Hixie's Web log system, as used by http://ln.hixie.ch/ and http://blog.wuki.net/ and http://www.dummy-blog.org/. REQUIREMENTS ============ * Apache with mod_headers * MySQL 3.23.46 * CVS 1.10.7 * Expat * Perl 5.005_03, including: DBI (comes with Perl) Data::Dumper (comes with Perl) File::Basename (comes with Perl) HTML::Entities (comes with Perl) HTTP::Headers (comes with Perl) HTTP::Negotiate (comes with Perl) MIME::Base64 (comes with Perl) MIME::Parser (comes with Perl) Net::SMTP (comes with Perl) Term::ReadLine (comes with Perl) * TemplateToolkit 2 * XML::Parser * RPC::XML (this can be a pain to install) Earlier versions of these programs or modules may work but have not been tested. INSTALLATION ============ # change to the directory that is the parent of the directory in which you want the blog to reside cd ~/parent/of/blog/directory # get the blog software wget http://software.hixie.ch/applications/blog/blog.tar.gz tar xvfz blog.tar.gz # rename the "blog" directory to whatever you want to call it mv blog blogDirectory # enter that directory cd blogDirectory # get PLIF from mozilla CVS (password is anonymous) cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot login cvs -d :pserver:anonymous@cvs-mirror.mozilla.org:/cvsroot co -d PLIF mozilla/webtools/PLIF # update the permissions chmod ugo+x index chmod -R go-w ./ # run setup ./index setup # to use the blog, just point the browser at the directory