIGHT DIAGONAL ELLIPSIS U+22F0, character ⋰, decimal 8944, hex 0x22F0, octal \21360, binary 10001011110000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8b 0xb0 22F1 DOWN RIGHT DIAGONAL ELLIPSIS U+22F1, character ⋱, decimal 8945, hex 0x22F1, octal \21361, binary 10001011110001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8b 0xb1 2309 RIGHT CEILING x (combining annuity symbol - 20E7) x (top right half bracket - 2E23) U+2309, character ⌉, decimal 8969, hex 0x2309, octal \21411, binary 10001100001001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8c 0x89 230B RIGHT FLOOR x (right corner bracket - 300D) x (bottom right half bracket - 2E25) U+230B, character ⌋, decimal 8971, hex 0x230B, octal \21413, binary 10001100001011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8c 0x8b 230C BOTTOM RIGHT CROP * set of four "crop" corners, arranged facing outward U+230C, character ⌌, decimal 8972, hex 0x230C, octal \21414, binary 10001100001100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8c 0x8c 230E TOP RIGHT CROP U+230E, character ⌎, decimal 8974, hex 0x230E, octal \21416, binary 10001100001110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8c 0x8e 231C TOP LEFT CORNER x (right angle substitution marker - 2E00) x (top left half bracket - 2E22) U+231C, character ⌜, decimal 8988, hex 0x231C, octal \21434, binary 10001100011100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8c 0x9c 231D TOP RIGHT CORNER U+231D, character ⌝, decimal 8989, hex 0x231D, octal \21435, binary 10001100011101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8c 0x9d 231F BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER U+231F, character ⌟, decimal 8991, hex 0x231F, octal \21437, binary 10001100011111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8c 0x9f 2326 ERASE TO THE RIGHT = delete to the right key U+2326, character ⌦, decimal 8998, hex 0x2326, octal \21446, binary 10001100100110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8c 0xa6 232A RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET x (greater-than sign - 003E) x (single right-pointing angle quotation mark - 203A) x (mathematical right angle bracket - 27E9) : 3009 right angle bracket U+232A, character 〉, decimal 9002, hex 0x232A, octal \21452, binary 10001100101010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8c 0xaa 2346 APL FUNCTIONAL SYMBOL RIGHTWARDS VANE U+2346, character ⍆, decimal 9030, hex 0x2346, octal \21506, binary 10001101000110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8d 0x86 2348 APL FUNCTIONAL SYMBOL QUAD RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+2348, character ⍈, decimal 9032, hex 0x2348, octal \21510, binary 10001101001000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8d 0x88 237C RIGHT ANGLE WITH DOWNWARDS ZIGZAG ARROW U+237C, character ⍼, decimal 9084, hex 0x237C, octal \21574, binary 10001101111100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8d 0xbc 239E RIGHT PARENTHESIS UPPER HOOK U+239E, character ⎞, decimal 9118, hex 0x239E, octal \21636, binary 10001110011110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8e 0x9e 239F RIGHT PARENTHESIS EXTENSION U+239F, character ⎟, decimal 9119, hex 0x239F, octal \21637, binary 10001110011111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8e 0x9f 23A0 RIGHT PARENTHESIS LOWER HOOK U+23A0, character ⎠, decimal 9120, hex 0x23A0, octal \21640, binary 10001110100000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8e 0xa0 23A4 RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET UPPER CORNER U+23A4, character ⎤, decimal 9124, hex 0x23A4, octal \21644, binary 10001110100100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8e 0xa4 23A5 RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET EXTENSION U+23A5, character ⎥, decimal 9125, hex 0x23A5, octal \21645, binary 10001110100101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8e 0xa5 23A6 RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET LOWER CORNER U+23A6, character ⎦, decimal 9126, hex 0x23A6, octal \21646, binary 10001110100110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8e 0xa6 23AB RIGHT CURLY BRACKET UPPER HOOK U+23AB, character ⎫, decimal 9131, hex 0x23AB, octal \21653, binary 10001110101011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8e 0xab 23AC RIGHT CURLY BRACKET MIDDLE PIECE U+23AC, character ⎬, decimal 9132, hex 0x23AC, octal \21654, binary 10001110101100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8e 0xac 23AD RIGHT CURLY BRACKET LOWER HOOK U+23AD, character ⎭, decimal 9133, hex 0x23AD, octal \21655, binary 10001110101101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8e 0xad 23B0 UPPER LEFT OR LOWER RIGHT CURLY BRACKET SECTION = left moustache U+23B0, character ⎰, decimal 9136, hex 0x23B0, octal \21660, binary 10001110110000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8e 0xb0 23B1 UPPER RIGHT OR LOWER LEFT CURLY BRACKET SECTION = right moustache U+23B1, character ⎱, decimal 9137, hex 0x23B1, octal \21661, binary 10001110110001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8e 0xb1 23B5 BOTTOM SQUARE BRACKET x (presentation form for vertical right square bracket - FE48) U+23B5, character ⎵, decimal 9141, hex 0x23B5, octal \21665, binary 10001110110101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8e 0xb5 23B9 RIGHT VERTICAL BOX LINE U+23B9, character ⎹, decimal 9145, hex 0x23B9, octal \21671, binary 10001110111001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8e 0xb9 23BE DENTISTRY SYMBOL LIGHT VERTICAL AND TOP RIGHT x (left ceiling - 2308) U+23BE, character ⎾, decimal 9150, hex 0x23BE, octal \21676, binary 10001110111110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8e 0xbe 23BF DENTISTRY SYMBOL LIGHT VERTICAL AND BOTTOM RIGHT x (left floor - 230A) U+23BF, character ⎿, decimal 9151, hex 0x23BF, octal \21677, binary 10001110111111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8e 0xbf 23CB DENTISTRY SYMBOL LIGHT VERTICAL AND TOP LEFT x (right ceiling - 2309) U+23CB, character ⏋, decimal 9163, hex 0x23CB, octal \21713, binary 10001111001011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8f 0x8b 23CC DENTISTRY SYMBOL LIGHT VERTICAL AND BOTTOM LEFT x (right floor - 230B) U+23CC, character ⏌, decimal 9164, hex 0x23CC, octal \21714, binary 10001111001100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8f 0x8c 23DD BOTTOM PARENTHESIS x (presentation form for vertical right parenthesis - FE36) U+23DD, character ⏝, decimal 9181, hex 0x23DD, octal \21735, binary 10001111011101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8f 0x9d 23DF BOTTOM CURLY BRACKET x (presentation form for vertical right curly bracket - FE38) U+23DF, character ⏟, decimal 9183, hex 0x23DF, octal \21737, binary 10001111011111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8f 0x9f 23E1 BOTTOM TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET x (presentation form for vertical right tortoise shell bracket - FE3A) U+23E1, character ⏡, decimal 9185, hex 0x23E1, octal \21741, binary 10001111100001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8f 0xa1 23E9 BLACK RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE = fast forward U+23E9, character ⏩, decimal 9193, hex 0x23E9, octal \21751, binary 10001111101001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8f 0xa9 23ED BLACK RIGHT-POINTING DOUBLE TRIANGLE WITH VERTICAL BAR = skip to the end or next file/track/chapter U+23ED, character ⏭, decimal 9197, hex 0x23ED, octal \21755, binary 10001111101101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8f 0xad 23EF BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE WITH DOUBLE VERTICAL BAR = play/pause toggle U+23EF, character ⏯, decimal 9199, hex 0x23EF, octal \21757, binary 10001111101111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8f 0xaf 23F4 BLACK MEDIUM LEFT-POINTING TRIANGLE = reverse, back * preferred to 25C0 black left-pointing triangle x (black medium left-pointing triangle centred - 2BC7) x (black left-pointing isosceles right triangle - 1F780) U+23F4, character ⏴, decimal 9204, hex 0x23F4, octal \21764, binary 10001111110100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8f 0xb4 23F5 BLACK MEDIUM RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE = forward * preferred to 25B6 black right-pointing triangle x (black medium right-pointing triangle centred - 2BC8) x (black right-pointing isosceles right triangle - 1F782) U+23F5, character ⏵, decimal 9205, hex 0x23F5, octal \21765, binary 10001111110101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8f 0xb5 23F6 BLACK MEDIUM UP-POINTING TRIANGLE = increase * preferred to 25B2 black up-pointing triangle x (black medium up-pointing triangle centred - 2BC5) x (black up-pointing isosceles right triangle - 1F781) U+23F6, character ⏶, decimal 9206, hex 0x23F6, octal \21766, binary 10001111110110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8f 0xb6 23F7 BLACK MEDIUM DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE = decrease * preferred to 25BC black down-pointing triangle x (black medium down-pointing triangle centred - 2BC6) x (black down-pointing isosceles right triangle - 1F783) U+23F7, character ⏷, decimal 9207, hex 0x23F7, octal \21767, binary 10001111110111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x8f 0xb7 24B8 CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C x (copyright sign - 00A9) # <circle> 0043 U+24B8, character Ⓒ, decimal 9400, hex 0x24B8, octal \22270, binary 10010010111000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x92 0xb8 24C5 CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P x (sound recording copyright - 2117) # <circle> 0050 U+24C5, character Ⓟ, decimal 9413, hex 0x24C5, octal \22305, binary 10010011000101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x93 0x85 250C BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DOWN AND RIGHT = Videotex Mosaic DG 16 U+250C, character ┌, decimal 9484, hex 0x250C, octal \22414, binary 10010100001100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0x8c 250D BOX DRAWINGS DOWN LIGHT AND RIGHT HEAVY U+250D, character ┍, decimal 9485, hex 0x250D, octal \22415, binary 10010100001101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0x8d 250E BOX DRAWINGS DOWN HEAVY AND RIGHT LIGHT U+250E, character ┎, decimal 9486, hex 0x250E, octal \22416, binary 10010100001110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0x8e 250F BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY DOWN AND RIGHT U+250F, character ┏, decimal 9487, hex 0x250F, octal \22417, binary 10010100001111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0x8f 2514 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT UP AND RIGHT = Videotex Mosaic DG 18 U+2514, character └, decimal 9492, hex 0x2514, octal \22424, binary 10010100010100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0x94 2515 BOX DRAWINGS UP LIGHT AND RIGHT HEAVY U+2515, character ┕, decimal 9493, hex 0x2515, octal \22425, binary 10010100010101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0x95 2516 BOX DRAWINGS UP HEAVY AND RIGHT LIGHT U+2516, character ┖, decimal 9494, hex 0x2516, octal \22426, binary 10010100010110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0x96 2517 BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY UP AND RIGHT U+2517, character ┗, decimal 9495, hex 0x2517, octal \22427, binary 10010100010111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0x97 251C BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT VERTICAL AND RIGHT = Videotex Mosaic DG 20 U+251C, character ├, decimal 9500, hex 0x251C, octal \22434, binary 10010100011100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0x9c 251D BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL LIGHT AND RIGHT HEAVY = Videotex Mosaic DG 03 U+251D, character ┝, decimal 9501, hex 0x251D, octal \22435, binary 10010100011101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0x9d 251E BOX DRAWINGS UP HEAVY AND RIGHT DOWN LIGHT U+251E, character ┞, decimal 9502, hex 0x251E, octal \22436, binary 10010100011110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0x9e 251F BOX DRAWINGS DOWN HEAVY AND RIGHT UP LIGHT U+251F, character ┟, decimal 9503, hex 0x251F, octal \22437, binary 10010100011111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0x9f 2520 BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL HEAVY AND RIGHT LIGHT U+2520, character ┠, decimal 9504, hex 0x2520, octal \22440, binary 10010100100000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0xa0 2521 BOX DRAWINGS DOWN LIGHT AND RIGHT UP HEAVY U+2521, character ┡, decimal 9505, hex 0x2521, octal \22441, binary 10010100100001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0xa1 2522 BOX DRAWINGS UP LIGHT AND RIGHT DOWN HEAVY U+2522, character ┢, decimal 9506, hex 0x2522, octal \22442, binary 10010100100010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0xa2 2523 BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY VERTICAL AND RIGHT U+2523, character ┣, decimal 9507, hex 0x2523, octal \22443, binary 10010100100011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0xa3 252D BOX DRAWINGS LEFT HEAVY AND RIGHT DOWN LIGHT U+252D, character ┭, decimal 9517, hex 0x252D, octal \22455, binary 10010100101101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0xad 252E BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT HEAVY AND LEFT DOWN LIGHT U+252E, character ┮, decimal 9518, hex 0x252E, octal \22456, binary 10010100101110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0xae 2531 BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT LIGHT AND LEFT DOWN HEAVY U+2531, character ┱, decimal 9521, hex 0x2531, octal \22461, binary 10010100110001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0xb1 2532 BOX DRAWINGS LEFT LIGHT AND RIGHT DOWN HEAVY U+2532, character ┲, decimal 9522, hex 0x2532, octal \22462, binary 10010100110010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0xb2 2535 BOX DRAWINGS LEFT HEAVY AND RIGHT UP LIGHT U+2535, character ┵, decimal 9525, hex 0x2535, octal \22465, binary 10010100110101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0xb5 2536 BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT HEAVY AND LEFT UP LIGHT U+2536, character ┶, decimal 9526, hex 0x2536, octal \22466, binary 10010100110110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0xb6 2539 BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT LIGHT AND LEFT UP HEAVY U+2539, character ┹, decimal 9529, hex 0x2539, octal \22471, binary 10010100111001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0xb9 253A BOX DRAWINGS LEFT LIGHT AND RIGHT UP HEAVY U+253A, character ┺, decimal 9530, hex 0x253A, octal \22472, binary 10010100111010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0xba 253D BOX DRAWINGS LEFT HEAVY AND RIGHT VERTICAL LIGHT U+253D, character ┽, decimal 9533, hex 0x253D, octal \22475, binary 10010100111101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0xbd 253E BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT HEAVY AND LEFT VERTICAL LIGHT U+253E, character ┾, decimal 9534, hex 0x253E, octal \22476, binary 10010100111110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x94 0xbe 2543 BOX DRAWINGS LEFT UP HEAVY AND RIGHT DOWN LIGHT U+2543, character ╃, decimal 9539, hex 0x2543, octal \22503, binary 10010101000011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0x83 2544 BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT UP HEAVY AND LEFT DOWN LIGHT U+2544, character ╄, decimal 9540, hex 0x2544, octal \22504, binary 10010101000100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0x84 2545 BOX DRAWINGS LEFT DOWN HEAVY AND RIGHT UP LIGHT U+2545, character ╅, decimal 9541, hex 0x2545, octal \22505, binary 10010101000101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0x85 2546 BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT DOWN HEAVY AND LEFT UP LIGHT U+2546, character ╆, decimal 9542, hex 0x2546, octal \22506, binary 10010101000110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0x86 2549 BOX DRAWINGS RIGHT LIGHT AND LEFT VERTICAL HEAVY U+2549, character ╉, decimal 9545, hex 0x2549, octal \22511, binary 10010101001001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0x89 254A BOX DRAWINGS LEFT LIGHT AND RIGHT VERTICAL HEAVY U+254A, character ╊, decimal 9546, hex 0x254A, octal \22512, binary 10010101001010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0x8a 2552 BOX DRAWINGS DOWN SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE U+2552, character ╒, decimal 9554, hex 0x2552, octal \22522, binary 10010101010010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0x92 2553 BOX DRAWINGS DOWN DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE U+2553, character ╓, decimal 9555, hex 0x2553, octal \22523, binary 10010101010011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0x93 2554 BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE DOWN AND RIGHT U+2554, character ╔, decimal 9556, hex 0x2554, octal \22524, binary 10010101010100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0x94 2558 BOX DRAWINGS UP SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE U+2558, character ╘, decimal 9560, hex 0x2558, octal \22530, binary 10010101011000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0x98 2559 BOX DRAWINGS UP DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE U+2559, character ╙, decimal 9561, hex 0x2559, octal \22531, binary 10010101011001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0x99 255A BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE UP AND RIGHT U+255A, character ╚, decimal 9562, hex 0x255A, octal \22532, binary 10010101011010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0x9a 255E BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL SINGLE AND RIGHT DOUBLE U+255E, character ╞, decimal 9566, hex 0x255E, octal \22536, binary 10010101011110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0x9e 255F BOX DRAWINGS VERTICAL DOUBLE AND RIGHT SINGLE U+255F, character ╟, decimal 9567, hex 0x255F, octal \22537, binary 10010101011111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0x9f 2560 BOX DRAWINGS DOUBLE VERTICAL AND RIGHT U+2560, character ╠, decimal 9568, hex 0x2560, octal \22540, binary 10010101100000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0xa0 