{$MODE OBJFPC} { -*- delphi -*- } {$INCLUDE settings.inc} unit corewebsocket; interface uses corenetwork, sysutils; //{$DEFINE WEBSOCKET_VERBOSE} type TWebSocket = class(TNetworkSocket) protected type TWebSocketState = (wsRequestLine, wsFieldTrailingEnd, wsFieldEnd, wsFieldNameStart, wsFieldName, wsFieldSeparator, wsFieldValue, wsHandshakeEnd, wsFrameByte1, wsFrameByte2, wsFrameExtendedLength16, wsFrameExtendedLength64, wsFrameMask, wsFramePayload, wsError); TWebSocketFrameType = (ftContinuation := $00, ftText := $01, ftBinary := $02, ftClose := $08, ftPing := $09, ftPong := $0A); TWebSocketFrame = record FrameType: TWebSocketFrameType; FinalFrame: Boolean; MaskKey: array[0..3] of Byte; Length, Index: Cardinal; Data: RawByteString; end; var FState: TWebSocketState; FCanWriteFrames: Boolean; FCurrentFrame: TWebSocketFrame; FBufferType: TWebSocketFrameType; FBuffer: RawByteString; FCurrentFieldName, FCurrentFieldValue, FHandshakeKey: RawByteString; function InternalRead(Data: array of Byte): Boolean; override; procedure CheckField(); virtual; procedure Handshake(); virtual; function ProcessFrame(): Boolean; // return false if frame is bogus and we should disconnect // API for subclasses: procedure HandleMessage(s: UTF8String); virtual; abstract; procedure WriteFrame(const s: UTF8String); {$IFDEF DEBUG} virtual; {$ENDIF} public constructor Create(Listener: TListenerSocket); property Ready: Boolean read FCanWriteFrames; end; implementation uses sha1, base64encoder, utf8; constructor TWebSocket.Create(Listener: TListenerSocket); begin inherited Create(Listener); FState := wsRequestLine; end; function TWebSocket.InternalRead(Data: array of Byte): Boolean; var Index: Cardinal; c: Byte; begin Result := True; Assert(Length(Data) > 0); for Index := 0 to Length(Data)-1 do {BOGUS Warning: Type size mismatch, possible loss of data / range check error} begin c := Data[Index]; case FState of wsRequestLine, wsFieldTrailingEnd: case c of $0D: FState := wsFieldEnd; end; wsFieldEnd: case c of $0A: FState := wsFieldNameStart; else FState := wsError; Result := False; Exit; end; wsFieldNameStart: case c of $0D: FState := wsHandshakeEnd; Ord(':'): FState := wsFieldTrailingEnd; else FCurrentFieldName := Chr(c); FState := wsFieldName; end; wsFieldName: case c of Ord(':'): FState := wsFieldSeparator; $0D: FState := wsFieldEnd; else FCurrentFieldName := FCurrentFieldName + Chr(c); end; wsFieldSeparator: case c of Ord(' '): begin FState := wsFieldValue; FCurrentFieldValue := ''; end; $0D: FState := wsFieldEnd; else FState := wsError; Result := False; Exit; end; wsFieldValue: case c of $0D: begin FState := wsFieldEnd; CheckField(); end; else FCurrentFieldValue := FCurrentFieldValue + Chr(c); end; wsHandshakeEnd: case c of $0A: begin FState := wsFrameByte1; Handshake(); end; else FState := wsError; Result := False; Exit; end; wsFrameByte1: begin FCurrentFrame.FrameType := TWebSocketFrameType(c and $0F); // assume bits 5, 6, and 7 are zero (extension bits, we don't negotiate any extensions) FCurrentFrame.FinalFrame := (c and $80) = $80; FState := wsFrameByte2; end; wsFrameByte2: begin FCurrentFrame.Length := Cardinal(Byte(c and $7F)); // assume bit 8 is set (masking bit, client must mask) FCurrentFrame.Index := 0; case (FCurrentFrame.Length) of 0..125: FState := wsFrameMask; 126: begin FCurrentFrame.Length := 0; FState := wsFrameExtendedLength16; end; 127: begin FCurrentFrame.Length := 0; FState := wsFrameExtendedLength64; end; else Assert(False); end; end; wsFrameExtendedLength16, wsFrameExtendedLength64: begin FCurrentFrame.Length := FCurrentFrame.Length or (c shl (FCurrentFrame.Index * 