{$MODE OBJFPC} { -*- delphi -*- } {$INCLUDE settings.inc} unit hashtable; // warning: if you edit the implementation section of this unit but // not its interface, dependent units won't be recompiled, so force it // with -B interface uses hashfunctions; (* How to use THashTable ****************************************************************** * This generates a TFoo to TBar hash table with name TFooHashTable. * Replace FooHash32 with one of the functions immediately below, based on TFoo's type * If TFoo is a type that doesn't have built-in =/ operators, you'll need to define * your own utility record type instead of using DefaultUtils; see genericutils.pas type TFooUtils = specialize DefaultUtils ; TFooHashTable = class(specialize THashTable ) public constructor Create(PredictedCount: THashTableSizeInt = 8); end; constructor TFooHashTable.Create(PredictedCount: THashTableSizeInt = 8); begin inherited Create(@FooHash32, PredictedCount); end; * If you just have a one-off instance, you can skip defining a convenience constructor * and just do it like this instead: type TFooUtils = specialize DefaultUtils ; TFooHashTable = specialize THashTable ; var Hash: TFooHashTable; Hash := TFooHashTable.Create(@FooHash32, PredictedCount); *****************************************************************************************) type generic THashTable = class strict protected type PPHashTableEntry = ^PHashTableEntry; PHashTableEntry = ^THashTableEntry; THashTableEntry = record Key: TKey; Value: TValue; Next: PHashTableEntry; end; THashFunction = function (const Key: TKey): DWord; const kMaxLoadFactor = 0.7; // Wikipedia: "With a good hash function, the average lookup cost is nearly constant as the load factor increases from 0 up to 0.7 or so"; var FTable: array of PHashTableEntry; FCount: THashTableSizeInt; FHashFunction: THashFunction; procedure DoubleSize(); procedure Resize(const NewSize: THashTableSizeInt); procedure PrepareForSize(PredictedCount: THashTableSizeInt); procedure InternalAdd(var Table: array of PHashTableEntry; const Key: TKey; const Value: TValue); procedure Update(const Key: TKey; const Value: TValue); // will call Add() if the key isn't already present function Get(const Key: TKey): TValue; function GetKeyForEntry(const Entry: Pointer): TKey; function GetValueForEntry(const Entry: Pointer): TValue; procedure AdvanceEnumerator(var Current: Pointer; var Index: THashTableSizeInt); public constructor Create(const AHashFunction: THashFunction; const PredictedCount: THashTableSizeInt = 8); destructor Destroy(); override; procedure Empty(); procedure Remove(const Key: TKey); function Has(const Key: TKey): Boolean; procedure Add(const Key: TKey; const Value: TValue); function Clone(): THashTable; property Items[Key: TKey]: TValue read Get write Update; default; {$IFDEF DEBUG} procedure Histogram(var F: Text); {$ENDIF} property Count: THashTableSizeInt read FCount; public type TKeyEnumerator = class strict private FOwner: THashTable; FIndex: THashTableSizeInt; FCurrent: Pointer; function GetCurrent(): TKey; public constructor Create(const Owner: THashTable); function MoveNext(): Boolean; property Current: TKey read GetCurrent; function GetEnumerator(): TKeyEnumerator; end; function GetEnumerator(): TKeyEnumerator; public type TValueEnumerator = class strict private FOwner: THashTable; FIndex: THashTableSizeInt; FCurrent: Pointer; function GetCurrent(): TValue; public constructor Create(const Owner: THashTable); function MoveNext(): Boolean; property Current: TValue read GetCurrent; function GetEnumerator(): TValueEnumerator; end; function Values(): TValueEnumerator; end; // XXX would be good to see if we can cache the enumerators mentioned above // e.g. by tracking if it's still in use, and having a "master" enumerator (cached