256D BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC DOWN AND RIGHT U+256D, character ╭, decimal 9581, hex 0x256D, octal \22555, binary 10010101101101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0xad 2570 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT ARC UP AND RIGHT U+2570, character ╰, decimal 9584, hex 0x2570, octal \22560, binary 10010101110000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0xb0 2571 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL UPPER RIGHT TO LOWER LEFT * not intended for mathematical symbol \diagup x (solidus - 002F) x (fraction slash - 2044) x (division slash - 2215) U+2571, character ╱, decimal 9585, hex 0x2571, octal \22561, binary 10010101110001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0xb1 2572 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL UPPER LEFT TO LOWER RIGHT * not intended for mathematical symbol \diagdown x (reverse solidus - 005C) x (set minus - 2216) x (reverse solidus operator - 29F5) U+2572, character ╲, decimal 9586, hex 0x2572, octal \22562, binary 10010101110010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0xb2 2576 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT RIGHT U+2576, character ╶, decimal 9590, hex 0x2576, octal \22566, binary 10010101110110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0xb6 257A BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY RIGHT U+257A, character ╺, decimal 9594, hex 0x257A, octal \22572, binary 10010101111010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0xba 257C BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT LEFT AND HEAVY RIGHT U+257C, character ╼, decimal 9596, hex 0x257C, octal \22574, binary 10010101111100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0xbc 257E BOX DRAWINGS HEAVY LEFT AND LIGHT RIGHT U+257E, character ╾, decimal 9598, hex 0x257E, octal \22576, binary 10010101111110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x95 0xbe 2590 RIGHT HALF BLOCK U+2590, character ▐, decimal 9616, hex 0x2590, octal \22620, binary 10010110010000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x96 0x90 2595 RIGHT ONE EIGHTH BLOCK U+2595, character ▕, decimal 9621, hex 0x2595, octal \22625, binary 10010110010101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x96 0x95 2597 QUADRANT LOWER RIGHT U+2597, character ▗, decimal 9623, hex 0x2597, octal \22627, binary 10010110010111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x96 0x97 2599 QUADRANT UPPER LEFT AND LOWER LEFT AND LOWER RIGHT U+2599, character ▙, decimal 9625, hex 0x2599, octal \22631, binary 10010110011001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x96 0x99 259A QUADRANT UPPER LEFT AND LOWER RIGHT x (reverse checker board - 1F67F) x (checker board fill - 1FB95) U+259A, character ▚, decimal 9626, hex 0x259A, octal \22632, binary 10010110011010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x96 0x9a 259B QUADRANT UPPER LEFT AND UPPER RIGHT AND LOWER LEFT U+259B, character ▛, decimal 9627, hex 0x259B, octal \22633, binary 10010110011011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x96 0x9b 259C QUADRANT UPPER LEFT AND UPPER RIGHT AND LOWER RIGHT U+259C, character ▜, decimal 9628, hex 0x259C, octal \22634, binary 10010110011100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x96 0x9c 259D QUADRANT UPPER RIGHT U+259D, character ▝, decimal 9629, hex 0x259D, octal \22635, binary 10010110011101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x96 0x9d 259E QUADRANT UPPER RIGHT AND LOWER LEFT x (checker board - 1F67E) x (inverse checker board fill - 1FB96) U+259E, character ▞, decimal 9630, hex 0x259E, octal \22636, binary 10010110011110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x96 0x9e 259F QUADRANT UPPER RIGHT AND LOWER LEFT AND LOWER RIGHT U+259F, character ▟, decimal 9631, hex 0x259F, octal \22637, binary 10010110011111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x96 0x9f 25A7 SQUARE WITH UPPER LEFT TO LOWER RIGHT FILL x (upper left to lower right fill - 1FB98) U+25A7, character ▧, decimal 9639, hex 0x25A7, octal \22647, binary 10010110100111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x96 0xa7 25A8 SQUARE WITH UPPER RIGHT TO LOWER LEFT FILL x (upper right to lower left fill - 1FB99) U+25A8, character ▨, decimal 9640, hex 0x25A8, octal \22650, binary 10010110101000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x96 0xa8 25B6 BLACK RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE x (black medium right-pointing triangle - 23F5) x (black medium right-pointing triangle centred - 2BC8) U+25B6, character ▶, decimal 9654, hex 0x25B6, octal \22666, binary 10010110110110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x96 0xb6 25B7 WHITE RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE = z notation range restriction U+25B7, character ▷, decimal 9655, hex 0x25B7, octal \22667, binary 10010110110111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x96 0xb7 25B8 BLACK RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE x (triangular bullet - 2023) U+25B8, character ▸, decimal 9656, hex 0x25B8, octal \22670, binary 10010110111000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x96 0xb8 25B9 WHITE RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE U+25B9, character ▹, decimal 9657, hex 0x25B9, octal \22671, binary 10010110111001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x96 0xb9 25BA BLACK RIGHT-POINTING POINTER U+25BA, character ►, decimal 9658, hex 0x25BA, octal \22672, binary 10010110111010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x96 0xba 25BB WHITE RIGHT-POINTING POINTER = forward arrow indicator x (contains as normal subgroup - 22B3) U+25BB, character ▻, decimal 9659, hex 0x25BB, octal \22673, binary 10010110111011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x96 0xbb 25D1 CIRCLE WITH RIGHT HALF BLACK x (last quarter moon symbol - 1F317) U+25D1, character ◑, decimal 9681, hex 0x25D1, octal \22721, binary 10010111010001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x97 0x91 25D4 CIRCLE WITH UPPER RIGHT QUADRANT BLACK U+25D4, character ◔, decimal 9684, hex 0x25D4, octal \22724, binary 10010111010100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x97 0x94 25D7 RIGHT HALF BLACK CIRCLE U+25D7, character ◗, decimal 9687, hex 0x25D7, octal \22727, binary 10010111010111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x97 0x97 25DD UPPER RIGHT QUADRANT CIRCULAR ARC U+25DD, character ◝, decimal 9693, hex 0x25DD, octal \22735, binary 10010111011101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x97 0x9d 25DE LOWER RIGHT QUADRANT CIRCULAR ARC U+25DE, character ◞, decimal 9694, hex 0x25DE, octal \22736, binary 10010111011110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x97 0x9e 25E2 BLACK LOWER RIGHT TRIANGLE x (lower right triangular medium shade - 1FB9E) U+25E2, character ◢, decimal 9698, hex 0x25E2, octal \22742, binary 10010111100010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x97 0xa2 25E5 BLACK UPPER RIGHT TRIANGLE x (upper right triangular medium shade - 1FB9D) U+25E5, character ◥, decimal 9701, hex 0x25E5, octal \22745, binary 10010111100101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x97 0xa5 25E8 SQUARE WITH RIGHT HALF BLACK U+25E8, character ◨, decimal 9704, hex 0x25E8, octal \22750, binary 10010111101000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x97 0xa8 25EA SQUARE WITH LOWER RIGHT DIAGONAL HALF BLACK U+25EA, character ◪, decimal 9706, hex 0x25EA, octal \22752, binary 10010111101010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x97 0xaa 25EE UP-POINTING TRIANGLE WITH RIGHT HALF BLACK U+25EE, character ◮, decimal 9710, hex 0x25EE, octal \22756, binary 10010111101110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x97 0xae 25F2 WHITE SQUARE WITH LOWER RIGHT QUADRANT U+25F2, character ◲, decimal 9714, hex 0x25F2, octal \22762, binary 10010111110010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x97 0xb2 25F3 WHITE SQUARE WITH UPPER RIGHT QUADRANT U+25F3, character ◳, decimal 9715, hex 0x25F3, octal \22763, binary 10010111110011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x97 0xb3 25F6 WHITE CIRCLE WITH LOWER RIGHT QUADRANT U+25F6, character ◶, decimal 9718, hex 0x25F6, octal \22766, binary 10010111110110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x97 0xb6 25F7 WHITE CIRCLE WITH UPPER RIGHT QUADRANT U+25F7, character ◷, decimal 9719, hex 0x25F7, octal \22767, binary 10010111110111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x97 0xb7 25F9 UPPER RIGHT TRIANGLE U+25F9, character ◹, decimal 9721, hex 0x25F9, octal \22771, binary 10010111111001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x97 0xb9 25FA LOWER LEFT TRIANGLE x (right triangle - 22BF) U+25FA, character ◺, decimal 9722, hex 0x25FA, octal \22772, binary 10010111111010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x97 0xba 25FF LOWER RIGHT TRIANGLE x (right triangle - 22BF) U+25FF, character ◿, decimal 9727, hex 0x25FF, octal \22777, binary 10010111111111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x97 0xbf 2600 BLACK SUN WITH RAYS = clear weather x (sun - 2609) x (high brightness symbol - 1F506) U+2600, character ☀, decimal 9728, hex 0x2600, octal \23000, binary 10011000000000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x98 0x80 261B BLACK RIGHT POINTING INDEX U+261B, character ☛, decimal 9755, hex 0x261B, octal \23033, binary 10011000011011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x98 0x9b 261E WHITE RIGHT POINTING INDEX = fist (typographic term) x (sideways white right pointing index - 1F599) x (left third white right pointing index - 1FBC1) U+261E, character ☞, decimal 9758, hex 0x261E, octal \23036, binary 10011000011110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x98 0x9e 263C WHITE SUN WITH RAYS = compass x (sun - 2609) x (sun with face - 1F31E) x (white sun - 1F323) x (high brightness symbol - 1F506) U+263C, character ☼, decimal 9788, hex 0x263C, octal \23074, binary 10011000111100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x98 0xbc 267B BLACK UNIVERSAL RECYCLING SYMBOL x (clockwise rightwards and leftwards open circle arrows - 1F501) U+267B, character ♻, decimal 9851, hex 0x267B, octal \23173, binary 10011001111011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x99 0xbb 2686 WHITE CIRCLE WITH DOT RIGHT U+2686, character ⚆, decimal 9862, hex 0x2686, octal \23206, binary 10011010000110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9a 0x86 2688 BLACK CIRCLE WITH WHITE DOT RIGHT U+2688, character ⚈, decimal 9864, hex 0x2688, octal \23210, binary 10011010001000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9a 0x88 2695 STAFF OF AESCULAPIUS = medical term * both inclined or upright renderings of this symbol are common x (caduceus - 2624) x (bowl of hygieia - 1F54F) U+2695, character ⚕, decimal 9877, hex 0x2695, octal \23225, binary 10011010010101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9a 0x95 269D OUTLINED WHITE STAR * alternative form of the interlaced pentagram (a symbol of Morocco) x (right-handed interlaced pentagram - 26E5) U+269D, character ⚝, decimal 9885, hex 0x269D, octal \23235, binary 10011010011101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9a 0x9d 269E THREE LINES CONVERGING RIGHT = someone speaking x (three rays left - 1F5E6) U+269E, character ⚞, decimal 9886, hex 0x269E, octal \23236, binary 10011010011110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9a 0x9e 269F THREE LINES CONVERGING LEFT = background speaking x (three rays right - 1F5E7) U+269F, character ⚟, decimal 9887, hex 0x269F, octal \23237, binary 10011010011111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9a 0x9f 26E5 RIGHT-HANDED INTERLACED PENTAGRAM * symbol of various countries, including Morocco x (outlined white star - 269D) U+26E5, character ⛥, decimal 9957, hex 0x26E5, octal \23345, binary 10011011100101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9b 0xa5 26FF WHITE FLAG WITH HORIZONTAL MIDDLE BLACK STRIPE = Japanese self-defence force site x (black telephone - 260E) x (black right pointing index - 261B) x (white right pointing index - 261E) x (black star - 2605) x (black circle - 25CF) x (black square - 25A0) x (black up-pointing triangle - 25B2) x (black down-pointing triangle - 25BC) x (black diamond - 25C6) x (rightwards arrow - 2192) x (left right arrow - 2194) x (up down arrow - 2195) U+26FF, character ⛿, decimal 9983, hex 0x26FF, octal \23377, binary 10011011111111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9b 0xbf 270E LOWER RIGHT PENCIL x (lower left pencil - 1F589) U+270E, character ✎, decimal 9998, hex 0x270E, octal \23416, binary 10011100001110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9c 0x8e 2710 UPPER RIGHT PENCIL U+2710, character ✐, decimal 10000, hex 0x2710, octal \23420, binary 10011100010000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9c 0x90 2720 MALTESE CROSS * historically, the Maltese cross took many forms; the shape shown in the Zapf Dingbats is similar to one known as the Cross Formée x (cross patty with right crossbar - 2E50) x (circled cross formee - 1F902) U+2720, character ✠, decimal 10016, hex 0x2720, octal \23440, binary 10011100100000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9c 0xa0 274D SHADOWED WHITE CIRCLE x (lower right shadowed white circle - 1F53E) U+274D, character ❍, decimal 10061, hex 0x274D, octal \23515, binary 10011101001101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9d 0x8d 274F LOWER RIGHT DROP-SHADOWED WHITE SQUARE U+274F, character ❏, decimal 10063, hex 0x274F, octal \23517, binary 10011101001111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9d 0x8f 2750 UPPER RIGHT DROP-SHADOWED WHITE SQUARE U+2750, character ❐, decimal 10064, hex 0x2750, octal \23520, binary 10011101010000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9d 0x90 2751 LOWER RIGHT SHADOWED WHITE SQUARE U+2751, character ❑, decimal 10065, hex 0x2751, octal \23521, binary 10011101010001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9d 0x91 2752 UPPER RIGHT SHADOWED WHITE SQUARE U+2752, character ❒, decimal 10066, hex 0x2752, octal \23522, binary 10011101010010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9d 0x92 275C HEAVY SINGLE COMMA QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT x (right single quotation mark - 2019) U+275C, character ❜, decimal 10076, hex 0x275C, octal \23534, binary 10011101011100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9d 0x9c 275E HEAVY DOUBLE COMMA QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT x (right double quotation mark - 201D) x (sans-serif heavy double comma quotation mark ornament - 1F677) U+275E, character ❞, decimal 10078, hex 0x275E, octal \23536, binary 10011101011110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9d 0x9e 2769 MEDIUM RIGHT PARENTHESIS ORNAMENT x (right parenthesis - 0029) U+2769, character ❩, decimal 10089, hex 0x2769, octal \23551, binary 10011101101001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9d 0xa9 276B MEDIUM FLATTENED RIGHT PARENTHESIS ORNAMENT U+276B, character ❫, decimal 10091, hex 0x276B, octal \23553, binary 10011101101011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9d 0xab 276D MEDIUM RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET ORNAMENT x (right-pointing angle bracket - 232A) U+276D, character ❭, decimal 10093, hex 0x276D, octal \23555, binary 10011101101101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9d 0xad 276F HEAVY RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE QUOTATION MARK ORNAMENT x (single right-pointing angle quotation mark - 203A) U+276F, character ❯, decimal 10095, hex 0x276F, octal \23557, binary 10011101101111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9d 0xaf 2771 HEAVY RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET ORNAMENT U+2771, character ❱, decimal 10097, hex 0x2771, octal \23561, binary 10011101110001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9d 0xb1 2773 LIGHT RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET ORNAMENT x (right tortoise shell bracket - 3015) U+2773, character ❳, decimal 10099, hex 0x2773, octal \23563, binary 10011101110011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9d 0xb3 2775 MEDIUM RIGHT CURLY BRACKET ORNAMENT x (right curly bracket - 007D) U+2775, character ❵, decimal 10101, hex 0x2775, octal \23565, binary 10011101110101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9d 0xb5 2794 HEAVY WIDE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW x (wide-headed rightwards medium barb arrow - 1F872) U+2794, character ➔, decimal 10132, hex 0x2794, octal \23624, binary 10011110010100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0x94 2799 HEAVY RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+2799, character ➙, decimal 10137, hex 0x2799, octal \23631, binary 10011110011001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0x99 279B DRAFTING POINT RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+279B, character ➛, decimal 10139, hex 0x279B, octal \23633, binary 10011110011011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0x9b 279C HEAVY ROUND-TIPPED RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+279C, character ➜, decimal 10140, hex 0x279C, octal \23634, binary 10011110011100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0x9c 279D TRIANGLE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+279D, character ➝, decimal 10141, hex 0x279D, octal \23635, binary 10011110011101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0x9d 279E HEAVY TRIANGLE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+279E, character ➞, decimal 10142, hex 0x279E, octal \23636, binary 10011110011110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0x9e 279F DASHED TRIANGLE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+279F, character ➟, decimal 10143, hex 0x279F, octal \23637, binary 10011110011111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0x9f 27A0 HEAVY DASHED TRIANGLE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+27A0, character ➠, decimal 10144, hex 0x27A0, octal \23640, binary 10011110100000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xa0 27A1 BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW * fonts may harmonize this glyph with the