8)); Inc(FCurrentFrame.Index); if (((FState = wsFrameExtendedLength16) and (FCurrentFrame.Index = 2)) or ((FState = wsFrameExtendedLength64) and (FCurrentFrame.Index = 8))) then begin FCurrentFrame.Index := 0; FState := wsFrameMask; end; end; wsFrameMask: begin FCurrentFrame.MaskKey[FCurrentFrame.Index] := c; Inc(FCurrentFrame.Index); if (FCurrentFrame.Index = 4) then begin if (FCurrentFrame.Length > 1024) then begin FState := wsError; Result := False; Exit; end else begin SetLength(FCurrentFrame.Data, FCurrentFrame.Length); if (FCurrentFrame.Length > 0) then begin FCurrentFrame.Index := 1; FState := wsFramePayload; end else begin if (not ProcessFrame()) then begin FState := wsError; Result := False; exit; end; FState := wsFrameByte1; end; end; end; end; wsFramePayload: begin FCurrentFrame.Data[FCurrentFrame.Index] := Chr(c xor FCurrentFrame.MaskKey[(FCurrentFrame.Index-1) mod 4]); Inc(FCurrentFrame.Index); if (FCurrentFrame.Index > FCurrentFrame.Length) then begin if (not ProcessFrame()) then begin FState := wsError; Result := False; exit; end; FState := wsFrameByte1; end; end; else Assert(False); end; end; end; procedure TWebSocket.CheckField(); begin if (FCurrentFieldName = 'Sec-WebSocket-Key') then FHandshakeKey := FCurrentFieldValue { ... Host, Origin, Sec-WebSocket-Protocol, ... } end; procedure TWebSocket.Handshake(); var Challenge, Response: RawByteString; Digest: TSHA1Digest; Index: Cardinal; begin Challenge := FHandshakeKey + '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11'; Digest := SHA1String(Challenge); Response := ''; for Index := Low(Digest) to High(Digest) do Response := Response + Chr(Digest[Index]); Response := Base64(Response); Write('HTTP/1.1 101 WebSocket Protocol Handshake'#13#10); Write('Upgrade: WebSocket'#13#10); Write('Connection: Upgrade'#13#10); Write('Sec-WebSocket-Accept: ' + Response + #13#10); Write(#13#10); FCanWriteFrames := True; end; function TWebSocket.ProcessFrame(): Boolean; function HandleTextMessage(const CompleteData: RawByteString): Boolean; begin FBuffer := ''; if (not IsValidUTF8(CompleteData)) then begin Result := False; exit; end; Result := True; HandleMessage(CompleteData); end; begin Result := True; case (FCurrentFrame.FrameType) of ftContinuation: begin FBuffer := FBuffer + FCurrentFrame.Data; if ((FCurrentFrame.FinalFrame) and (FBufferType = ftText)) then Result := HandleTextMessage(FBuffer); end; ftText: begin FBuffer := FCurrentFrame.Data; FBufferType := ftText; if (FCurrentFrame.FinalFrame) then Result := HandleTextMessage(FBuffer); end; ftBinary: begin // we don't support binary frames, just ignore it FBuffer := ''; FBufferType := ftBinary; end; ftClose: begin // we don't support this per spec, just close the connection {$IFDEF WEBSOCKET_NETWORK} Writeln('Received close frame.'); {$ENDIF} Disconnect(); end; ftPing, ftPong: begin // we don't support ping frames, just ignore them end; end; end; procedure TWebSocket.WriteFrame(const s: UTF8String); begin {$IFDEF WEBSOCKET_VERBOSE} Writeln('Sending: ', s); {$ENDIF} Assert(IsValidUTF8(s)); Assert(FCanWriteFrames); Write([$81]); // unfragmented text frame if (Length(s) > 65535) then Write([127, Byte((Length(s) shr 8*7) and $FF), Byte((Length(s) shr 8*6) and $FF), Byte((Length(s) shr 8*5) and $FF), Byte((Length(s) shr 8*4) and $FF), Byte((Length(s) shr 8*3) and $FF), Byte((Length(s) shr 8*2) and $FF), Byte((Length(s) shr 8*1) and $FF), Byte((Length(s) ) and $FF)]) else // 126..65535 if (Length(s) >= 126) then Write([126, Byte((Length(s) shr 8*1) and $FF), Byte((Length(s) ) and $FF)]) else // 0..126 Write([Byte(Length(s))]); if (Length(s) > 0) then Write(s); end; end.