the first time it's created) which // we only free when it's done, and whose .Free doesn't do anything if the instance is a master, or something // (assuming for..in implicitly calls .Free) implementation uses sysutils; constructor THashTable.Create(const AHashFunction: THashFunction; const PredictedCount: THashTableSizeInt = 8); begin inherited Create(); Assert(Assigned(AHashFunction)); FHashFunction := AHashFunction; Assert(PredictedCount > 0); PrepareForSize(PredictedCount); end; destructor THashTable.Destroy(); begin Empty(); inherited; end; procedure THashTable.Empty(); var Index: THashTableSizeInt; Item, LastItem: PHashTableEntry; begin if (Length(FTable) > 0) then for Index := Low(FTable) to High(FTable) do begin Item := FTable[Index]; while (Assigned(Item)) do begin LastItem := Item; Item := Item^.Next; Dispose(LastItem); end; FTable[Index] := nil; end; FCount := 0; end; procedure THashTable.DoubleSize(); begin Assert(Length(FTable) > 0); if (Length(FTable)*2 < High(THashTableSizeInt)) then Resize(Length(FTable) * 2) // $R- else if (Length(FTable) < High(THashTableSizeInt)) then Resize(High(THashTableSizeInt)); end; procedure THashTable.PrepareForSize(PredictedCount: THashTableSizeInt); const LoadFactorLimit = 1/kMaxLoadFactor; begin Assert(PredictedCount > 0); if (PredictedCount * LoadFactorLimit < High(THashTableSizeInt)) then PredictedCount := Trunc(PredictedCount * LoadFactorLimit) // $R- else PredictedCount := High(THashTableSizeInt); if (FCount > 0) then Resize(PredictedCount) else SetLength(FTable, PredictedCount); end; procedure THashTable.Resize(const NewSize: THashTableSizeInt); var NewTable: array of PHashTableEntry; Index: THashTableSizeInt; Item, LastItem: PHashTableEntry; begin Assert(NewSize > 0); if (NewSize <> Length(FTable)) then begin SetLength(NewTable, NewSize); Assert(Length(FTable) > 0); for Index := Low(FTable) to High(FTable) do // $R- begin Item := FTable[Index]; while (Assigned(Item)) do begin InternalAdd(NewTable, Item^.Key, Item^.Value); LastItem := Item; Item := Item^.Next; Dispose(LastItem); end; end; FTable := NewTable; end; end; procedure THashTable.InternalAdd(var Table: array of PHashTableEntry; const Key: TKey; const Value: TValue); var Hash: DWord; Entry: PHashTableEntry; begin { This is safe because Length(table) is positive and 'mod' will only ever return a smaller value } Hash := FHashFunction(Key) mod Length(Table); // $R- New(Entry); Entry^.Key := Key; Entry^.Value := Value; Entry^.Next := Table[Hash]; Table[Hash] := Entry; end; procedure THashTable.Add(const Key: TKey; const Value: TValue); begin Inc(FCount); if (FCount/Length(FTable) > kMaxLoadFactor) then begin { Wikipedia: "With a good hash function, the average lookup cost is nearly constant as the load factor increases from 0 up to 0.7 or so" } DoubleSize(); end; InternalAdd(FTable, Key, Value); end; procedure THashTable.Remove(const Key: TKey); var Hash: DWord; Entry: PHashTableEntry; LastEntry: PPHashTableEntry; begin { This is safe because Length(table) is positive and 'mod' will only ever return a smaller value } Hash := FHashFunction(Key) mod Length(FTable); // $R- Entry := FTable[Hash]; LastEntry := @FTable[Hash]; while (Assigned(Entry)) do begin if (Utils.Equals(Entry^.Key, Key)) then begin LastEntry^ := Entry^.Next; Dispose(Entry); Dec(FCount); Exit; end; LastEntry := @Entry^.Next; Entry := Entry^.Next; end; end; function THashTable.Get(const Key: TKey): TValue; var Entry: PHashTableEntry; begin { This is safe because Length(table) is positive and 'mod' will only ever return a smaller value } Entry := FTable[FHashFunction(Key) mod Length(FTable)]; while (Assigned(Entry)) do begin if (Utils.Equals(Entry^.Key, Key)) then begin Result := Entry^.Value; Exit; end; Entry := Entry^.Next; end; Result := Default(TValue); end; function THashTable.Has(const Key: TKey): Boolean; var Entry: PHashTableEntry; begin { This is safe because Length(table) is positive and 'mod' will only ever return a smaller value } Entry := FTable[FHashFunction(Key) mod Length(FTable)]; while (Assigned(Entry)) do begin if (Utils.Equals(Entry^.Key, Key)) then begin Result := True; Exit; end; Entry := Entry^.Next; end; Result := False; end; procedure THashTable.Update(const Key: TKey; const Value: TValue); var Entry: PHashTableEntry; begin { This is safe because Length(table) is positive and 'mod' will only ever return a smaller value } Entry := FTable[FHashFunction(Key) mod Length(FTable)]; while (Assigned(Entry)) do begin if (Utils.Equals(Entry^.Key, Key)) then begin Entry^.Value := Value; Exit; end; Entry := Entry^.Next; end; Add(Key, Value); end; {$IFDEF DEBUG} procedure THashTable.Histogram(var F: Text); var Index: THashTableSizeInt; Item: PHashTableEntry; begin Assert(Length(FTable) > 0); Writeln(F, 'THashTable histogram:'); // $DFA- for F for Index := Low(FTable) to High(FTable) do // $R- begin System.Write(F, Index: 5, ': '); Item := FTable[Index]; while (Assigned(Item)) do begin System.Write(F, '#'); Item := Item^.Next; end; Writeln(F); end; Writeln(F, 'Size: ' + IntToStr(Length(FTable)) + '; Count: ' + IntToStr(FCount)); end; {$ENDIF} function THashTable.GetKeyForEntry(const Entry: Pointer): TKey; begin if (Assigned(Entry)) then begin Result := PHashTableEntry(Entry)^.Key; end else begin Result := Default(TKey); end; end; function THashTable.GetValueForEntry(const Entry: Pointer): TValue; begin if (Assigned(Entry)) then begin Result := PHashTableEntry(Entry)^.Value; end else begin Result := Default(TValue); end; end; procedure THashTable.AdvanceEnumerator(var Current: Pointer; var Index: THashTableSizeInt); begin if (Assigned(Current)) then begin // advance Current := PHashTableEntry(Current)^.Next end else begin // just started Assert(Index = 0); Current := FTable[Index]; end; while ((not Assigned(Current)) and (Index < High(FTable))) do begin Inc(Index); Current := FTable[Index]; end; end; function THashTable.Clone(): THashTable; var Index: Cardinal; Current: PHashTableEntry; begin Assert(Assigned(Self)); Result := ClassType.Create() as THashTable; Result.FHashFunction := FHashFunction; Result.PrepareForSize(FCount); if (FCount > 0) then begin Assert(Length(FTable) > 0); for Index := Low(FTable) to High(FTable) do // $R- begin Current := FTable[Index]; while (Assigned(Current)) do begin Result.Add(Current^.Key, Current^.Value); Current := Current^.Next; end; end; end; Assert(Result.Count = FCount); end; constructor THashTable.TKeyEnumerator.Create(const Owner: THashTable); begin FOwner := Owner; FIndex := 0; FCurrent := nil; end; function THashTable.TKeyEnumerator.GetCurrent(): TKey; begin Result := FOwner.GetKeyForEntry(FCurrent); end; function THashTable.TKeyEnumerator.MoveNext(): Boolean; begin FOwner.AdvanceEnumerator(FCurrent, FIndex); Result := Assigned(FCurrent); end; function THashTable.TKeyEnumerator.GetEnumerator(): TKeyEnumerator; begin Result := Self; end; function THashTable.GetEnumerator(): TKeyEnumerator; begin Result := TKeyEnumerator.Create(Self); end; constructor THashTable.TValueEnumerator.Create(const Owner: THashTable); begin FOwner := Owner; FIndex := 0; FCurrent := nil; end; function THashTable.TValueEnumerator.GetCurrent(): TValue; begin Result := FOwner.GetValueForEntry(FCurrent); end; function THashTable.TValueEnumerator.MoveNext(): Boolean; begin FOwner.AdvanceEnumerator(FCurrent, FIndex); Result := Assigned(FCurrent); end; function THashTable.TValueEnumerator.GetEnumerator(): TValueEnumerator; begin Result := Self; end; function THashTable.Values(): TValueEnumerator; begin Result := TValueEnumerator.Create(Self); end; end.