style for other black arrows x (leftwards black arrow - 2B05) x (rightwards black arrow - 2B95) U+27A1, character ➡, decimal 10145, hex 0x27A1, octal \23641, binary 10011110100001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xa1 27A2 THREE-D TOP-LIGHTED RIGHTWARDS ARROWHEAD x (three-d top-lighted rightwards equilateral arrowhead - 2B9A) U+27A2, character ➢, decimal 10146, hex 0x27A2, octal \23642, binary 10011110100010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xa2 27A3 THREE-D BOTTOM-LIGHTED RIGHTWARDS ARROWHEAD U+27A3, character ➣, decimal 10147, hex 0x27A3, octal \23643, binary 10011110100011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xa3 27A4 BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROWHEAD x (black rightwards equilateral arrowhead - 2B9E) x (arrowhead-shaped pointer - 1FBB0) U+27A4, character ➤, decimal 10148, hex 0x27A4, octal \23644, binary 10011110100100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xa4 27A5 HEAVY BLACK CURVED DOWNWARDS AND RIGHTWARDS ARROW x (black curved downwards and rightwards arrow - 2BA9) U+27A5, character ➥, decimal 10149, hex 0x27A5, octal \23645, binary 10011110100101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xa5 27A6 HEAVY BLACK CURVED UPWARDS AND RIGHTWARDS ARROW x (black curved upwards and rightwards arrow - 2BAB) U+27A6, character ➦, decimal 10150, hex 0x27A6, octal \23646, binary 10011110100110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xa6 27A7 SQUAT BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW x (rightwards heavy compressed arrow - 1F842) U+27A7, character ➧, decimal 10151, hex 0x27A7, octal \23647, binary 10011110100111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xa7 27A8 HEAVY CONCAVE-POINTED BLACK RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+27A8, character ➨, decimal 10152, hex 0x27A8, octal \23650, binary 10011110101000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xa8 27A9 RIGHT-SHADED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW x (rightwards right-shaded white arrow - 1F8A5) U+27A9, character ➩, decimal 10153, hex 0x27A9, octal \23651, binary 10011110101001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xa9 27AA LEFT-SHADED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW x (rightwards left-shaded white arrow - 1F8A7) U+27AA, character ➪, decimal 10154, hex 0x27AA, octal \23652, binary 10011110101010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xaa 27AB BACK-TILTED SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW x (rightwards back-tilted shadowed white arrow - 1F8A9) U+27AB, character ➫, decimal 10155, hex 0x27AB, octal \23653, binary 10011110101011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xab 27AC FRONT-TILTED SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW x (rightwards front-tilted shadowed white arrow - 1F8AB) U+27AC, character ➬, decimal 10156, hex 0x27AC, octal \23654, binary 10011110101100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xac 27AD HEAVY LOWER RIGHT-SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+27AD, character ➭, decimal 10157, hex 0x27AD, octal \23655, binary 10011110101101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xad 27AE HEAVY UPPER RIGHT-SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+27AE, character ➮, decimal 10158, hex 0x27AE, octal \23656, binary 10011110101110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xae 27AF NOTCHED LOWER RIGHT-SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW x (rightwards arrow with notched tail - 1F89A) U+27AF, character ➯, decimal 10159, hex 0x27AF, octal \23657, binary 10011110101111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xaf 27B1 NOTCHED UPPER RIGHT-SHADOWED WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+27B1, character ➱, decimal 10161, hex 0x27B1, octal \23661, binary 10011110110001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xb1 27B2 CIRCLED HEAVY WHITE RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+27B2, character ➲, decimal 10162, hex 0x27B2, octal \23662, binary 10011110110010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xb2 27B3 WHITE-FEATHERED RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+27B3, character ➳, decimal 10163, hex 0x27B3, octal \23663, binary 10011110110011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xb3 27B5 BLACK-FEATHERED RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+27B5, character ➵, decimal 10165, hex 0x27B5, octal \23665, binary 10011110110101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xb5 27B8 HEAVY BLACK-FEATHERED RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+27B8, character ➸, decimal 10168, hex 0x27B8, octal \23670, binary 10011110111000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xb8 27BA TEARDROP-BARBED RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+27BA, character ➺, decimal 10170, hex 0x27BA, octal \23672, binary 10011110111010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xba 27BB HEAVY TEARDROP-SHANKED RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+27BB, character ➻, decimal 10171, hex 0x27BB, octal \23673, binary 10011110111011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xbb 27BC WEDGE-TAILED RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+27BC, character ➼, decimal 10172, hex 0x27BC, octal \23674, binary 10011110111100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xbc 27BD HEAVY WEDGE-TAILED RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+27BD, character ➽, decimal 10173, hex 0x27BD, octal \23675, binary 10011110111101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xbd 27BE OPEN-OUTLINED RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+27BE, character ➾, decimal 10174, hex 0x27BE, octal \23676, binary 10011110111110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9e 0xbe 27C6 RIGHT S-SHAPED BAG DELIMITER U+27C6, character ⟆, decimal 10182, hex 0x27C6, octal \23706, binary 10011111000110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0x86 27D3 LOWER RIGHT CORNER WITH DOT = pullback x (right floor - 230B) U+27D3, character ⟓, decimal 10195, hex 0x27D3, octal \23723, binary 10011111010011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0x93 27D6 RIGHT OUTER JOIN U+27D6, character ⟖, decimal 10198, hex 0x27D6, octal \23726, binary 10011111010110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0x96 27DA LEFT AND RIGHT DOUBLE TURNSTILE x (true - 22A8) x (vertical bar double left turnstile - 2AE4) U+27DA, character ⟚, decimal 10202, hex 0x27DA, octal \23732, binary 10011111011010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0x9a 27DB LEFT AND RIGHT TACK x (right tack - 22A2) U+27DB, character ⟛, decimal 10203, hex 0x27DB, octal \23733, binary 10011111011011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0x9b 27DD LONG RIGHT TACK x (right tack - 22A2) U+27DD, character ⟝, decimal 10205, hex 0x27DD, octal \23735, binary 10011111011101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0x9d 27E3 WHITE CONCAVE-SIDED DIAMOND WITH RIGHTWARDS TICK = will never be (modal operator) U+27E3, character ⟣, decimal 10211, hex 0x27E3, octal \23743, binary 10011111100011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0xa3 27E5 WHITE SQUARE WITH RIGHTWARDS TICK = will always be (modal operator) U+27E5, character ⟥, decimal 10213, hex 0x27E5, octal \23745, binary 10011111100101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0xa5 27E7 MATHEMATICAL RIGHT WHITE SQUARE BRACKET = z notation right bag bracket x (right white square bracket - 301B) U+27E7, character ⟧, decimal 10215, hex 0x27E7, octal \23747, binary 10011111100111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0xa7 27E9 MATHEMATICAL RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET = ket = z notation right sequence bracket x (right-pointing angle bracket - 232A) x (right angle bracket - 3009) U+27E9, character ⟩, decimal 10217, hex 0x27E9, octal \23751, binary 10011111101001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0xa9 27EB MATHEMATICAL RIGHT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET = z notation right chevron bracket x (right double angle bracket - 300B) U+27EB, character ⟫, decimal 10219, hex 0x27EB, octal \23753, binary 10011111101011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0xab 27ED MATHEMATICAL RIGHT WHITE TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET x (right black tortoise shell bracket - 2998) x (right white tortoise shell bracket - 3019) U+27ED, character ⟭, decimal 10221, hex 0x27ED, octal \23755, binary 10011111101101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0xad 27EF MATHEMATICAL RIGHT FLATTENED PARENTHESIS = rgroup U+27EF, character ⟯, decimal 10223, hex 0x27EF, octal \23757, binary 10011111101111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0xaf 27F4 RIGHT ARROW WITH CIRCLED PLUS x (left arrow with circled plus - 2B32) U+27F4, character ⟴, decimal 10228, hex 0x27F4, octal \23764, binary 10011111110100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0xb4 27F6 LONG RIGHTWARDS ARROW x (rightwards arrow - 2192) U+27F6, character ⟶, decimal 10230, hex 0x27F6, octal \23766, binary 10011111110110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0xb6 27F7 LONG LEFT RIGHT ARROW x (left right arrow - 2194) U+27F7, character ⟷, decimal 10231, hex 0x27F7, octal \23767, binary 10011111110111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0xb7 27F9 LONG RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW x (rightwards double arrow - 21D2) U+27F9, character ⟹, decimal 10233, hex 0x27F9, octal \23771, binary 10011111111001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0xb9 27FA LONG LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW x (left right double arrow - 21D4) U+27FA, character ⟺, decimal 10234, hex 0x27FA, octal \23772, binary 10011111111010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0xba 27FC LONG RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR = maps to x (rightwards arrow from bar - 21A6) U+27FC, character ⟼, decimal 10236, hex 0x27FC, octal \23774, binary 10011111111100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0xbc 27FE LONG RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW FROM BAR x (rightwards double arrow from bar - 2907) U+27FE, character ⟾, decimal 10238, hex 0x27FE, octal \23776, binary 10011111111110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0xbe 27FF LONG RIGHTWARDS SQUIGGLE ARROW x (rightwards squiggle arrow - 21DD) x (long leftwards squiggle arrow - 2B33) U+27FF, character ⟿, decimal 10239, hex 0x27FF, octal \23777, binary 10011111111111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0x9f 0xbf 2900 RIGHTWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW WITH VERTICAL STROKE = z notation partial surjection x (leftwards two-headed arrow with vertical stroke - 2B34) U+2900, character ⤀, decimal 10496, hex 0x2900, octal \24400, binary 10100100000000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0x80 2901 RIGHTWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW WITH DOUBLE VERTICAL STROKE = z notation finite surjection x (leftwards two-headed arrow with double vertical stroke - 2B35) U+2901, character ⤁, decimal 10497, hex 0x2901, octal \24401, binary 10100100000001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0x81 2903 RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW WITH VERTICAL STROKE U+2903, character ⤃, decimal 10499, hex 0x2903, octal \24403, binary 10100100000011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0x83 2904 LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW WITH VERTICAL STROKE U+2904, character ⤄, decimal 10500, hex 0x2904, octal \24404, binary 10100100000100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0x84 2905 RIGHTWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW FROM BAR = maps to x (leftwards two-headed arrow from bar - 2B36) U+2905, character ⤅, decimal 10501, hex 0x2905, octal \24405, binary 10100100000101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0x85 2907 RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW FROM BAR = maps to x (long rightwards arrow from bar - 27FC) U+2907, character ⤇, decimal 10503, hex 0x2907, octal \24407, binary 10100100000111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0x87 290D RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE DASH ARROW U+290D, character ⤍, decimal 10509, hex 0x290D, octal \24415, binary 10100100001101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0x8d 290F RIGHTWARDS TRIPLE DASH ARROW U+290F, character ⤏, decimal 10511, hex 0x290F, octal \24417, binary 10100100001111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0x8f 2910 RIGHTWARDS TWO-HEADED TRIPLE DASH ARROW x (leftwards two-headed triple dash arrow - 2B37) U+2910, character ⤐, decimal 10512, hex 0x2910, octal \24420, binary 10100100010000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0x90 2911 RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH DOTTED STEM x (leftwards arrow with dotted stem - 2B38) U+2911, character ⤑, decimal 10513, hex 0x2911, octal \24421, binary 10100100010001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0x91 2914 RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH TAIL WITH VERTICAL STROKE = z notation partial injection x (leftwards arrow with tail with vertical stroke - 2B39) U+2914, character ⤔, decimal 10516, hex 0x2914, octal \24424, binary 10100100010100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0x94 2915 RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH TAIL WITH DOUBLE VERTICAL STROKE = z notation finite injection x (leftwards arrow with tail with double vertical stroke - 2B3A) U+2915, character ⤕, decimal 10517, hex 0x2915, octal \24425, binary 10100100010101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0x95 2916 RIGHTWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW WITH TAIL = bijective mapping = z notation bijection x (leftwards two-headed arrow with tail - 2B3B) U+2916, character ⤖, decimal 10518, hex 0x2916, octal \24426, binary 10100100010110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0x96 2917 RIGHTWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW WITH TAIL WITH VERTICAL STROKE = z notation surjective injection x (leftwards two-headed arrow with tail with vertical stroke - 2B3C) U+2917, character ⤗, decimal 10519, hex 0x2917, octal \24427, binary 10100100010111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0x97 2918 RIGHTWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW WITH TAIL WITH DOUBLE VERTICAL STROKE = z notation finite surjective injection x (leftwards two-headed arrow with tail with double vertical stroke - 2B3D) U+2918, character ⤘, decimal 10520, hex 0x2918, octal \24430, binary 10100100011000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0x98 291A RIGHTWARDS ARROW-TAIL U+291A, character ⤚, decimal 10522, hex 0x291A, octal \24432, binary 10100100011010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0x9a 291C RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW-TAIL U+291C, character ⤜, decimal 10524, hex 0x291C, octal \24434, binary 10100100011100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0x9c 291E RIGHTWARDS ARROW TO BLACK DIAMOND U+291E, character ⤞, decimal 10526, hex 0x291E, octal \24436, binary 10100100011110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0x9e 2920 RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR TO BLACK DIAMOND U+2920, character ⤠, decimal 10528, hex 0x2920, octal \24440, binary 10100100100000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0xa0 2933 WAVE ARROW POINTING DIRECTLY RIGHT x (rightwards wave arrow - 219D) x (wave arrow pointing directly left - 2B3F) U+2933, character ⤳, decimal 10547, hex 0x2933, octal \24463, binary 10100100110011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0xb3 2934 ARROW POINTING RIGHTWARDS THEN CURVING UPWARDS U+2934, character ⤴, decimal 10548, hex 0x2934, octal \24464, binary 10100100110100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0xb4 2935 ARROW POINTING RIGHTWARDS THEN CURVING DOWNWARDS U+2935, character ⤵, decimal 10549, hex 0x2935, octal \24465, binary 10100100110101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0xb5 2937 ARROW POINTING DOWNWARDS THEN CURVING RIGHTWARDS U+2937, character ⤷, decimal 10551, hex 0x2937, octal \24467, binary 10100100110111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0xb7 2938 RIGHT-SIDE ARC CLOCKWISE ARROW U+2938, character ⤸, decimal 10552, hex 0x2938, octal \24470, binary 10100100111000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0xb8 293E LOWER RIGHT SEMICIRCULAR CLOCKWISE ARROW U+293E, character ⤾, decimal 10558, hex 0x293E, octal \24476, binary 10100100111110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa4 0xbe 2942 RIGHTWARDS ARROW ABOVE SHORT LEFTWARDS ARROW U+2942, character ⥂, decimal 10562, hex 0x2942, octal \24502, binary 10100101000010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x82 2943 LEFTWARDS ARROW ABOVE SHORT RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+2943, character ⥃, decimal 10563, hex 0x2943, octal \24503, binary 10100101000011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x83 2944 SHORT RIGHTWARDS ARROW ABOVE LEFTWARDS ARROW U+2944, character ⥄, decimal 10564, hex 0x2944, octal \24504, binary 10100101000100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x84 2945 RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH PLUS BELOW U+2945, character ⥅, decimal 10565, hex 0x2945, octal \24505, binary 10100101000101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x85 2947 RIGHTWARDS ARROW THROUGH X x (leftwards arrow through x - 2B3E) U+2947, character ⥇, decimal 10567, hex 0x2947, octal \24507, binary 10100101000111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x87 2948 LEFT RIGHT ARROW THROUGH SMALL CIRCLE U+2948, character ⥈, decimal 10568, hex 0x2948, octal \24510, binary 10100101001000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x88 294A LEFT BARB UP RIGHT BARB DOWN HARPOON U+294A, character ⥊, decimal 10570, hex 0x294A, octal \24512, binary 10100101001010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x8a 294B LEFT BARB DOWN RIGHT BARB UP HARPOON U+294B, character ⥋, decimal 10571, hex 0x294B, octal \24513, binary 10100101001011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x8b 294C UP BARB RIGHT DOWN BARB LEFT HARPOON U+294C, character ⥌, decimal 10572, hex 0x294C, octal \24514, binary 10100101001100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x8c 294D UP BARB LEFT DOWN BARB RIGHT HARPOON U+294D, character ⥍, decimal 10573, hex 0x294D, octal \24515, binary 10100101001101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x8d 294E LEFT BARB UP RIGHT BARB UP HARPOON U+294E, character ⥎, decimal 10574, hex 0x294E, octal \24516, binary 10100101001110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x8e 294F UP BARB RIGHT DOWN BARB RIGHT HARPOON U+294F, character ⥏, decimal 10575, hex 0x294F, octal \24517, binary 10100101001111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x8f 2950 LEFT BARB DOWN RIGHT BARB DOWN HARPOON U+2950, character ⥐, decimal 10576, hex 0x2950, octal \24520, binary 10100101010000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x90 2953 RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP TO BAR U+2953, character ⥓, decimal 10579, hex 0x2953, octal \24523, binary 10100101010011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x93 2954 UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT TO BAR U+2954, character ⥔, decimal 10580, hex 0x2954, octal \24524, binary 10100101010100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x94 2955 DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT TO BAR U+2955, character ⥕, decimal 10581, hex 0x2955, octal \24525, binary 10100101010101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x95 2957 RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN TO BAR U+2957, character ⥗, decimal 10583, hex 0x2957, octal \24527, binary 10100101010111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x97 295B RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP FROM BAR U+295B, character ⥛, decimal 10587, hex 0x295B, octal \24533, binary 10100101011011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x9b 295C UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT FROM BAR U+295C, character ⥜, decimal 10588, hex 0x295C, octal \24534, binary 10100101011100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x9c 295D DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT FROM BAR U+295D, character ⥝, decimal 10589, hex 0x295D, octal \24535, binary 10100101011101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x9d 295F RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN FROM BAR U+295F, character ⥟, decimal 10591, hex 0x295F, octal \24537, binary 10100101011111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0x9f 2963 UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFT BESIDE UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT U+2963, character ⥣, decimal 10595, hex 0x2963, octal \24543, binary 10100101100011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xa3 2964 RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP ABOVE RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN U+2964, character ⥤, decimal 10596, hex 0x2964, octal \24544, binary 10100101100100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xa4 2965 DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFT BESIDE DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT U+2965, character ⥥, decimal 10597, hex 0x2965, octal \24545, binary 10100101100101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xa5 2966 LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP ABOVE RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP U+2966, character ⥦, decimal 10598, hex 0x2966, octal \24546, binary 10100101100110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xa6 2967 LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN ABOVE RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN U+2967, character ⥧, decimal 10599, hex 0x2967, octal \24547, binary 10100101100111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xa7 2968 RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP ABOVE LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP U+2968, character ⥨, decimal 10600, hex 0x2968, octal \24550, binary 10100101101000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xa8 2969 RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN ABOVE LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN U+2969, character ⥩, decimal 10601, hex 0x2969, octal \24551, binary 10100101101001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xa9 296C RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UP ABOVE LONG DASH U+296C, character ⥬, decimal 10604, hex 0x296C, octal \24554, binary 10100101101100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xac 296D RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWN BELOW LONG DASH U+296D, character ⥭, decimal 10605, hex 0x296D, octal \24555, binary 10100101101101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xad 296E UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFT BESIDE DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT U+296E, character ⥮, decimal 10606, hex 0x296E, octal \24556, binary 10100101101110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xae 296F DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFT BESIDE UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT U+296F, character ⥯, decimal 10607, hex 0x296F, octal \24557, binary 10100101101111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xaf 2970 RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW WITH ROUNDED HEAD x (superset of - 2283) U+2970, character ⥰, decimal 10608, hex 0x2970, octal \24560, binary 10100101110000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xb0 2971 EQUALS SIGN ABOVE RIGHTWARDS ARROW x (equals sign above leftwards arrow - 2B40) U+2971, character ⥱, decimal 10609, hex 0x2971, octal \24561, binary 10100101110001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xb1 2972 TILDE OPERATOR ABOVE RIGHTWARDS ARROW x (reverse tilde operator above leftwards arrow - 2B41) U+2972, character ⥲, decimal 10610, hex 0x2972, octal \24562, binary 10100101110010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xb2 2973 LEFTWARDS ARROW ABOVE TILDE OPERATOR x (rightwards arrow above reverse tilde operator - 2B4C) U+2973, character ⥳, decimal 10611, hex 0x2973, octal \24563, binary 10100101110011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xb3 2974 RIGHTWARDS ARROW ABOVE TILDE OPERATOR x (leftwards arrow above reverse tilde operator - 2B4B) U+2974, character ⥴, decimal 10612, hex 0x2974, octal \24564, binary 10100101110100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xb4 2975 RIGHTWARDS ARROW ABOVE ALMOST EQUAL TO x (leftwards arrow above reverse almost equal to - 2B42) U+2975, character ⥵, decimal 10613, hex 0x2975, octal \24565, binary 10100101110101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xb5 2977 LEFTWARDS ARROW THROUGH LESS-THAN x (rightwards arrow through greater-than - 2B43) U+2977, character ⥷, decimal 10615, hex 0x2977, octal \24567, binary 10100101110111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xb7 2978 GREATER-THAN ABOVE RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+2978, character ⥸, decimal 10616, hex 0x2978, octal \24570, binary 10100101111000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xb8 2979 SUBSET ABOVE RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+2979, character ⥹, decimal 10617, hex 0x2979, octal \24571, binary 10100101111001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xb9 297A LEFTWARDS ARROW THROUGH SUBSET x (rightwards arrow through superset - 2B44) U+297A, character ⥺, decimal 10618, hex 0x297A, octal \24572, binary 10100101111010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xba 297D RIGHT FISH TAIL U+297D, character ⥽, decimal 10621, hex 0x297D, octal \24575, binary 10100101111101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa5 0xbd 2984 RIGHT WHITE CURLY BRACKET U+2984, character ⦄, decimal 10628, hex 0x2984, octal \24604, binary 10100110000100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa6 0x84 2986 RIGHT WHITE PARENTHESIS * used for Bourbakist intervals x (right double parenthesis - 2E29) x (fullwidth right white parenthesis - FF60) U+2986, character ⦆, decimal 10630, hex 0x2986, octal \24606, binary 10100110000110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa6 0x86 2988 Z NOTATION RIGHT IMAGE BRACKET U+2988, character ⦈, decimal 10632, hex 0x2988, octal \24610, binary 10100110001000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa6 0x88 298A Z NOTATION RIGHT BINDING BRACKET U+298A, character ⦊, decimal 10634, hex 0x298A, octal \24612, binary 10100110001010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa6 0x8a 298C RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET WITH UNDERBAR U+298C, character ⦌, decimal 10636, hex 0x298C, octal \24614, binary 10100110001100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa6 0x8c 298E RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET WITH TICK IN BOTTOM CORNER U+298E, character ⦎, decimal 10638, hex 0x298E, octal \24616, binary 10100110001110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa6 0x8e 2990 RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET WITH TICK IN TOP CORNER U+2990, character ⦐, decimal 10640, hex 0x2990, octal \24620, binary 10100110010000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa6 0x90 2992 RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET WITH DOT U+2992, character ⦒, decimal 10642, hex 0x2992, octal \24622, binary 10100110010010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa6 0x92 2994 RIGHT ARC GREATER-THAN BRACKET U+2994, character ⦔, decimal 10644, hex 0x2994, octal \24624, binary 10100110010100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa6 0x94 2996 DOUBLE RIGHT ARC LESS-THAN BRACKET U+2996, character ⦖, decimal 10646, hex 0x2996, octal \24626, binary 10100110010110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa6 0x96 2998 RIGHT BLACK TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET U+2998, character ⦘, decimal 10648, hex 0x2998, octal \24630, binary 10100110011000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa6 0x98 299C RIGHT ANGLE VARIANT WITH SQUARE x (right angle - 221F) U+299C, character ⦜, decimal 10652, hex 0x299C, octal \24634, binary 10100110011100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa6 0x9c 299D MEASURED RIGHT ANGLE WITH DOT U+299D, character ⦝, decimal 10653, hex 0x299D, octal \24635, binary 10100110011101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa6 0x9d 29A8 MEASURED ANGLE WITH OPEN ARM ENDING IN ARROW POINTING UP AND RIGHT U+29A8, character ⦨, decimal 10664, hex 0x29A8, octal \24650, binary 10100110101000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa6 0xa8 29AA MEASURED ANGLE WITH OPEN ARM ENDING IN ARROW POINTING DOWN AND RIGHT U+29AA, character ⦪, decimal 10666, hex 0x29AA, octal \24652, binary 10100110101010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa6 0xaa 29AC MEASURED ANGLE WITH OPEN ARM ENDING IN ARROW POINTING RIGHT AND UP U+29AC, character ⦬, decimal 10668, hex 0x29AC, octal \24654, binary 10100110101100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa6 0xac 29AE MEASURED ANGLE WITH OPEN ARM ENDING IN ARROW POINTING RIGHT AND DOWN U+29AE, character ⦮, decimal 10670, hex 0x29AE, octal \24656, binary 10100110101110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa6 0xae 29B3 EMPTY SET WITH RIGHT ARROW ABOVE U+29B3, character ⦳, decimal 10675, hex 0x29B3, octal \24663, binary 10100110110011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa6 0xb3 29C2 CIRCLE WITH SMALL CIRCLE TO THE RIGHT U+29C2, character ⧂, decimal 10690, hex 0x29C2, octal \24702, binary 10100111000010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa7 0x82 29C3 CIRCLE WITH TWO HORIZONTAL STROKES TO THE RIGHT U+29C3, character ⧃, decimal 10691, hex 0x29C3, octal \24703, binary 10100111000011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa7 0x83 29CE RIGHT TRIANGLE ABOVE LEFT TRIANGLE U+29CE, character ⧎, decimal 10702, hex 0x29CE, octal \24716, binary 10100111001110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa7 0x8e 29D0 VERTICAL BAR BESIDE RIGHT TRIANGLE U+29D0, character ⧐, decimal 10704, hex 0x29D0, octal \24720, binary 10100111010000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa7 0x90 29D2 BOWTIE WITH RIGHT HALF BLACK U+29D2, character ⧒, decimal 10706, hex 0x29D2, octal \24722, binary 10100111010010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa7 0x92 29D3 BLACK BOWTIE x (left and right triangular half block - 1FB9B) U+29D3, character ⧓, decimal 10707, hex 0x29D3, octal \24723, binary 10100111010011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa7 0x93 29D5 TIMES WITH RIGHT HALF BLACK x (right normal factor semidirect product - 22CA) U+29D5, character ⧕, decimal 10709, hex 0x29D5, octal \24725, binary 10100111010101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa7 0x95 29D9 RIGHT WIGGLY FENCE U+29D9, character ⧙, decimal 10713, hex 0x29D9, octal \24731, binary 10100111011001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa7 0x99 29DB RIGHT DOUBLE WIGGLY FENCE U+29DB, character ⧛, decimal 10715, hex 0x29DB, octal \24733, binary 10100111011011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa7 0x9b 29E0 SQUARE WITH CONTOURED OUTLINE = D'Alembertian x (lower right drop-shadowed white square - 274F) U+29E0, character ⧠, decimal 10720, hex 0x29E0, octal \24740, binary 10100111100000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa7 0xa0 29E9 DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE WITH RIGHT HALF BLACK x (up-pointing triangle with right half black - 25EE) U+29E9, character ⧩, decimal 10729, hex 0x29E9, octal \24751, binary 10100111101001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa7 0xa9 29F4 RULE-DELAYED = colon right arrow U+29F4, character ⧴, decimal 10740, hex 0x29F4, octal \24764, binary 10100111110100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa7 0xb4 29FD RIGHT-POINTING CURVED ANGLE BRACKET x (succeeds - 227B) x (right-pointing angle bracket - 232A) U+29FD, character ⧽, decimal 10749, hex 0x29FD, octal \24775, binary 10100111111101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa7 0xbd 2A21 Z NOTATION SCHEMA PROJECTION x (upwards harpoon with barb rightwards - 21BE) U+2A21, character ⨡, decimal 10785, hex 0x2A21, octal \25041, binary 10101000100001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa8 0xa1 2A2E PLUS SIGN IN RIGHT HALF CIRCLE U+2A2E, character ⨮, decimal 10798, hex 0x2A2E, octal \25056, binary 10101000101110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa8 0xae 2A35 MULTIPLICATION SIGN IN RIGHT HALF CIRCLE U+2A35, character ⨵, decimal 10805, hex 0x2A35, octal \25065, binary 10101000110101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa8 0xb5 2A3C INTERIOR PRODUCT x (right floor - 230B) ~ 2A3C FE00 tall variant with narrow foot U+2A3C, character ⨼, decimal 10812, hex 0x2A3C, octal \25074, binary 10101000111100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa8 0xbc 2A3D RIGHTHAND INTERIOR PRODUCT x (left floor - 230A) x (turned not sign - 2319) ~ 2A3D FE00 tall variant with narrow foot U+2A3D, character ⨽, decimal 10813, hex 0x2A3D, octal \25075, binary 10101000111101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xa8 0xbd 2A83 LESS-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO WITH DOT ABOVE RIGHT U+2A83, character ⪃, decimal 10883, hex 0x2A83, octal \25203, binary 10101010000011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xaa 0x83 2ACE SQUARE RIGHT OPEN BOX OPERATOR U+2ACE, character ⫎, decimal 10958, hex 0x2ACE, octal \25316, binary 10101011001110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xab 0x8e 2AE2 VERTICAL BAR TRIPLE RIGHT TURNSTILE = ordinarily satisfies U+2AE2, character ⫢, decimal 10978, hex 0x2AE2, octal \25342, binary 10101011100010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xab 0xa2 2B04 LEFT RIGHT WHITE ARROW x (leftwards white arrow - 21E6) x (up down white arrow - 21F3) U+2B04, character ⬄, decimal 11012, hex 0x2B04, octal \25404, binary 10101100000100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0x84 2B05 LEFTWARDS BLACK ARROW x (black rightwards arrow - 27A1) x (rightwards black arrow - 2B95) U+2B05, character ⬅, decimal 11013, hex 0x2B05, octal \25405, binary 10101100000101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0x85 2B0C LEFT RIGHT BLACK ARROW U+2B0C, character ⬌, decimal 11020, hex 0x2B0C, octal \25414, binary 10101100001100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0x8c 2B0E RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH TIP DOWNWARDS U+2B0E, character ⬎, decimal 11022, hex 0x2B0E, octal \25416, binary 10101100001110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0x8e 2B0F RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH TIP UPWARDS U+2B0F, character ⬏, decimal 11023, hex 0x2B0F, octal \25417, binary 10101100001111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0x8f 2B14 SQUARE WITH UPPER RIGHT DIAGONAL HALF BLACK U+2B14, character ⬔, decimal 11028, hex 0x2B14, octal \25424, binary 10101100010100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0x94 2B17 DIAMOND WITH RIGHT HALF BLACK U+2B17, character ⬗, decimal 11031, hex 0x2B17, octal \25427, binary 10101100010111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0x97 2B30 LEFT ARROW WITH SMALL CIRCLE x (right arrow with small circle - 21F4) U+2B30, character ⬰, decimal 11056, hex 0x2B30, octal \25460, binary 10101100110000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0xb0 2B31 THREE LEFTWARDS ARROWS x (three rightwards arrows - 21F6) U+2B31, character ⬱, decimal 11057, hex 0x2B31, octal \25461, binary 10101100110001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0xb1 2B32 LEFT ARROW WITH CIRCLED PLUS x (right arrow with circled plus - 27F4) U+2B32, character ⬲, decimal 11058, hex 0x2B32, octal \25462, binary 10101100110010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0xb2 2B33 LONG LEFTWARDS SQUIGGLE ARROW x (long rightwards squiggle arrow - 27FF) x (leftwards squiggle arrow - 21DC) U+2B33, character ⬳, decimal 11059, hex 0x2B33, octal \25463, binary 10101100110011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0xb3 2B34 LEFTWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW WITH VERTICAL STROKE x (rightwards two-headed arrow with vertical stroke - 2900) U+2B34, character ⬴, decimal 11060, hex 0x2B34, octal \25464, binary 10101100110100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0xb4 2B35 LEFTWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW WITH DOUBLE VERTICAL STROKE x (rightwards two-headed arrow with double vertical stroke - 2901) U+2B35, character ⬵, decimal 11061, hex 0x2B35, octal \25465, binary 10101100110101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0xb5 2B36 LEFTWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW FROM BAR x (rightwards two-headed arrow from bar - 2905) U+2B36, character ⬶, decimal 11062, hex 0x2B36, octal \25466, binary 10101100110110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0xb6 2B37 LEFTWARDS TWO-HEADED TRIPLE DASH ARROW x (rightwards two-headed triple dash arrow - 2910) U+2B37, character ⬷, decimal 11063, hex 0x2B37, octal \25467, binary 10101100110111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0xb7 2B38 LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH DOTTED STEM x (rightwards arrow with dotted stem - 2911) U+2B38, character ⬸, decimal 11064, hex 0x2B38, octal \25470, binary 10101100111000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0xb8 2B39 LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH TAIL WITH VERTICAL STROKE x (rightwards arrow with tail with vertical stroke - 2914) U+2B39, character ⬹, decimal 11065, hex 0x2B39, octal \25471, binary 10101100111001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0xb9 2B3A LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH TAIL WITH DOUBLE VERTICAL STROKE x (rightwards arrow with tail with double vertical stroke - 2915) U+2B3A, character ⬺, decimal 11066, hex 0x2B3A, octal \25472, binary 10101100111010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0xba 2B3B LEFTWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW WITH TAIL x (rightwards two-headed arrow with tail - 2916) U+2B3B, character ⬻, decimal 11067, hex 0x2B3B, octal \25473, binary 10101100111011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0xbb 2B3C LEFTWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW WITH TAIL WITH VERTICAL STROKE x (rightwards two-headed arrow with tail with vertical stroke - 2917) U+2B3C, character ⬼, decimal 11068, hex 0x2B3C, octal \25474, binary 10101100111100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0xbc 2B3D LEFTWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW WITH TAIL WITH DOUBLE VERTICAL STROKE x (rightwards two-headed arrow with tail with double vertical stroke - 2918) U+2B3D, character ⬽, decimal 11069, hex 0x2B3D, octal \25475, binary 10101100111101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0xbd 2B3E LEFTWARDS ARROW THROUGH X x (rightwards arrow through x - 2947) U+2B3E, character ⬾, decimal 11070, hex 0x2B3E, octal \25476, binary 10101100111110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0xbe 2B3F WAVE ARROW POINTING DIRECTLY LEFT x (wave arrow pointing directly right - 2933) x (leftwards wave arrow - 219C) U+2B3F, character ⬿, decimal 11071, hex 0x2B3F, octal \25477, binary 10101100111111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xac 0xbf 2B40 EQUALS SIGN ABOVE LEFTWARDS ARROW x (equals sign above rightwards arrow - 2971) U+2B40, character ⭀, decimal 11072, hex 0x2B40, octal \25500, binary 10101101000000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xad 0x80 2B41 REVERSE TILDE OPERATOR ABOVE LEFTWARDS ARROW * mirror image of "2972" x (tilde operator above rightwards arrow - 2972) U+2B41, character ⭁, decimal 11073, hex 0x2B41, octal \25501, binary 10101101000001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xad 0x81 2B42 LEFTWARDS ARROW ABOVE REVERSE ALMOST EQUAL TO * mirror image of "2975" x (rightwards arrow above almost equal to - 2975) U+2B42, character ⭂, decimal 11074, hex 0x2B42, octal \25502, binary 10101101000010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xad 0x82 2B43 RIGHTWARDS ARROW THROUGH GREATER-THAN * mirror image of "2977" x (leftwards arrow through less-than - 2977) U+2B43, character ⭃, decimal 11075, hex 0x2B43, octal \25503, binary 10101101000011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xad 0x83 2B44 RIGHTWARDS ARROW THROUGH SUPERSET * mirror image of "297A" x (leftwards arrow through subset - 297A) U+2B44, character ⭄, decimal 11076, hex 0x2B44, octal \25504, binary 10101101000100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xad 0x84 2B46 RIGHTWARDS QUADRUPLE ARROW U+2B46, character ⭆, decimal 11078, hex 0x2B46, octal \25506, binary 10101101000110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xad 0x86 2B47 REVERSE TILDE OPERATOR ABOVE RIGHTWARDS ARROW U+2B47, character ⭇, decimal 11079, hex 0x2B47, octal \25507, binary 10101101000111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xad 0x87 2B48 RIGHTWARDS ARROW ABOVE REVERSE ALMOST EQUAL TO U+2B48, character ⭈, decimal 11080, hex 0x2B48, octal \25510, binary 10101101001000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xad 0x88 2B4B LEFTWARDS ARROW ABOVE REVERSE TILDE OPERATOR * mirror image of "2974" x (rightwards arrow above tilde operator - 2974) U+2B4B, character ⭋, decimal 11083, hex 0x2B4B, octal \25513, binary 10101101001011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xad 0x8b 2B4C RIGHTWARDS ARROW ABOVE REVERSE TILDE OPERATOR * mirror image of "2973" x (leftwards arrow above tilde operator - 2973) U+2B4C, character ⭌, decimal 11084, hex 0x2B4C, octal \25514, binary 10101101001100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xad 0x8c 2B53 BLACK RIGHT-POINTING PENTAGON U+2B53, character ⭓, decimal 11091, hex 0x2B53, octal \25523, binary 10101101010011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xad 0x93 2B54 WHITE RIGHT-POINTING PENTAGON U+2B54, character ⭔, decimal 11092, hex 0x2B54, octal \25524, binary 10101101010100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xad 0x94 2B62 RIGHTWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW x (rightwards arrow - 2192) x (triangle-headed rightwards arrow - 279D) U+2B62, character ⭢, decimal 11106, hex 0x2B62, octal \25542, binary 10101101100010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xad 0xa2 2B64 LEFT RIGHT TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW x (left right arrow - 2194) U+2B64, character ⭤, decimal 11108, hex 0x2B64, octal \25544, binary 10101101100100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xad 0xa4 2B6C RIGHTWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED DASHED ARROW x (rightwards dashed arrow - 21E2) U+2B6C, character ⭬, decimal 11116, hex 0x2B6C, octal \25554, binary 10101101101100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xad 0xac 2B72 RIGHTWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW TO BAR = right tab x (rightwards arrow to bar - 21E5) U+2B72, character ⭲, decimal 11122, hex 0x2B72, octal \25562, binary 10101101110010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xad 0xb2 2B7C RIGHTWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW WITH DOUBLE HORIZONTAL STROKE % RIGHTWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW WITH DOUBLE VERTICAL STROKE U+2B7C, character ⭼, decimal 11132, hex 0x2B7C, octal \25574, binary 10101101111100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xad 0xbc 2B7E HORIZONTAL TAB KEY x (leftwards arrow to bar over rightwards arrow to bar - 21B9) U+2B7E, character ⭾, decimal 11134, hex 0x2B7E, octal \25576, binary 10101101111110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xad 0xbe 2B80 LEFTWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW OVER RIGHTWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW x (leftwards arrow over rightwards arrow - 21C6) U+2B80, character ⮀, decimal 11136, hex 0x2B80, octal \25600, binary 10101110000000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0x80 2B82 RIGHTWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW OVER LEFTWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW U+2B82, character ⮂, decimal 11138, hex 0x2B82, octal \25602, binary 10101110000010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0x82 2B86 RIGHTWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED PAIRED ARROWS x (rightwards paired arrows - 21C9) U+2B86, character ⮆, decimal 11142, hex 0x2B86, octal \25606, binary 10101110000110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0x86 2B8A RIGHTWARDS BLACK CIRCLED WHITE ARROW x (circled heavy white rightwards arrow - 27B2) U+2B8A, character ⮊, decimal 11146, hex 0x2B8A, octal \25612, binary 10101110001010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0x8a 2B8C ANTICLOCKWISE TRIANGLE-HEADED RIGHT U-SHAPED ARROW U+2B8C, character ⮌, decimal 11148, hex 0x2B8C, octal \25614, binary 10101110001100 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0x8c 2B91 RETURN RIGHT U+2B91, character ⮑, decimal 11153, hex 0x2B91, octal \25621, binary 10101110010001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0x91 2B93 NEWLINE RIGHT U+2B93, character ⮓, decimal 11155, hex 0x2B93, octal \25623, binary 10101110010011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0x93 2B95 RIGHTWARDS BLACK ARROW x (black rightwards arrow - 27A1) x (leftwards black arrow - 2B05) U+2B95, character ⮕, decimal 11157, hex 0x2B95, octal \25625, binary 10101110010101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0x95 2B99 THREE-D RIGHT-LIGHTED UPWARDS EQUILATERAL ARROWHEAD U+2B99, character ⮙, decimal 11161, hex 0x2B99, octal \25631, binary 10101110011001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0x99 2B9A THREE-D TOP-LIGHTED RIGHTWARDS EQUILATERAL ARROWHEAD x (three-d top-lighted rightwards arrowhead - 27A2) U+2B9A, character ⮚, decimal 11162, hex 0x2B9A, octal \25632, binary 10101110011010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0x9a 2B9E BLACK RIGHTWARDS EQUILATERAL ARROWHEAD x (black rightwards arrowhead - 27A4) U+2B9E, character ⮞, decimal 11166, hex 0x2B9E, octal \25636, binary 10101110011110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0x9e 2BA1 DOWNWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW WITH LONG TIP RIGHTWARDS x (downwards arrow with tip rightwards - 21B3) U+2BA1, character ⮡, decimal 11169, hex 0x2BA1, octal \25641, binary 10101110100001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0xa1 2BA3 UPWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW WITH LONG TIP RIGHTWARDS x (upwards arrow with tip rightwards - 21B1) U+2BA3, character ⮣, decimal 11171, hex 0x2BA3, octal \25643, binary 10101110100011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0xa3 2BA5 RIGHTWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW WITH LONG TIP UPWARDS x (rightwards arrow with tip upwards - 2B0F) U+2BA5, character ⮥, decimal 11173, hex 0x2BA5, octal \25645, binary 10101110100101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0xa5 2BA7 RIGHTWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW WITH LONG TIP DOWNWARDS x (rightwards arrow with tip downwards - 2B0E) U+2BA7, character ⮧, decimal 11175, hex 0x2BA7, octal \25647, binary 10101110100111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0xa7 2BA9 BLACK CURVED DOWNWARDS AND RIGHTWARDS ARROW x (heavy black curved downwards and rightwards arrow - 27A5) U+2BA9, character ⮩, decimal 11177, hex 0x2BA9, octal \25651, binary 10101110101001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0xa9 2BAB BLACK CURVED UPWARDS AND RIGHTWARDS ARROW x (heavy black curved upwards and rightwards arrow - 27A6) U+2BAB, character ⮫, decimal 11179, hex 0x2BAB, octal \25653, binary 10101110101011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0xab 2BAD BLACK CURVED RIGHTWARDS AND UPWARDS ARROW U+2BAD, character ⮭, decimal 11181, hex 0x2BAD, octal \25655, binary 10101110101101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0xad 2BAF BLACK CURVED RIGHTWARDS AND DOWNWARDS ARROW U+2BAF, character ⮯, decimal 11183, hex 0x2BAF, octal \25657, binary 10101110101111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0xaf 2BB1 RIBBON ARROW DOWN RIGHT U+2BB1, character ⮱, decimal 11185, hex 0x2BB1, octal \25661, binary 10101110110001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0xb1 2BB3 RIBBON ARROW UP RIGHT U+2BB3, character ⮳, decimal 11187, hex 0x2BB3, octal \25663, binary 10101110110011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0xb3 2BB5 RIBBON ARROW RIGHT UP U+2BB5, character ⮵, decimal 11189, hex 0x2BB5, octal \25665, binary 10101110110101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0xb5 2BB7 RIBBON ARROW RIGHT DOWN U+2BB7, character ⮷, decimal 11191, hex 0x2BB7, octal \25667, binary 10101110110111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xae 0xb7 2BC8 BLACK MEDIUM RIGHT-POINTING TRIANGLE CENTRED x (black right-pointing triangle - 25B6) U+2BC8, character ⯈, decimal 11208, hex 0x2BC8, octal \25710, binary 10101111001000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xaf 0x88 2BE9 RIGHT HALF BLACK STAR U+2BE9, character ⯩, decimal 11241, hex 0x2BE9, octal \25751, binary 10101111101001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xaf 0xa9 2BEB STAR WITH RIGHT HALF BLACK U+2BEB, character ⯫, decimal 11243, hex 0x2BEB, octal \25753, binary 10101111101011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xaf 0xab 2BEE RIGHTWARDS TWO-HEADED ARROW WITH TRIANGLE ARROWHEADS = fast cursor right U+2BEE, character ⯮, decimal 11246, hex 0x2BEE, octal \25756, binary 10101111101110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xaf 0xae 2BFE REVERSED RIGHT ANGLE = without x (right angle - 221F) U+2BFE, character ⯾, decimal 11262, hex 0x2BFE, octal \25776, binary 10101111111110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xaf 0xbe 2C71 LATIN SMALL LETTER V WITH RIGHT HOOK * IPA: voiced labiodental flap U+2C71, character ⱱ, decimal 11377, hex 0x2C71, octal \26161, binary 10110001110001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xb1 0xb1 2E00 RIGHT ANGLE SUBSTITUTION MARKER x (top left corner - 231C) U+2E00, character ⸀, decimal 11776, hex 0x2E00, octal \27000, binary 10111000000000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xb8 0x80 2E01 RIGHT ANGLE DOTTED SUBSTITUTION MARKER U+2E01, character ⸁, decimal 11777, hex 0x2E01, octal \27001, binary 10111000000001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xb8 0x81 2E03 RIGHT SUBSTITUTION BRACKET U+2E03, character ⸃, decimal 11779, hex 0x2E03, octal \27003, binary 10111000000011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xb8 0x83 2E05 RIGHT DOTTED SUBSTITUTION BRACKET U+2E05, character ⸅, decimal 11781, hex 0x2E05, octal \27005, binary 10111000000101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xb8 0x85 2E0A RIGHT TRANSPOSITION BRACKET U+2E0A, character ⸊, decimal 11786, hex 0x2E0A, octal \27012, binary 10111000001010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xb8 0x8a 2E0D RIGHT RAISED OMISSION BRACKET * used as a closing or opening raised omission bracket U+2E0D, character ⸍, decimal 11789, hex 0x2E0D, octal \27015, binary 10111000001101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xb8 0x8d 2E16 DOTTED RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE = diple periestigmene U+2E16, character ⸖, decimal 11798, hex 0x2E16, octal \27026, binary 10111000010110 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xb8 0x96 2E1D RIGHT LOW PARAPHRASE BRACKET * used in N'Ko U+2E1D, character ⸝, decimal 11805, hex 0x2E1D, octal \27035, binary 10111000011101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xb8 0x9d 2E21 RIGHT VERTICAL BAR WITH QUILL U+2E21, character ⸡, decimal 11809, hex 0x2E21, octal \27041, binary 10111000100001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xb8 0xa1 2E23 TOP RIGHT HALF BRACKET U+2E23, character ⸣, decimal 11811, hex 0x2E23, octal \27043, binary 10111000100011 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xb8 0xa3 2E25 BOTTOM RIGHT HALF BRACKET U+2E25, character ⸥, decimal 11813, hex 0x2E25, octal \27045, binary 10111000100101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xb8 0xa5 2E27 RIGHT SIDEWAYS U BRACKET x (superset of - 2283) U+2E27, character ⸧, decimal 11815, hex 0x2E27, octal \27047, binary 10111000100111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xb8 0xa7 2E29 RIGHT DOUBLE PARENTHESIS U+2E29, character ⸩, decimal 11817, hex 0x2E29, octal \27051, binary 10111000101001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xb8 0xa9 2E37 DAGGER WITH RIGHT GUARD * indicates advanced pronunciation U+2E37, character ⸷, decimal 11831, hex 0x2E37, octal \27067, binary 10111000110111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xb8 0xb7 2E50 CROSS PATTY WITH RIGHT CROSSBAR x (maltese cross - 2720) U+2E50, character ⹐, decimal 11856, hex 0x2E50, octal \27120, binary 10111001010000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xb9 0x90 2E89 CJK RADICAL KNIFE TWO * form used on right side x 5202 U+2E89, character ⺉, decimal 11913, hex 0x2E89, octal \27211, binary 10111010001001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xba 0x89 2E99 CJK RADICAL RAP * form used on right side x 6535 U+2E99, character ⺙, decimal 11929, hex 0x2E99, octal \27231, binary 10111010011001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xba 0x99 2ECF CJK RADICAL CITY * form used on right side x 9091 U+2ECF, character ⻏, decimal 11983, hex 0x2ECF, octal \27317, binary 10111011001111 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xbb 0x8f 2F15 KANGXI RADICAL RIGHT OPEN BOX # 531A U+2F15, character ⼕, decimal 12053, hex 0x2F15, octal \27425, binary 10111100010101 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xbc 0x95 2FF0 IDEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION CHARACTER LEFT TO RIGHT U+2FF0, character ⿰, decimal 12272, hex 0x2FF0, octal \27760, binary 10111111110000 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xbf 0xb0 2FF2 IDEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION CHARACTER LEFT TO MIDDLE AND RIGHT U+2FF2, character ⿲, decimal 12274, hex 0x2FF2, octal \27762, binary 10111111110010 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xbf 0xb2 2FF9 IDEOGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION CHARACTER SURROUND FROM UPPER RIGHT U+2FF9, character ⿹, decimal 12281, hex 0x2FF9, octal \27771, binary 10111111111001 UTF-8: 0xe2 0xbf 0xb9 3009 RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET x (greater-than sign - 003E) x (single right-pointing angle quotation mark - 203A) x (right-pointing angle bracket - 232A) x (mathematical right angle bracket - 27E9) U+3009, character 〉, decimal 12297, hex 0x3009, octal \30011, binary 11000000001001 UTF-8: 0xe3 0x80 0x89 300B RIGHT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET x (right-pointing double angle quotation mark - 00BB) x (mathematical right double angle bracket - 27EB) U+300B, character 》, decimal 12299, hex 0x300B, octal \30013, binary 11000000001011 UTF-8: 0xe3 0x80 0x8b 300D RIGHT CORNER BRACKET x (right floor - 230B) U+300D, character 」, decimal 12301, hex 0x300D, octal \30015, binary 11000000001101 UTF-8: 0xe3 0x80 0x8d 300F RIGHT WHITE CORNER BRACKET U+300F, character 』, decimal 12303, hex 0x300F, octal \30017, binary 11000000001111 UTF-8: 0xe3 0x80 0x8f 3011 RIGHT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET U+3011, character 】, decimal 12305, hex 0x3011, octal \30021, binary 11000000010001 UTF-8: 0xe3 0x80 0x91 3015 RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET U+3015, character 〕, decimal 12309, hex 0x3015, octal \30025, binary 11000000010101 UTF-8: 0xe3 0x80 0x95 3017 RIGHT WHITE LENTICULAR BRACKET U+3017, character 〗, decimal 12311, hex 0x3017, octal \30027, binary 11000000010111 UTF-8: 0xe3 0x80 0x97 3019 RIGHT WHITE TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET x (mathematical right white tortoise shell bracket - 27ED) U+3019, character 〙, decimal 12313, hex 0x3019, octal \30031, binary 11000000011001 UTF-8: 0xe3 0x80 0x99 301B RIGHT WHITE SQUARE BRACKET = right abstract syntax bracket x (mathematical right white square bracket - 27E7) U+301B, character 〛, decimal 12315, hex 0x301B, octal \30033, binary 11000000011011 UTF-8: 0xe3 0x80 0x9b 301E DOUBLE PRIME QUOTATION MARK * this is a mistaken analogue to 201D; 301F is preferred x (right double quotation mark - 201D) x (double prime - 2033) U+301E, character 〞, decimal 12318, hex 0x301E, octal \30036, binary 11000000011110 UTF-8: 0xe3 0x80 0x9e 32A8 CIRCLED IDEOGRAPH RIGHT # <circle> 53F3 U+32A8, character ㊨, decimal 12968, hex 0x32A8, octal \31250, binary 11001010101000 UTF-8: 0xe3 0x8a 0xa8 A67C COMBINING CYRILLIC KAVYKA * indicates an alternative reading to part of a word x (combining breve - 0306) x (combining kavyka above right - 1DF6) x (combining kavyka above left - 1DF7) U+A67C, character ꙼, decimal 42620, hex 0xA67C, octal \123174, binary 1010011001111100 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8a 0x99 0xbc A71A MODIFIER LETTER LOWER RIGHT CORNER ANGLE U+A71A, character ꜚ, decimal 42778, hex 0xA71A, octal \123432, binary 1010011100011010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8a 0x9c 0x9a A9C2 JAVANESE RIGHT RERENGGAN U+A9C2, character ꧂, decimal 43458, hex 0xA9C2, octal \124702, binary 1010100111000010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8a 0xa7 0x82 AB46 LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL R WITH RIGHT LEG U+AB46, character ꭆ, decimal 43846, hex 0xAB46, octal \125506, binary 1010101101000110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8a 0xad 0x86 AB4E LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH SHORT RIGHT LEG U+AB4E, character ꭎ, decimal 43854, hex 0xAB4E, octal \125516, binary 1010101101001110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8a 0xad 0x8e AB4F LATIN SMALL LETTER U BAR WITH SHORT RIGHT LEG U+AB4F, character ꭏ, decimal 43855, hex 0xAB4F, octal \125517, binary 1010101101001111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8a 0xad 0x8f AB54 LATIN SMALL LETTER CHI WITH LOW RIGHT RING U+AB54, character ꭔ, decimal 43860, hex 0xAB54, octal \125524, binary 1010101101010100 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8a 0xad 0x94 AB56 LATIN SMALL LETTER X WITH LOW RIGHT RING U+AB56, character ꭖ, decimal 43862, hex 0xAB56, octal \125526, binary 1010101101010110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8a 0xad 0x96 AB58 LATIN SMALL LETTER X WITH LONG LEFT LEG AND LOW RIGHT RING U+AB58, character ꭘ, decimal 43864, hex 0xAB58, octal \125530, binary 1010101101011000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8a 0xad 0x98 AB5A LATIN SMALL LETTER Y WITH SHORT RIGHT LEG U+AB5A, character ꭚ, decimal 43866, hex 0xAB5A, octal \125532, binary 1010101101011010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8a 0xad 0x9a AB6B MODIFIER LETTER RIGHT TACK * backed vocalic realization x (combining right tack below - 0319) U+AB6B, character ꭫, decimal 43883, hex 0xAB6B, octal \125553, binary 1010101101101011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8a 0xad 0xab FD3F ORNATE RIGHT PARENTHESIS U+FD3F, character ﴿, decimal 64831, hex 0xFD3F, octal \176477, binary 1111110100111111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb4 0xbf FE18 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT WHITE LENTICULAR BRAKCET % PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT WHITE LENTICULAR BRACKET * misspelling of "BRACKET" in character name is a known defect # <vertical> 3017 U+FE18, character ︘, decimal 65048, hex 0xFE18, octal \177030, binary 1111111000011000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb8 0x98 FE21 COMBINING LIGATURE RIGHT HALF x (combining double inverted breve - 0361) U+FE21, character ︡, decimal 65057, hex 0xFE21, octal \177041, binary 1111111000100001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb8 0xa1 FE23 COMBINING DOUBLE TILDE RIGHT HALF x (combining double tilde - 0360) U+FE23, character ︣, decimal 65059, hex 0xFE23, octal \177043, binary 1111111000100011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb8 0xa3 FE25 COMBINING MACRON RIGHT HALF U+FE25, character ︥, decimal 65061, hex 0xFE25, octal \177045, binary 1111111000100101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb8 0xa5 FE28 COMBINING LIGATURE RIGHT HALF BELOW x (combining double breve below - 035C) U+FE28, character ︨, decimal 65064, hex 0xFE28, octal \177050, binary 1111111000101000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb8 0xa8 FE2A COMBINING TILDE RIGHT HALF BELOW U+FE2A, character ︪, decimal 65066, hex 0xFE2A, octal \177052, binary 1111111000101010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb8 0xaa FE2C COMBINING MACRON RIGHT HALF BELOW U+FE2C, character ︬, decimal 65068, hex 0xFE2C, octal \177054, binary 1111111000101100 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb8 0xac FE2F COMBINING CYRILLIC TITLO RIGHT HALF x (combining cyrillic titlo - 0483) U+FE2F, character ︯, decimal 65071, hex 0xFE2F, octal \177057, binary 1111111000101111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb8 0xaf FE36 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT PARENTHESIS x (bottom parenthesis - 23DD) # <vertical> 0029 U+FE36, character ︶, decimal 65078, hex 0xFE36, octal \177066, binary 1111111000110110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb8 0xb6 FE38 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT CURLY BRACKET x (bottom curly bracket - 23DF) # <vertical> 007D U+FE38, character ︸, decimal 65080, hex 0xFE38, octal \177070, binary 1111111000111000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb8 0xb8 FE3A PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET x (bottom tortoise shell bracket - 23E1) # <vertical> 3015 U+FE3A, character ︺, decimal 65082, hex 0xFE3A, octal \177072, binary 1111111000111010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb8 0xba FE3C PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT BLACK LENTICULAR BRACKET # <vertical> 3011 U+FE3C, character ︼, decimal 65084, hex 0xFE3C, octal \177074, binary 1111111000111100 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb8 0xbc FE3E PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT DOUBLE ANGLE BRACKET # <vertical> 300B U+FE3E, character ︾, decimal 65086, hex 0xFE3E, octal \177076, binary 1111111000111110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb8 0xbe FE40 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET # <vertical> 3009 U+FE40, character ﹀, decimal 65088, hex 0xFE40, octal \177100, binary 1111111001000000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb9 0x80 FE42 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT CORNER BRACKET # <vertical> 300D U+FE42, character ﹂, decimal 65090, hex 0xFE42, octal \177102, binary 1111111001000010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb9 0x82 FE44 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT WHITE CORNER BRACKET # <vertical> 300F U+FE44, character ﹄, decimal 65092, hex 0xFE44, octal \177104, binary 1111111001000100 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb9 0x84 FE48 PRESENTATION FORM FOR VERTICAL RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET x (bottom square bracket - 23B5) # <vertical> 005D U+FE48, character ﹈, decimal 65096, hex 0xFE48, octal \177110, binary 1111111001001000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb9 0x88 FE5A SMALL RIGHT PARENTHESIS # <small> 0029 U+FE5A, character ﹚, decimal 65114, hex 0xFE5A, octal \177132, binary 1111111001011010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb9 0x9a FE5C SMALL RIGHT CURLY BRACKET # <small> 007D U+FE5C, character ﹜, decimal 65116, hex 0xFE5C, octal \177134, binary 1111111001011100 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb9 0x9c FE5E SMALL RIGHT TORTOISE SHELL BRACKET # <small> 3015 U+FE5E, character ﹞, decimal 65118, hex 0xFE5E, octal \177136, binary 1111111001011110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xb9 0x9e FF09 FULLWIDTH RIGHT PARENTHESIS # <wide> 0029 U+FF09, character ), decimal 65289, hex 0xFF09, octal \177411, binary 1111111100001001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xbc 0x89 FF3D FULLWIDTH RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET # <wide> 005D U+FF3D, character ], decimal 65341, hex 0xFF3D, octal \177475, binary 1111111100111101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xbc 0xbd FF5D FULLWIDTH RIGHT CURLY BRACKET # <wide> 007D U+FF5D, character }, decimal 65373, hex 0xFF5D, octal \177535, binary 1111111101011101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xbd 0x9d FF60 FULLWIDTH RIGHT WHITE PARENTHESIS # <wide> 2986 U+FF60, character ⦆, decimal 65376, hex 0xFF60, octal \177540, binary 1111111101100000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xbd 0xa0 FF63 HALFWIDTH RIGHT CORNER BRACKET # <narrow> 300D U+FF63, character 」, decimal 65379, hex 0xFF63, octal \177543, binary 1111111101100011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xbd 0xa3 FFEB HALFWIDTH RIGHTWARDS ARROW # <narrow> 2192 U+FFEB, character →, decimal 65515, hex 0xFFEB, octal \177753, binary 1111111111101011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x8f 0xbf 0xab 10878 PALMYRENE RIGHT-POINTING FLEURON U+10878, character 𐡸, decimal 67704, hex 0x10878, octal \204170, binary 10000100001111000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x90 0xa1 0xb8 16F8F MIAO TONE RIGHT U+16F8F, character 𖾏, decimal 94095, hex 0x16F8F, octal \267617, binary 10110111110001111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x96 0xbe 0x8f 16F90 MIAO TONE TOP RIGHT U+16F90, character 𖾐, decimal 94096, hex 0x16F90, octal \267620, binary 10110111110010000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x96 0xbe 0x90 1BC06 DUPLOYAN LETTER L * written up and to the right * Pernin letter R U+1BC06, character 𛰆, decimal 113670, hex 0x1BC06, octal \336006, binary 11011110000000110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9b 0xb0 0x86 1BC08 DUPLOYAN LETTER D x (duployan affix left horizontal secant - 1BC70) x (duployan affix mid horizontal secant - 1BC71) x (duployan affix right horizontal secant - 1BC72) U+1BC08, character 𛰈, decimal 113672, hex 0x1BC08, octal \336010, binary 11011110000001000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9b 0xb0 0x88 1BC0B DUPLOYAN LETTER R * written up and to the right * Chinook number 5 * French number milliards * Pernin L * Pernin Reporters' word repeat sign U+1BC0B, character 𛰋, decimal 113675, hex 0x1BC0B, octal \336013, binary 11011110000001011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9b 0xb0 0x8b 1BC10 DUPLOYAN LETTER R S * written up and to the right * Sloan R R x (duployan letter r - 1BC0B) x (duployan letter s - 1BC1C) U+1BC10, character 𛰐, decimal 113680, hex 0x1BC10, octal \336020, binary 11011110000010000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9b 0xb0 0x90 1BC16 DUPLOYAN LETTER HL * written up and to the right * Chinook U+1BC16, character 𛰖, decimal 113686, hex 0x1BC16, octal \336026, binary 11011110000010110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9b 0xb0 0x96 1BC17 DUPLOYAN LETTER LH * written up and to the right * Chinook U+1BC17, character 𛰗, decimal 113687, hex 0x1BC17, octal \336027, binary 11011110000010111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9b 0xb0 0x97 1BC18 DUPLOYAN LETTER RH * written up and to the right * Chinook U+1BC18, character 𛰘, decimal 113688, hex 0x1BC18, octal \336030, binary 11011110000011000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9b 0xb0 0x98 1BC46 DUPLOYAN LETTER I * character rotates to match entry angle of preceding consonant * primary orientating (right and up) * Perrault long a, short e (with accents) U+1BC46, character 𛱆, decimal 113734, hex 0x1BC46, octal \336106, binary 11011110001000110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9b 0xb1 0x86 1BC51 DUPLOYAN LETTER U * character rotates to match entry angle of preceding consonant * primary orientating (right and up) * Romanian en x (duployan letter w - 1BC38) x (duployan letter romanian u - 1BC56) x (duployan letter long u - 1BC55) U+1BC51, character 𛱑, decimal 113745, hex 0x1BC51, octal \336121, binary 11011110001010001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9b 0xb1 0x91 1BC72 DUPLOYAN AFFIX RIGHT HORIZONTAL SECANT * Pernin Reporters' contra- U+1BC72, character 𛱲, decimal 113778, hex 0x1BC72, octal \336162, binary 11011110001110010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9b 0xb1 0xb2 1BC77 DUPLOYAN AFFIX ATTACHED LEFT-TO-RIGHT SECANT * generally crosses adjacent character at perpendicular, but has a bias towards NW/SE angle in contrast to 1BC76 * as a suffix, takes opposite relative position to following glyph * Pernin prefix per- U+1BC77, character 𛱷, decimal 113783, hex 0x1BC77, octal \336167, binary 11011110001110111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9b 0xb1 0xb7 1BC7B DUPLOYAN AFFIX ATTACHED I HOOK * glyph is retrograde and opens left or right, depending on preceding letter * French suffix -tou * Sloan affix irre-/-ary x (duployan letter i - 1BC46) U+1BC7B, character 𛱻, decimal 113787, hex 0x1BC7B, octal \336173, binary 11011110001111011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9b 0xb1 0xbb 1BC81 DUPLOYAN AFFIX HIGH TIGHT ACUTE * as a suffix, placed above and to the right of the following letter * Pernin Pro- U+1BC81, character 𛲁, decimal 113793, hex 0x1BC81, octal \336201, binary 11011110010000001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9b 0xb2 0x81 1BC91 DUPLOYAN AFFIX LOW TIGHT ACUTE * as a suffix, placed under and to the right of the following letter * Pernin suf-, sug- U+1BC91, character 𛲑, decimal 113809, hex 0x1BC91, octal \336221, binary 11011110010010001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9b 0xb2 0x91 1D107 MUSICAL SYMBOL RIGHT REPEAT SIGN U+1D107, character 𝄇, decimal 119047, hex 0x1D107, octal \350407, binary 11101000100000111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9d 0x84 0x87 1D14C MUSICAL SYMBOL TRIANGLE NOTEHEAD RIGHT WHITE U+1D14C, character 𝅌, decimal 119116, hex 0x1D14C, octal \350514, binary 11101000101001100 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9d 0x85 0x8c 1D14D MUSICAL SYMBOL TRIANGLE NOTEHEAD RIGHT BLACK U+1D14D, character 𝅍, decimal 119117, hex 0x1D14D, octal \350515, binary 11101000101001101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9d 0x85 0x8d 1D150 MUSICAL SYMBOL TRIANGLE NOTEHEAD UP RIGHT WHITE U+1D150, character 𝅐, decimal 119120, hex 0x1D150, octal \350520, binary 11101000101010000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9d 0x85 0x90 1D151 MUSICAL SYMBOL TRIANGLE NOTEHEAD UP RIGHT BLACK U+1D151, character 𝅑, decimal 119121, hex 0x1D151, octal \350521, binary 11101000101010001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9d 0x85 0x91 1F10D CIRCLED ZERO WITH SLASH = no rights reserved U+1F10D, character 🄍, decimal 127245, hex 0x1F10D, octal \370415, binary 11111000100001101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x84 0x8d 1F12F COPYLEFT SYMBOL x (copyright sign - 00A9) x (roman numeral reversed one hundred - 2183) U+1F12F, character 🄯, decimal 127279, hex 0x1F12F, octal \370457, binary 11111000100101111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x84 0xaf 1F1AD MASK WORK SYMBOL * indicates intellectual property protection for integrated circuit layouts x (copyright sign - 00A9) x (circled latin capital letter m - 24C2) U+1F1AD, character 🆭, decimal 127405, hex 0x1F1AD, octal \370655, binary 11111000110101101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x86 0xad 1F22E SQUARED CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-53F3 = right field # <square> 53F3 U+1F22E, character 🈮, decimal 127534, hex 0x1F22E, octal \371056, binary 11111001000101110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x88 0xae 1F317 LAST QUARTER MOON SYMBOL x (circle with right half black - 25D1) x (last quarter moon - 263E) U+1F317, character 🌗, decimal 127767, hex 0x1F317, octal \371427, binary 11111001100010111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x8c 0x97 1F449 WHITE RIGHT POINTING BACKHAND INDEX x (white right pointing index - 261E) x (black right pointing backhand index - 1F59D) U+1F449, character 👉, decimal 128073, hex 0x1F449, octal \372111, binary 11111010001001001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x91 0x89 1F4AD THOUGHT BALLOON x (right thought bubble - 1F5ED) U+1F4AD, character 💭, decimal 128173, hex 0x1F4AD, octal \372255, binary 11111010010101101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x92 0xad 1F4DE TELEPHONE RECEIVER * commonly oriented rightwards, so that a face emoticon can be positioned to the right x (left hand telephone receiver - 1F57B) x (right hand telephone receiver - 1F57D) U+1F4DE, character 📞, decimal 128222, hex 0x1F4DE, octal \372336, binary 11111010011011110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x93 0x9e 1F4F2 MOBILE PHONE WITH RIGHTWARDS ARROW AT LEFT * making a phone call U+1F4F2, character 📲, decimal 128242, hex 0x1F4F2, octal \372362, binary 11111010011110010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x93 0xb2 1F500 TWISTED RIGHTWARDS ARROWS = shuffle U+1F500, character 🔀, decimal 128256, hex 0x1F500, octal \372400, binary 11111010100000000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x94 0x80 1F501 CLOCKWISE RIGHTWARDS AND LEFTWARDS OPEN CIRCLE ARROWS = repeat x (black universal recycling symbol - 267B) U+1F501, character 🔁, decimal 128257, hex 0x1F501, octal \372401, binary 11111010100000001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x94 0x81 1F502 CLOCKWISE RIGHTWARDS AND LEFTWARDS OPEN CIRCLE ARROWS WITH CIRCLED ONE OVERLAY = repeat one item over U+1F502, character 🔂, decimal 128258, hex 0x1F502, octal \372402, binary 11111010100000010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x94 0x82 1F503 CLOCKWISE DOWNWARDS AND UPWARDS OPEN CIRCLE ARROWS = reload x (clockwise right and left semicircle arrows - 1F5D8) U+1F503, character 🔃, decimal 128259, hex 0x1F503, octal \372403, binary 11111010100000011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x94 0x83 1F505 LOW BRIGHTNESS SYMBOL U+1F505, character 🔅, decimal 128261, hex 0x1F505, octal \372405, binary 11111010100000101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x94 0x85 1F506 HIGH BRIGHTNESS SYMBOL x (black sun with rays - 2600) x (white sun with rays - 263C) x (gear without hub - 26ED) U+1F506, character 🔆, decimal 128262, hex 0x1F506, octal \372406, binary 11111010100000110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x94 0x86 1F508 SPEAKER = left speaker x (right speaker - 1F568) x (bullhorn - 1F56B) U+1F508, character 🔈, decimal 128264, hex 0x1F508, octal \372410, binary 11111010100001000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x94 0x88 1F50E RIGHT-POINTING MAGNIFYING GLASS = get more details U+1F50E, character 🔎, decimal 128270, hex 0x1F50E, octal \372416, binary 11111010100001110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x94 0x8e 1F51B ON WITH EXCLAMATION MARK WITH LEFT RIGHT ARROW ABOVE U+1F51B, character 🔛, decimal 128283, hex 0x1F51B, octal \372433, binary 11111010100011011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x94 0x9b 1F51C SOON WITH RIGHTWARDS ARROW ABOVE U+1F51C, character 🔜, decimal 128284, hex 0x1F51C, octal \372434, binary 11111010100011100 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x94 0x9c 1F53E LOWER RIGHT SHADOWED WHITE CIRCLE = circle shadow down x (shadowed white circle - 274D) U+1F53E, character 🔾, decimal 128318, hex 0x1F53E, octal \372476, binary 11111010100111110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x94 0xbe 1F53F UPPER RIGHT SHADOWED WHITE CIRCLE U+1F53F, character 🔿, decimal 128319, hex 0x1F53F, octal \372477, binary 11111010100111111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x94 0xbf 1F544 NOTCHED RIGHT SEMICIRCLE WITH THREE DOTS * Orthodox typicon symbol for lower rank feast U+1F544, character 🕄, decimal 128324, hex 0x1F544, octal \372504, binary 11111010101000100 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x95 0x84 1F568 RIGHT SPEAKER x (speaker - 1F508) U+1F568, character 🕨, decimal 128360, hex 0x1F568, octal \372550, binary 11111010101101000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x95 0xa8 1F569 RIGHT SPEAKER WITH ONE SOUND WAVE U+1F569, character 🕩, decimal 128361, hex 0x1F569, octal \372551, binary 11111010101101001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x95 0xa9 1F56A RIGHT SPEAKER WITH THREE SOUND WAVES U+1F56A, character 🕪, decimal 128362, hex 0x1F56A, octal \372552, binary 11111010101101010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x95 0xaa 1F57D RIGHT HAND TELEPHONE RECEIVER = telephone handset U+1F57D, character 🕽, decimal 128381, hex 0x1F57D, octal \372575, binary 11111010101111101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x95 0xbd 1F589 LOWER LEFT PENCIL = pencil x (lower right pencil - 270E) U+1F589, character 🖉, decimal 128393, hex 0x1F589, octal \372611, binary 11111010110001001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x96 0x89 1F599 SIDEWAYS WHITE RIGHT POINTING INDEX x (white right pointing index - 261E) U+1F599, character 🖙, decimal 128409, hex 0x1F599, octal \372631, binary 11111010110011001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x96 0x99 1F59B SIDEWAYS BLACK RIGHT POINTING INDEX U+1F59B, character 🖛, decimal 128411, hex 0x1F59B, octal \372633, binary 11111010110011011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x96 0x9b 1F59D BLACK RIGHT POINTING BACKHAND INDEX x (white right pointing backhand index - 1F449) U+1F59D, character 🖝, decimal 128413, hex 0x1F59D, octal \372635, binary 11111010110011101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x96 0x9d 1F5D8 CLOCKWISE RIGHT AND LEFT SEMICIRCLE ARROWS = refresh x (clockwise downwards and upwards open circle arrows - 1F503) U+1F5D8, character 🗘, decimal 128472, hex 0x1F5D8, octal \372730, binary 11111010111011000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x97 0x98 1F5E6 THREE RAYS LEFT x (three lines converging right - 269E) U+1F5E6, character 🗦, decimal 128486, hex 0x1F5E6, octal \372746, binary 11111010111100110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x97 0xa6 1F5E7 THREE RAYS RIGHT x (three lines converging left - 269F) U+1F5E7, character 🗧, decimal 128487, hex 0x1F5E7, octal \372747, binary 11111010111100111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x97 0xa7 1F5E9 RIGHT SPEECH BUBBLE U+1F5E9, character 🗩, decimal 128489, hex 0x1F5E9, octal \372751, binary 11111010111101001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x97 0xa9 1F5ED RIGHT THOUGHT BUBBLE x (thought balloon - 1F4AD) U+1F5ED, character 🗭, decimal 128493, hex 0x1F5ED, octal \372755, binary 11111010111101101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x97 0xad 1F5EF RIGHT ANGER BUBBLE = shout right U+1F5EF, character 🗯, decimal 128495, hex 0x1F5EF, octal \372757, binary 11111010111101111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x97 0xaf 1F66E RIGHTWARDS ROCKET U+1F66E, character 🙮, decimal 128622, hex 0x1F66E, octal \373156, binary 11111011001101110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x99 0xae 1F67E CHECKER BOARD x (quadrant upper right and lower left - 259E) U+1F67E, character 🙾, decimal 128638, hex 0x1F67E, octal \373176, binary 11111011001111110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x99 0xbe 1F67F REVERSE CHECKER BOARD x (quadrant upper left and lower right - 259A) U+1F67F, character 🙿, decimal 128639, hex 0x1F67F, octal \373177, binary 11111011001111111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x99 0xbf 1F780 BLACK LEFT-POINTING ISOSCELES RIGHT TRIANGLE x (black medium left-pointing triangle - 23F4) U+1F780, character 🞀, decimal 128896, hex 0x1F780, octal \373600, binary 11111011110000000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x9e 0x80 1F781 BLACK UP-POINTING ISOSCELES RIGHT TRIANGLE x (black medium up-pointing triangle - 23F6) U+1F781, character 🞁, decimal 128897, hex 0x1F781, octal \373601, binary 11111011110000001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x9e 0x81 1F782 BLACK RIGHT-POINTING ISOSCELES RIGHT TRIANGLE x (black medium right-pointing triangle - 23F5) U+1F782, character 🞂, decimal 128898, hex 0x1F782, octal \373602, binary 11111011110000010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x9e 0x82 1F783 BLACK DOWN-POINTING ISOSCELES RIGHT TRIANGLE x (black medium down-pointing triangle - 23F7) U+1F783, character 🞃, decimal 128899, hex 0x1F783, octal \373603, binary 11111011110000011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0x9e 0x83 1F802 RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH SMALL TRIANGLE ARROWHEAD U+1F802, character 🠂, decimal 129026, hex 0x1F802, octal \374002, binary 11111100000000010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa0 0x82 1F806 RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH MEDIUM TRIANGLE ARROWHEAD U+1F806, character 🠆, decimal 129030, hex 0x1F806, octal \374006, binary 11111100000000110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa0 0x86 1F80A RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH LARGE TRIANGLE ARROWHEAD U+1F80A, character 🠊, decimal 129034, hex 0x1F80A, octal \374012, binary 11111100000001010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa0 0x8a 1F812 RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH SMALL EQUILATERAL ARROWHEAD U+1F812, character 🠒, decimal 129042, hex 0x1F812, octal \374022, binary 11111100000010010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa0 0x92 1F816 RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH EQUILATERAL ARROWHEAD U+1F816, character 🠖, decimal 129046, hex 0x1F816, octal \374026, binary 11111100000010110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa0 0x96 1F81A HEAVY RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH EQUILATERAL ARROWHEAD U+1F81A, character 🠚, decimal 129050, hex 0x1F81A, octal \374032, binary 11111100000011010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa0 0x9a 1F81E HEAVY RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH LARGE EQUILATERAL ARROWHEAD U+1F81E, character 🠞, decimal 129054, hex 0x1F81E, octal \374036, binary 11111100000011110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa0 0x9e 1F822 RIGHTWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW WITH NARROW SHAFT U+1F822, character 🠢, decimal 129058, hex 0x1F822, octal \374042, binary 11111100000100010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa0 0xa2 1F826 RIGHTWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW WITH MEDIUM SHAFT U+1F826, character 🠦, decimal 129062, hex 0x1F826, octal \374046, binary 11111100000100110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa0 0xa6 1F82A RIGHTWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW WITH BOLD SHAFT U+1F82A, character 🠪, decimal 129066, hex 0x1F82A, octal \374052, binary 11111100000101010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa0 0xaa 1F82E RIGHTWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW WITH HEAVY SHAFT U+1F82E, character 🠮, decimal 129070, hex 0x1F82E, octal \374056, binary 11111100000101110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa0 0xae 1F832 RIGHTWARDS TRIANGLE-HEADED ARROW WITH VERY HEAVY SHAFT U+1F832, character 🠲, decimal 129074, hex 0x1F832, octal \374062, binary 11111100000110010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa0 0xb2 1F836 RIGHTWARDS FINGER-POST ARROW U+1F836, character 🠶, decimal 129078, hex 0x1F836, octal \374066, binary 11111100000110110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa0 0xb6 1F83A RIGHTWARDS SQUARED ARROW U+1F83A, character 🠺, decimal 129082, hex 0x1F83A, octal \374072, binary 11111100000111010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa0 0xba 1F83E RIGHTWARDS COMPRESSED ARROW U+1F83E, character 🠾, decimal 129086, hex 0x1F83E, octal \374076, binary 11111100000111110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa0 0xbe 1F842 RIGHTWARDS HEAVY COMPRESSED ARROW x (squat black rightwards arrow - 27A7) U+1F842, character 🡂, decimal 129090, hex 0x1F842, octal \374102, binary 11111100001000010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa1 0x82 1F846 RIGHTWARDS HEAVY ARROW U+1F846, character 🡆, decimal 129094, hex 0x1F846, octal \374106, binary 11111100001000110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa1 0x86 1F852 RIGHTWARDS SANS-SERIF ARROW x (rightwards arrow - 2192) U+1F852, character 🡒, decimal 129106, hex 0x1F852, octal \374122, binary 11111100001010010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa1 0x92 1F858 LEFT RIGHT SANS-SERIF ARROW x (left right arrow - 2194) U+1F858, character 🡘, decimal 129112, hex 0x1F858, octal \374130, binary 11111100001011000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa1 0x98 1F862 WIDE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS LIGHT BARB ARROW U+1F862, character 🡢, decimal 129122, hex 0x1F862, octal \374142, binary 11111100001100010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa1 0xa2 1F86A WIDE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS BARB ARROW U+1F86A, character 🡪, decimal 129130, hex 0x1F86A, octal \374152, binary 11111100001101010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa1 0xaa 1F872 WIDE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS MEDIUM BARB ARROW x (heavy wide-headed rightwards arrow - 2794) U+1F872, character 🡲, decimal 129138, hex 0x1F872, octal \374162, binary 11111100001110010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa1 0xb2 1F87A WIDE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS HEAVY BARB ARROW U+1F87A, character 🡺, decimal 129146, hex 0x1F87A, octal \374172, binary 11111100001111010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa1 0xba 1F882 WIDE-HEADED RIGHTWARDS VERY HEAVY BARB ARROW U+1F882, character 🢂, decimal 129154, hex 0x1F882, octal \374202, binary 11111100010000010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa2 0x82 1F892 RIGHTWARDS TRIANGLE ARROWHEAD U+1F892, character 🢒, decimal 129170, hex 0x1F892, octal \374222, binary 11111100010010010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa2 0x92 1F896 RIGHTWARDS WHITE ARROW WITHIN TRIANGLE ARROWHEAD U+1F896, character 🢖, decimal 129174, hex 0x1F896, octal \374226, binary 11111100010010110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa2 0x96 1F89A RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH NOTCHED TAIL x (notched lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow - 27AF) U+1F89A, character 🢚, decimal 129178, hex 0x1F89A, octal \374232, binary 11111100010011010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa2 0x9a 1F8A1 RIGHTWARDS BOTTOM SHADED WHITE ARROW U+1F8A1, character 🢡, decimal 129185, hex 0x1F8A1, octal \374241, binary 11111100010100001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa2 0xa1 1F8A3 RIGHTWARDS TOP SHADED WHITE ARROW U+1F8A3, character 🢣, decimal 129187, hex 0x1F8A3, octal \374243, binary 11111100010100011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa2 0xa3 1F8A5 RIGHTWARDS RIGHT-SHADED WHITE ARROW x (right-shaded white rightwards arrow - 27A9) U+1F8A5, character 🢥, decimal 129189, hex 0x1F8A5, octal \374245, binary 11111100010100101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa2 0xa5 1F8A6 LEFTWARDS RIGHT-SHADED WHITE ARROW U+1F8A6, character 🢦, decimal 129190, hex 0x1F8A6, octal \374246, binary 11111100010100110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa2 0xa6 1F8A7 RIGHTWARDS LEFT-SHADED WHITE ARROW x (left-shaded white rightwards arrow - 27AA) U+1F8A7, character 🢧, decimal 129191, hex 0x1F8A7, octal \374247, binary 11111100010100111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa2 0xa7 1F8A9 RIGHTWARDS BACK-TILTED SHADOWED WHITE ARROW x (back-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow - 27AB) U+1F8A9, character 🢩, decimal 129193, hex 0x1F8A9, octal \374251, binary 11111100010101001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa2 0xa9 1F8AB RIGHTWARDS FRONT-TILTED SHADOWED WHITE ARROW x (front-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow - 27AC) U+1F8AB, character 🢫, decimal 129195, hex 0x1F8AB, octal \374253, binary 11111100010101011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa2 0xab 1F8B1 ARROW POINTING RIGHTWARDS THEN CURVING SOUTH WEST U+1F8B1, character 🢱, decimal 129201, hex 0x1F8B1, octal \374261, binary 11111100010110001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa2 0xb1 1F91C RIGHT-FACING FIST U+1F91C, character 🤜, decimal 129308, hex 0x1F91C, octal \374434, binary 11111100100011100 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xa4 0x9c 1FB3D LOWER LEFT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER MIDDLE LEFT TO LOWER RIGHT U+1FB3D, character 🬽, decimal 129853, hex 0x1FB3D, octal \375475, binary 11111101100111101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xac 0xbd 1FB3F LOWER LEFT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER MIDDLE LEFT TO LOWER RIGHT U+1FB3F, character 🬿, decimal 129855, hex 0x1FB3F, octal \375477, binary 11111101100111111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xac 0xbf 1FB41 LOWER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER MIDDLE LEFT TO UPPER CENTRE U+1FB41, character 🭁, decimal 129857, hex 0x1FB41, octal \375501, binary 11111101101000001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x81 1FB42 LOWER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER MIDDLE LEFT TO UPPER RIGHT U+1FB42, character 🭂, decimal 129858, hex 0x1FB42, octal \375502, binary 11111101101000010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x82 1FB43 LOWER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER MIDDLE LEFT TO UPPER CENTRE U+1FB43, character 🭃, decimal 129859, hex 0x1FB43, octal \375503, binary 11111101101000011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x83 1FB44 LOWER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER MIDDLE LEFT TO UPPER RIGHT U+1FB44, character 🭄, decimal 129860, hex 0x1FB44, octal \375504, binary 11111101101000100 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x84 1FB45 LOWER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER LEFT TO UPPER CENTRE U+1FB45, character 🭅, decimal 129861, hex 0x1FB45, octal \375505, binary 11111101101000101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x85 1FB46 LOWER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER MIDDLE LEFT TO UPPER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB46, character 🭆, decimal 129862, hex 0x1FB46, octal \375506, binary 11111101101000110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x86 1FB47 LOWER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER CENTRE TO LOWER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB47, character 🭇, decimal 129863, hex 0x1FB47, octal \375507, binary 11111101101000111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x87 1FB48 LOWER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER LEFT TO LOWER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB48, character 🭈, decimal 129864, hex 0x1FB48, octal \375510, binary 11111101101001000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x88 1FB49 LOWER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER CENTRE TO UPPER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB49, character 🭉, decimal 129865, hex 0x1FB49, octal \375511, binary 11111101101001001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x89 1FB4A LOWER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER LEFT TO UPPER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB4A, character 🭊, decimal 129866, hex 0x1FB4A, octal \375512, binary 11111101101001010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x8a 1FB4B LOWER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER CENTRE TO UPPER RIGHT U+1FB4B, character 🭋, decimal 129867, hex 0x1FB4B, octal \375513, binary 11111101101001011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x8b 1FB4C LOWER LEFT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER CENTRE TO UPPER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB4C, character 🭌, decimal 129868, hex 0x1FB4C, octal \375514, binary 11111101101001100 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x8c 1FB4D LOWER LEFT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER LEFT TO UPPER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB4D, character 🭍, decimal 129869, hex 0x1FB4D, octal \375515, binary 11111101101001101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x8d 1FB4E LOWER LEFT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER CENTRE TO LOWER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB4E, character 🭎, decimal 129870, hex 0x1FB4E, octal \375516, binary 11111101101001110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x8e 1FB4F LOWER LEFT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER LEFT TO LOWER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB4F, character 🭏, decimal 129871, hex 0x1FB4F, octal \375517, binary 11111101101001111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x8f 1FB50 LOWER LEFT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER CENTRE TO LOWER RIGHT U+1FB50, character 🭐, decimal 129872, hex 0x1FB50, octal \375520, binary 11111101101010000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x90 1FB51 LOWER LEFT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER MIDDLE LEFT TO LOWER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB51, character 🭑, decimal 129873, hex 0x1FB51, octal \375521, binary 11111101101010001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x91 1FB52 UPPER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER MIDDLE LEFT TO LOWER CENTRE U+1FB52, character 🭒, decimal 129874, hex 0x1FB52, octal \375522, binary 11111101101010010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x92 1FB53 UPPER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER MIDDLE LEFT TO LOWER RIGHT U+1FB53, character 🭓, decimal 129875, hex 0x1FB53, octal \375523, binary 11111101101010011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x93 1FB54 UPPER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER MIDDLE LEFT TO LOWER CENTRE U+1FB54, character 🭔, decimal 129876, hex 0x1FB54, octal \375524, binary 11111101101010100 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x94 1FB55 UPPER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER MIDDLE LEFT TO LOWER RIGHT U+1FB55, character 🭕, decimal 129877, hex 0x1FB55, octal \375525, binary 11111101101010101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x95 1FB56 UPPER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER LEFT TO LOWER CENTRE U+1FB56, character 🭖, decimal 129878, hex 0x1FB56, octal \375526, binary 11111101101010110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x96 1FB58 UPPER LEFT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER MIDDLE LEFT TO UPPER RIGHT U+1FB58, character 🭘, decimal 129880, hex 0x1FB58, octal \375530, binary 11111101101011000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x98 1FB5A UPPER LEFT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER MIDDLE LEFT TO UPPER RIGHT U+1FB5A, character 🭚, decimal 129882, hex 0x1FB5A, octal \375532, binary 11111101101011010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x9a 1FB5C UPPER LEFT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER MIDDLE LEFT TO UPPER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB5C, character 🭜, decimal 129884, hex 0x1FB5C, octal \375534, binary 11111101101011100 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x9c 1FB5D UPPER LEFT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER CENTRE TO LOWER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB5D, character 🭝, decimal 129885, hex 0x1FB5D, octal \375535, binary 11111101101011101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x9d 1FB5E UPPER LEFT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER LEFT TO LOWER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB5E, character 🭞, decimal 129886, hex 0x1FB5E, octal \375536, binary 11111101101011110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x9e 1FB5F UPPER LEFT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER CENTRE TO UPPER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB5F, character 🭟, decimal 129887, hex 0x1FB5F, octal \375537, binary 11111101101011111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0x9f 1FB60 UPPER LEFT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER LEFT TO UPPER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB60, character 🭠, decimal 129888, hex 0x1FB60, octal \375540, binary 11111101101100000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0xa0 1FB61 UPPER LEFT BLOCK DIAGONAL LOWER CENTRE TO UPPER RIGHT U+1FB61, character 🭡, decimal 129889, hex 0x1FB61, octal \375541, binary 11111101101100001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0xa1 1FB62 UPPER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER CENTRE TO UPPER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB62, character 🭢, decimal 129890, hex 0x1FB62, octal \375542, binary 11111101101100010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0xa2 1FB63 UPPER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER LEFT TO UPPER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB63, character 🭣, decimal 129891, hex 0x1FB63, octal \375543, binary 11111101101100011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0xa3 1FB64 UPPER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER CENTRE TO LOWER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB64, character 🭤, decimal 129892, hex 0x1FB64, octal \375544, binary 11111101101100100 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0xa4 1FB65 UPPER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER LEFT TO LOWER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB65, character 🭥, decimal 129893, hex 0x1FB65, octal \375545, binary 11111101101100101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0xa5 1FB66 UPPER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER CENTRE TO LOWER RIGHT U+1FB66, character 🭦, decimal 129894, hex 0x1FB66, octal \375546, binary 11111101101100110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0xa6 1FB67 UPPER RIGHT BLOCK DIAGONAL UPPER MIDDLE LEFT TO LOWER MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FB67, character 🭧, decimal 129895, hex 0x1FB67, octal \375547, binary 11111101101100111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0xa7 1FB68 UPPER AND RIGHT AND LOWER TRIANGULAR THREE QUARTERS BLOCK U+1FB68, character 🭨, decimal 129896, hex 0x1FB68, octal \375550, binary 11111101101101000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0xa8 1FB69 LEFT AND LOWER AND RIGHT TRIANGULAR THREE QUARTERS BLOCK U+1FB69, character 🭩, decimal 129897, hex 0x1FB69, octal \375551, binary 11111101101101001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0xa9 1FB6B LEFT AND UPPER AND RIGHT TRIANGULAR THREE QUARTERS BLOCK U+1FB6B, character 🭫, decimal 129899, hex 0x1FB6B, octal \375553, binary 11111101101101011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0xab 1FB6E RIGHT TRIANGULAR ONE QUARTER BLOCK U+1FB6E, character 🭮, decimal 129902, hex 0x1FB6E, octal \375556, binary 11111101101101110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0xae 1FB75 VERTICAL ONE EIGHTH BLOCK-7 x (right one eighth block - 2595) U+1FB75, character 🭵, decimal 129909, hex 0x1FB75, octal \375565, binary 11111101101110101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0xb5 1FB7E RIGHT AND UPPER ONE EIGHTH BLOCK U+1FB7E, character 🭾, decimal 129918, hex 0x1FB7E, octal \375576, binary 11111101101111110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0xbe 1FB7F RIGHT AND LOWER ONE EIGHTH BLOCK U+1FB7F, character 🭿, decimal 129919, hex 0x1FB7F, octal \375577, binary 11111101101111111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xad 0xbf 1FB87 RIGHT ONE QUARTER BLOCK x (left one quarter block - 258E) U+1FB87, character 🮇, decimal 129927, hex 0x1FB87, octal \375607, binary 11111101110000111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0x87 1FB88 RIGHT THREE EIGHTHS BLOCK x (left three eighths block - 258D) U+1FB88, character 🮈, decimal 129928, hex 0x1FB88, octal \375610, binary 11111101110001000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0x88 1FB89 RIGHT FIVE EIGHTHS BLOCK x (left five eighths block - 258B) U+1FB89, character 🮉, decimal 129929, hex 0x1FB89, octal \375611, binary 11111101110001001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0x89 1FB8A RIGHT THREE QUARTERS BLOCK x (left three quarters block - 258A) U+1FB8A, character 🮊, decimal 129930, hex 0x1FB8A, octal \375612, binary 11111101110001010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0x8a 1FB8B RIGHT SEVEN EIGHTHS BLOCK x (left seven eighths block - 2589) U+1FB8B, character 🮋, decimal 129931, hex 0x1FB8B, octal \375613, binary 11111101110001011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0x8b 1FB8D RIGHT HALF MEDIUM SHADE U+1FB8D, character 🮍, decimal 129933, hex 0x1FB8D, octal \375615, binary 11111101110001101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0x8d 1FB94 LEFT HALF INVERSE MEDIUM SHADE AND RIGHT HALF BLOCK U+1FB94, character 🮔, decimal 129940, hex 0x1FB94, octal \375624, binary 11111101110010100 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0x94 1FB95 CHECKER BOARD FILL x (quadrant upper left and lower right - 259A) x (reverse checker board - 1F67F) U+1FB95, character 🮕, decimal 129941, hex 0x1FB95, octal \375625, binary 11111101110010101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0x95 1FB96 INVERSE CHECKER BOARD FILL x (quadrant upper right and lower left - 259E) x (checker board - 1F67E) U+1FB96, character 🮖, decimal 129942, hex 0x1FB96, octal \375626, binary 11111101110010110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0x96 1FB98 UPPER LEFT TO LOWER RIGHT FILL x (square with upper left to lower right fill - 25A7) U+1FB98, character 🮘, decimal 129944, hex 0x1FB98, octal \375630, binary 11111101110011000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0x98 1FB99 UPPER RIGHT TO LOWER LEFT FILL x (square with upper right to lower left fill - 25A8) U+1FB99, character 🮙, decimal 129945, hex 0x1FB99, octal \375631, binary 11111101110011001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0x99 1FB9B LEFT AND RIGHT TRIANGULAR HALF BLOCK x (black bowtie - 29D3) U+1FB9B, character 🮛, decimal 129947, hex 0x1FB9B, octal \375633, binary 11111101110011011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0x9b 1FB9D UPPER RIGHT TRIANGULAR MEDIUM SHADE x (black upper right triangle - 25E5) U+1FB9D, character 🮝, decimal 129949, hex 0x1FB9D, octal \375635, binary 11111101110011101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0x9d 1FB9E LOWER RIGHT TRIANGULAR MEDIUM SHADE x (black lower right triangle - 25E2) U+1FB9E, character 🮞, decimal 129950, hex 0x1FB9E, octal \375636, binary 11111101110011110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0x9e 1FBA1 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL UPPER CENTRE TO MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FBA1, character 🮡, decimal 129953, hex 0x1FBA1, octal \375641, binary 11111101110100001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xa1 1FBA3 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL MIDDLE RIGHT TO LOWER CENTRE U+1FBA3, character 🮣, decimal 129955, hex 0x1FBA3, octal \375643, binary 11111101110100011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xa3 1FBA5 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL UPPER CENTRE TO MIDDLE RIGHT TO LOWER CENTRE U+1FBA5, character 🮥, decimal 129957, hex 0x1FBA5, octal \375645, binary 11111101110100101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xa5 1FBA6 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL MIDDLE LEFT TO LOWER CENTRE TO MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FBA6, character 🮦, decimal 129958, hex 0x1FBA6, octal \375646, binary 11111101110100110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xa6 1FBA7 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL MIDDLE LEFT TO UPPER CENTRE TO MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FBA7, character 🮧, decimal 129959, hex 0x1FBA7, octal \375647, binary 11111101110100111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xa7 1FBA8 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL UPPER CENTRE TO MIDDLE LEFT AND MIDDLE RIGHT TO LOWER CENTRE U+1FBA8, character 🮨, decimal 129960, hex 0x1FBA8, octal \375650, binary 11111101110101000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xa8 1FBA9 BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL UPPER CENTRE TO MIDDLE RIGHT AND MIDDLE LEFT TO LOWER CENTRE U+1FBA9, character 🮩, decimal 129961, hex 0x1FBA9, octal \375651, binary 11111101110101001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xa9 1FBAA BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL UPPER CENTRE TO MIDDLE RIGHT TO LOWER CENTRE TO MIDDLE LEFT U+1FBAA, character 🮪, decimal 129962, hex 0x1FBAA, octal \375652, binary 11111101110101010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xaa 1FBAB BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL UPPER CENTRE TO MIDDLE LEFT TO LOWER CENTRE TO MIDDLE RIGHT U+1FBAB, character 🮫, decimal 129963, hex 0x1FBAB, octal \375653, binary 11111101110101011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xab 1FBAC BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL MIDDLE LEFT TO UPPER CENTRE TO MIDDLE RIGHT TO LOWER CENTRE U+1FBAC, character 🮬, decimal 129964, hex 0x1FBAC, octal \375654, binary 11111101110101100 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xac 1FBAD BOX DRAWINGS LIGHT DIAGONAL MIDDLE RIGHT TO UPPER CENTRE TO MIDDLE LEFT TO LOWER CENTRE U+1FBAD, character 🮭, decimal 129965, hex 0x1FBAD, octal \375655, binary 11111101110101101 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xad 1FBB0 ARROWHEAD-SHAPED POINTER x (black rightwards arrowhead - 27A4) U+1FBB0, character 🮰, decimal 129968, hex 0x1FBB0, octal \375660, binary 11111101110110000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xb0 1FBB2 LEFT HALF RUNNING MAN * paired with 1FBB3, faces to the right * the Apple II documentation refers to these characters as "Running Man" x (runner - 1F3C3) U+1FBB2, character 🮲, decimal 129970, hex 0x1FBB2, octal \375662, binary 11111101110110010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xb2 1FBB3 RIGHT HALF RUNNING MAN U+1FBB3, character 🮳, decimal 129971, hex 0x1FBB3, octal \375663, binary 11111101110110011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xb3 1FBB6 RIGHTWARDS ARROW AND UPPER AND LOWER ONE EIGHTH BLOCK U+1FBB6, character 🮶, decimal 129974, hex 0x1FBB6, octal \375666, binary 11111101110110110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xb6 1FBB7 DOWNWARDS ARROW AND RIGHT ONE EIGHTH BLOCK U+1FBB7, character 🮷, decimal 129975, hex 0x1FBB7, octal \375667, binary 11111101110110111 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xb7 1FBB8 UPWARDS ARROW AND RIGHT ONE EIGHTH BLOCK U+1FBB8, character 🮸, decimal 129976, hex 0x1FBB8, octal \375670, binary 11111101110111000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xb8 1FBBA RIGHT HALF FOLDER U+1FBBA, character 🮺, decimal 129978, hex 0x1FBBA, octal \375672, binary 11111101110111010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xba 1FBBC RIGHT OPEN SQUARED DOT x (squared dot operator - 22A1) U+1FBBC, character 🮼, decimal 129980, hex 0x1FBBC, octal \375674, binary 11111101110111100 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xbc 1FBBE NEGATIVE DIAGONAL MIDDLE RIGHT TO LOWER CENTRE U+1FBBE, character 🮾, decimal 129982, hex 0x1FBBE, octal \375676, binary 11111101110111110 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xae 0xbe 1FBC1 LEFT THIRD WHITE RIGHT POINTING INDEX * glyph part, combined with 1FBC2 and 1FBC3 x (white right pointing index - 261E) U+1FBC1, character 🯁, decimal 129985, hex 0x1FBC1, octal \375701, binary 11111101111000001 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xaf 0x81 1FBC2 MIDDLE THIRD WHITE RIGHT POINTING INDEX U+1FBC2, character 🯂, decimal 129986, hex 0x1FBC2, octal \375702, binary 11111101111000010 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xaf 0x82 1FBC3 RIGHT THIRD WHITE RIGHT POINTING INDEX U+1FBC3, character 🯃, decimal 129987, hex 0x1FBC3, octal \375703, binary 11111101111000011 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xaf 0x83 1FBC8 STICK FIGURE LEANING RIGHT U+1FBC8, character 🯈, decimal 129992, hex 0x1FBC8, octal \375710, binary 11111101111001000 UTF-8: 0xf0 0x9f 0xaf 0x88 E0029 TAG RIGHT PARENTHESIS U+E0029, character , decimal 917545, hex 0xE0029, octal \3400051, binary 11100000000000101001 UTF-8: 0xf3 0xa0 0x80 0xa9 E005D TAG RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET U+E005D, character , decimal 917597, hex 0xE005D, octal \3400135, binary 11100000000001011101 UTF-8: 0xf3 0xa0 0x81 0x9d E007D TAG RIGHT CURLY BRACKET U+E007D, character , decimal 917629, hex 0xE007D, octal \3400175, binary 11100000000001111101 UTF-8: 0xf3 0xa0 0x81 0xbd